


14:26 Ticket #2223 (Minor documentation correction for _WordErrorHandlerRegister) created by Tippex
The provided example script for _WordErrorHandlerRegister just has the …


17:33 Ticket #1993 (Forum [autoit] code abbreviates URLs - it shouldn't) closed by Valik
Fixed: This appears fixed with IPB 3.3.3.
17:13 Ticket #1631 (Get FilePath from file handle) closed by trancexx
Rejected: This really isn't necessary.
16:56 Ticket #1172 (.NET controls in beta closed by trancexx
16:30 Ticket #1265 (Au3Check support for Static) closed by trancexx
Completed: For some time now Au3Check handles Static correctly.
16:26 Ticket #2014 (Updated Array.au3 UDF to be used with 2D arrays) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Unfortunately something like this isn't currently needed. Thanks anyway.
16:20 Ticket #1691 (ControlCommand is not working for .net checkboxes.) closed by trancexx
16:14 Ticket #1887 (Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays with multiple sort columns) closed by trancexx
15:46 Ticket #2031 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_SetBkColor() not working) closed by trancexx
No Bug: It works all right. You don't see it working probably because your system forces default control style.
15:22 Ticket #1607 (ControlTreeView not fully working with SysTreeView32) closed by trancexx
14:26 Ticket #1803 (GuiRichEdit Zoom Set) closed by trancexx
Rejected: It's very hard to understand what's this about.
13:52 Ticket #2007 (#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_requestedExecutionLevel=None Creates "asInvoker" ...) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Check the latest SciTE4AutoIt. That's the only advice I can give regarding this.


03:15 Ticket #2222 (Cyrillic names of COM object / methods) created by mtelis@…
I'm trying to use AutoIt with 1C …


22:55 Ticket #2221 (FileDelete() @error values) created by anonymous
Request to have FileDelete() return an @error value. Currently, …
02:15 Ticket #2220 (C struct-like syntax) created by matwachich@…
Hello! When I see the new AutoIt beta (3.9.xx), I think it's the …
00:41 Ticket #2219 (_ExcelReadSheetToArray() fix and upgrade) created by Spiff59
The helpfile and docs for _ExcelReadSheetToArray() state "If the sheet …


04:27 Ticket #2218 (AutoIt crash when using SetGroupInfo with $LVGS_SELECTED state before ...) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Check this example: […] I know it's wrong usage, discovered by …


23:01 Ticket #2217 (IniRead + Boolean default.) closed by Valik
No Bug: The function very clearly states that it returns the default string. No bug. No feature request, the behavior will not be changed.


19:22 Ticket #2217 (IniRead + Boolean default.) created by anonymous
[…] If the $Key doesn't exist, function returns string


17:11 Ticket #2216 (_WordAttach to closed Word doc crashes latest beta but OK for latest stable) created by Tippex
_WordAttach to an already closed Word document crashes latest beta …


10:59 Ticket #2214 (Help file description for ProcessExists) closed by trancexx
No Bug: What's the connection between your question, quoted text and bug? Probably just you. Please use forum for questions like this.
09:30 Ticket #2215 (Wrong(?) syntax check of default parameter value with array variable) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Try Syntax Check on this example: […] According to syntax check …
05:19 Ticket #2214 (Help file description for ProcessExists) created by vga1232@…
Help file description for ProcessExists mentions : "The process is …


19:43 Ticket #2212 (Please increase the numbers of @IPAddress1 up to @IPAddress8) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can get the information yourself. This does not need to be built in.
17:45 Ticket #2211 (Only one RichEdit control can be created) closed by trancexx
15:52 Ticket #2213 (Problem with UDPOpen or UDPRecv an computer with more the one networc card) created by skyteddy <rainer@…>
Hello, the purpose of my program is to collect all sent replies …
14:55 Ticket #2212 (Please increase the numbers of @IPAddress1 up to @IPAddress8) created by rainer@…
Hello, till now, there are 4 macros for ip-Addresses: @IPAddress1 - …
00:48 Ticket #2211 (Only one RichEdit control can be created) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
This problem caused by the strange change in for …


