


08:06 Ticket #2275 (Add functions on decimals.) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Rounding is someting else and it includes approximation by definition - something that your code lacks of. AutoIt has Round() function.


13:29 Ticket #2275 (Add functions on decimals.) created by Caius-Corsades the-patriots@…
Functions for rounding and know the number of digits after the decimal …


13:25 Ticket #2274 (StringRegExp crashes on large string) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Strange crash on large string with specific pattern, here is an …


06:39 Ticket #2273 (Long strings are cropped at hypen or whitespace in edit controls) closed by Jpm
No Bug


16:28 Ticket #2272 (a script file can't access other file's local variable) closed by trancexx
09:55 Ticket #2273 (Long strings are cropped at hypen or whitespace in edit controls) created by mwnn@…
If a string contains a hyphen or whitespace and the string is longer …


03:36 Ticket #2272 (a script file can't access other file's local variable) created by hardnut@…
we all know AutoIt script will never have a OO feature, but a more …


12:42 Ticket #2271 (a script file can't access other file's local variable) closed by trancexx
No Bug
12:09 Ticket #2271 (a script file can't access other file's local variable) created by anonymous
we all know AutoIt script will never have a OO feature, but a more …


14:18 Ticket #2269 (Help file) closed by trancexx
No Bug: Ability to Ctrl + MouseScroll is related to the version of your IE. Font button no longer works because we had issues with uniformed rendering for online documentation depending on user's browser. That's why we changed font sizes from small-normal-large to fixed sizes in pixels. As one may imagine, for font sizes specified in pixels CHM font button doesn't work. As I understand there are some third-party utilites that you can use for enlarging/zooming text for CHM pages, maybe you should try them out. This is not a bug. However we should probably remove "Font" button, not to create confusion.


17:05 Ticket #2270 (Auto It - slogan suggestions) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Nah, I don't like it. Thanks though.


13:01 Ticket #2268 (_StringReverse()) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7377] in version:


04:12 Ticket #2270 (Auto It - slogan suggestions) created by anonymous
Hi Saw your auto it 'motto' AutoIt is simple, subtle, elegant. © …


16:49 Ticket #2265 (@OSVersion returns "UNKNOWN" in Windows 8) closed by trancexx
Works For Me
08:42 Ticket #2269 (Help file) created by anonymous
Latest stable version's help file not allowing font increase ( not …
08:41 Ticket #2268 (_StringReverse()) created by anonymous
Check _StringReverse() For Chinese, Korean, Japanese, similar …


20:02 Ticket #2267 (Eval Flag (new Feature Request)) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Your English is not a problem. No to the request. Function like Eval should be used only in extreme cases when there is no other way to access data (e.g. unknown number of function arguments). Extending its functionality would eventually lead to the abuse of usage.
12:25 Ticket #2267 (Eval Flag (new Feature Request)) created by DXRW4E
At present Eval() Returns the value of the variable, and possible to …


16:12 Ticket #2266 (FileFindNextFile - expanded attribute info in @extended) created by Melba23
At present FileFindNextFile sets @extended to 1 if the return …


16:58 Ticket #2265 (@OSVersion returns "UNKNOWN" in Windows 8) created by Tripredacus
Using @OSVersion variable on Windows 8 returns "UNKNOWN" as its data. …
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