- 11:32 Ticket #2295 (Help on ObjGet) created by
- I had to add an empty function, to make example two work, in the help …
- 08:49 Ticket #2294 (ControlGetText failing when window title happens to contain umlauts) closed by
- No Bug: Your error is of semantic nature considering this works: […]
- 05:47 Ticket #2294 (ControlGetText failing when window title happens to contain umlauts) created by
- Sample: $Aktiivne_Suund = ControlGetText($MAINWIN,"Piiriületus", …
- 10:30 Ticket #2293 (_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImage crashes if we dispose the bitmap.) closed by
- No Bug: So you are disposing image object and then use pointer to released object to draw. Then you report bug because of the crash you get. ...I'm sorry for you waiting 4 days for developer (OMG!) response and for AutoIt not having one person with enough knowledge and capability to close this report earlier. Clearly we are doing something wrong. I'm also sure that some time from now you will say for yourself: "Oh that was embarrassing, shame on me." Btw, Your code is unrunnable.
- 18:36 Ticket #2292 (_IEErrorNotify() and $_IEErrorNotify are conflicting, in IE.au3 for closed by
- No Bug: That version of AutoIt is outdated at this point and wasn't meant to be anyhing more than a sort of a teaser showing very basic concept of future development (that have taken place in the meantime). I'm not sure why is that still available for downloading. The only smart thing to do for me is close this report as no_bug therefore and ask you no to report bugs relaed to that version in the future.
- 12:22 Ticket #2292 (_IEErrorNotify() and $_IEErrorNotify are conflicting, in IE.au3 for created by
- The function name and the variable name $_IEErrorNotify / …
- 19:13 Ticket #2291 (AutoIt causes memory leak?) closed by
- Works For Me: Sorry, I see no leakage.
- 08:29 Ticket #2291 (AutoIt causes memory leak?) created by
- Hey guys, im writing on my project and got some memory leaks. Actual …
- 19:54 Ticket #2290 (String functions fails on a file) closed by
- No Bug: Please be serious with bug reporting next time.
- 11:25 Ticket #2290 (String functions fails on a file) created by
- I wanted to replace a simple string on the file …
- 07:59 Ticket #2289 (PixelGetColor - output options) created by
- The current decimal output has to be converted to Hex using said …
- 18:34 Ticket #2288 (Duplicated _WinAPI_OpenProcess) closed by
- No Bug: Yes. However, former is function for internal use and not meant to be used outside Memory.au3. No bug, just weird logic.
- 14:56 Ticket #2288 (Duplicated _WinAPI_OpenProcess) created by
- Hi Mem_OpenProcess function in Memory.au3 and _WinAPI_OpenProcess …
- 18:48 Ticket #2287 (GUICtrlSetState($controlID, $GUI_ONTOP) Doesn't set on top) closed by
- No Bug: $GUI_ONTOP does what it's docummented that it does. There is no bug here. Documentation says that control will get to the top of z-order. By default if the control is on top, it's the closest to the parent window (GUI) and it's therefore covered by all other controls being lower down the z-order. On the other hand, for example, if the GUI would have WS_EX_COMPOSITED ex-style, you would see different effect (also docummented).
- 11:32 Ticket #2287 (GUICtrlSetState($controlID, $GUI_ONTOP) Doesn't set on top) created by
- GUICtrlSetState($controlID, $GUI_ONTOP) Doesn't set the control on top …
- 01:57 Ticket #2286 (GuiCtrtlGetState without a controlID parameter runs but aborts AutoIt) created by
- GuiCtrtlGetState without a controlID parameter runs but aborts AutoIt, …
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