


18:43 Ticket #1904 (Problem with @MyDocumentsDir macro in Windows XP) created by ffdshow
If I run the code bellow in Windows XP SP3 ENG, @MyDocumentsDir macro …


15:39 Ticket #1903 (Au3Check, Globals, #OnAutoItStartRegister) created by mvg
Well, might as well drop this one in. (personal request of course)


19:58 Ticket #1902 (Better error msg for (undefined) Global var in Function definition.) closed by Valik
15:23 Ticket #1902 (Better error msg for (undefined) Global var in Function definition.) created by mvg
More informative error message for undefined vars(global) use in …
13:58 Ticket #1901 (Compiled 32bit scripts not working in system32 path on 64bit OS) created by Highguy
Heavily re-written by Valik: 32-bit scripts do not run from …


03:23 Ticket #1893 (#Include-All) closed by Valik
Rejected: We will not add bad features to facilitate lazy programming. Write your code well and a dangerous feature like this will not be necessary.


16:05 Ticket #1900 (Improvements for StringRegExpGUI) created by FichteFoll <fichtefoll2@…>
Since I use that program a lot I noticed some bugs and ways to improve …
12:55 Ticket #1899 (SendWindow) created by Steve.Haine@…
Allow keystrokes to be sent to a window regardless of it being active …


19:42 Ticket #1898 ($CmdLineRaw, not enforced as constant.) created by mvg
$CmdLineRaw, is not enforced as constant. ref: topic: $CmdLine is now …
09:04 Ticket #1897 (_DateDiff(), Suggestion (minor fix), Returns Double type instead of Int.) created by mvg
UDF: Date.au3 Issue: _DateDiff() returns Double type instead of Int …


21:53 Ticket #1896 (Just a little error to fix in the help file (documentation)) created by jacksteeve@…
In the AutoIT Help file on "Tutorials/Simple Notepad Automation" have …


16:33 Ticket #1895 (Bugs in _GUIScrollBars_Init()) created by neil.wilson@…
In _GUIScrollBars_Init(), when setting up the $tSCROLLINFO struct for …


02:42 Ticket #1894 (gimagex for AIK 3.0) created by greggolong@…
I am trying to use gimagex with waik 3.0 and it does not seem to work.


22:28 Ticket #1893 (#Include-All) created by willichan <willi_chan@…>
I would like to see a new pre-compiler directive, #Include-All. Syntax …
16:46 Ticket #1892 (eventlog) created by djmunis@…
Hi, I have a problem with eventlog.au3. when I use _eventlog_read() …


19:54 Ticket #1891 (_ArrayDisplay (......,i$iTranspose,...) wrong description ?) created by 436602556274@…
Bug in help of _ArrayDisplay: ---- $iTranspose [optional] If set …
18:23 Ticket #1890 (Add _WinAPI_GetParent in _WinAPI_GetAncestor related-section) created by AdmiralAlkex
And vice versa
17:49 Ticket #1889 (_ArrayDisplay optionaly display columns in hex.) created by 436602556274@…
Feature reuest for function: _ArrayDisplay(Const ByRef $avArray .... …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.