


14:23 Ticket #2192 (New API...au3 include files conflict) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7128] in version:
09:53 Ticket #1571 (StringSplit - Add CaseSense parameter) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Case insensitive split would result in 100 bug reports by users using languages other than English. AutoIt string is not limited to ASCII character set.
09:37 Ticket #1674 (DirCopy()/DirMove() does not preserve the attributes of a folder) closed by trancexx
09:30 Ticket #263 (Drop PluginOpen()/PluginClose() in favor of an #import statement) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Plugin feature will not be developed further.


12:16 Ticket #2223 (Minor documentation correction for _WordErrorHandlerRegister) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7124] in version:
01:39 Ticket #2231 (ControlSend case of text inconsistent) closed by Valik
No Bug: You provided a script to reproduce the issue about as useful as the scripts 2 years ago. In other words, this is pointless. We can't reproduce it and the code looks fine on our end.


19:32 Ticket #2231 (ControlSend case of text inconsistent) created by multiades@…
This was reported previously, but it was closed 2 years ago as "no …


15:56 Ticket #2229 (Bug in Obfuscator.exe v1.0.30.1) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: This is not the correct place to report issues with SciTE4AutoIt or it's tools.
15:55 Ticket #2230 (MsgBox - Add Location Parameters) closed by Valik
Rejected: Message boxes are a standard Windows feature. Talk to Microsoft. Better yet spend about two seconds thinking about how you could achieve this on your own and you'll see you can do it already. I hear AutoIt is a good automation language for manipulating windows.
15:20 Ticket #2230 (MsgBox - Add Location Parameters) created by shmuelw1
I very often want a MsgBox that is NOT centered on the screen. How …


21:12 Ticket #2229 (Bug in Obfuscator.exe v1.0.30.1) created by UEZ
[…] I don't know who will maintain SciTE and its components in …


13:58 Ticket #2225 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) closed by trancexx
No Bug


18:39 Ticket #2226 (Please give your comments to avoid two windows which are getting opened.) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Hm. What to say. Try to put yourself into our shoes. You will then see how very little sense you make here.
15:14 Ticket #2227 (GUICtrlCreateEdit doesn't have full Unicode support) closed by trancexx
No Bug
12:57 Ticket #2228 (Cant post ??) closed by trancexx
No Bug: This trac is for AutoIt language. Anyway, be patient.
08:05 Ticket #2228 (Cant post ??) created by anonymous
I posted my first thread and it wont show to public cause no one has …
03:58 Ticket #2227 (GUICtrlCreateEdit doesn't have full Unicode support) created by sleeping.love@…
I found a problem with GUICtrlCreateEdit. When i added …


11:56 Ticket #2222 (Cyrillic names of COM object / methods) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7089] in version:
08:28 Ticket #2226 (Please give your comments to avoid two windows which are getting opened.) created by bhargavi.vittalsingh@…
While browsing for a file, two browse windows gets opening. I have …


16:38 Ticket #2225 (_FileWriteToLine Bug) created by MemphiZ@…
I found a bug in the _FileWriteToLine function of the File.au3 include …


23:47 Ticket #1866 (GUI $WS_EX_MDICHILD Top Alignment bug) closed by trancexx
Wont Fix: If anyone sees any sense in this then please make another report.
21:14 Ticket #1995 (Different results on x86 and x64) closed by trancexx
Wont Fix: Addressed by revision [7088].


23:15 Ticket #2224 (_FileReadToArray() Add optional parameter to disable row count return ...) created by Bowmore
Would it be possible to add an optional parameter to this UDF function …


17:39 Ticket #2215 (Wrong(?) syntax check of default parameter value with array variable) closed by trancexx
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7083] in version:


14:26 Ticket #2223 (Minor documentation correction for _WordErrorHandlerRegister) created by Tippex
The provided example script for _WordErrorHandlerRegister just has the …


17:33 Ticket #1993 (Forum [autoit] code abbreviates URLs - it shouldn't) closed by Valik
Fixed: This appears fixed with IPB 3.3.3.
17:13 Ticket #1631 (Get FilePath from file handle) closed by trancexx
Rejected: This really isn't necessary.
16:56 Ticket #1172 (.NET controls in beta closed by trancexx
16:30 Ticket #1265 (Au3Check support for Static) closed by trancexx
Completed: For some time now Au3Check handles Static correctly.
16:26 Ticket #2014 (Updated Array.au3 UDF to be used with 2D arrays) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Unfortunately something like this isn't currently needed. Thanks anyway.
16:20 Ticket #1691 (ControlCommand is not working for .net checkboxes.) closed by trancexx
16:14 Ticket #1887 (Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays with multiple sort columns) closed by trancexx
15:46 Ticket #2031 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetBkColor() not working) closed by trancexx
No Bug: It works all right. You don't see it working probably because your system forces default control style.
15:22 Ticket #1607 (ControlTreeView not fully working with SysTreeView32) closed by trancexx
14:26 Ticket #1803 (GuiRichEdit Zoom Set) closed by trancexx
Rejected: It's very hard to understand what's this about.
13:52 Ticket #2007 (#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=None Creates "asInvoker" ...) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Check the latest SciTE4AutoIt. That's the only advice I can give regarding this.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.