13:32 Ticket #2210 (StringInStr) created by anonymous
The below code returns the position of the string, but I think it …
07:25 Ticket #2165 (_GUICtrlRebar_SetBandIdealSize bug) closed by trancexx
Works For Me


16:10 Ticket #1971 (_GUICtrlListBox_SetHeaderColor) closed by trancexx
Rejected: There are few examples on the forum. Not everything needs to be packed.
15:57 Ticket #1930 (_GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort doesn't sort ItemParam) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Where? What? ...If you don't mind doing that properly next time please.
09:57 Ticket #1595 (SupportedOS ID for manifest) closed by trancexx
Completed: Added by revision [7056] in version:


16:22 Ticket #2209 (AutoIt3Wrapper wildcard include directive) closed by trancexx
08:35 Ticket #2209 (AutoIt3Wrapper wildcard include directive) created by tankbuster@…
I faced a small issue, and after some discussion found here: …


18:26 Ticket #2205 (Scite indentation misconfiguration) closed by trancexx
No Bug: What exactly is the bug? When I click indentation settings I see "Tab Size" 4, "Indent Size" 4, and unchecked box for "Use tabs". Nothing changes if I click OK there.
03:34 Ticket #2206 (Detailed information on _array display) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can customize the heading yourself.
00:20 Ticket #2208 (ControlGetText not working on calculator) created by anonymous
Win7 64 bits mode (and 32 bits mode) Unable to get text of (static) …


19:26 Ticket #2207 (Addition to the Docs for TrayItemSetState) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
If we use $TRAY_DEFAULT state for some tray item, then primary double …
10:18 Ticket #2206 (Detailed information on _array display) created by wimhek
Please have the line number displayed within the heading of the …


01:27 Ticket #2205 (Scite indentation misconfiguration) created by anonymous
In previous releases, Scite indented with tabs, and the indent size …
01:19 Ticket #2204 (Scite ignores parameters) created by kasty
When we set Parameters with Shift+F8 and then run a script with F5, …


20:57 Ticket #2203 (InetGet Help Example (inetget.au3)) closed by guinness
Fixed: Fixed by revision [7053] in version:
20:07 Ticket #2203 (InetGet Help Example (inetget.au3)) created by anonymous
C:\Program\AutoIt3\Examples\Helpfile\InetGet.au3: A slash is missing …


14:41 Ticket #2189 (white space after if statement is removed) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Tidy is not official AutoIt tool. Contact the author (Jos) by other means.
11:17 Ticket #1526 (Display FileName into Aut2Exe Error) closed by trancexx
Completed: Added by revision [7046] in version:
10:31 Ticket #1914 (Error Codes for File operations) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Internal implementation of these functions may or may not use APIs you suspect. Also implementation may change depending on whatever reason. What I'm saying is that last error of GetLastError is not certain to be generated.
10:22 Ticket #2194 (_IECreate() Hidden Flag Not working IE8+) closed by trancexx
Works For Me
10:09 Ticket #2127 (Obfuscator /striponlyincludes does not process block comments correctly) closed by trancexx
Rejected: Obfuscator is not official AutoIt tool. It only happens that the creator of that tool is AutoIt dev. Obfuscator has its own thread in examples script forum, try posting there.
10:05 Ticket #1964 (can't make zero-length array, array functions messed up) closed by trancexx
Completed: I didn't saw this ticket earlier. Anyway, zero size arrays are added in the meantime. Next version of AutoIt has them. If _Array functions wouldn't be able to support them then make new report.
09:14 Ticket #1989 (#include fails badly if the included file has BOM) closed by trancexx
Works For Me


20:49 Ticket #383 (Include A3X file as a script) closed by trancexx
Completed: Added by revision [7035] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.