


18:37 Ticket #1888 (User Profile) closed by Jos
No Bug: Useful report to post an anonymous question. Just PM me in the Forum. Jos
17:12 Ticket #1888 (User Profile) created by anonymous
I'm trying to change my profile email address back to its original …


13:37 Ticket #1887 (Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays with multiple sort columns) created by Thopaga
Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays with multiple sort columns. …


08:27 Ticket #1886 (64 or 128-bit numbers) created by anonymous
I would like to see 128-bit numbers handled in AutoIt3. 128-bit …
08:07 Ticket #1885 (CreateGUID and CreateGUIDSequential missing, but $tagGUID there) created by anonymous
I see you have _WinAPI_StringFromGUID() $tagGUID structure (but no …
06:16 Ticket #1884 (Strings concatenation) created by anonymous
This code works despite error in expression […]


08:26 Ticket #1881 (_VersionCompare) closed by Jpm
No Bug


23:07 Ticket #1883 (IsHWnd(), Return Value. (Nitpick: Value = Bool)) created by mvg
>IsHWnd() >Return Value >Success: Returns 1 if the expression is …
22:20 Ticket #1882 (VarGetType(), Related, IsHwnd.) created by mvg
> Related > IsInt, IsFloat, IsString, IsBinary, IsArray, IsDllStruct, …


15:30 Ticket #1762 (With ... EndWith crashes instead of Error.) closed by Jos
No Bug: As said in the other BUG report from you. Stop posting issues here before posting your issues in the forum to see whether it is a pilot error.
14:21 Ticket #1881 (_VersionCompare) created by hunt
== $Version1 = "1.9.1" $Version2 = "1.10" …
11:28 Ticket #1880 (Two unexplainable "error in expression") closed by Jos
No Bug: Use forum for support questions... NO BUG
11:18 Ticket #1880 (Two unexplainable "error in expression") created by ggreiter@…
Opt("WinTextMatchMode" , 1) ;1=complete, 2=quick …


09:44 Ticket #1879 (StringCount()) created by mvg
> StringCount ( "string", "searchstring" [, casesense]] ) > return …


17:27 Ticket #1878 (Hard crash on VirtualBox.GuestOSTypes) created by rbhkamal@…
VirtualBox provides a COM interface through VirtualBox.VirtualBox. …


01:03 Ticket #1877 (Func _GetIP() can't deal multiple lines outputs) created by lwc
Func _GetIP() assumes it downloads just one line and so fails with …
00:56 Ticket #1876 (Func _GetIP() should use InetRead and not InetGet) created by lwc
There's no reason to download and delete a file just to get a string.


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01:22 Ticket #1875 (Clear Input buffers) created by ryan.riovaldez@…
Since you already have block input (for keyboard and mouse). I think …


18:21 Ticket #1874 (Registry functions should return more meanginful values) created by anonymous
Along with @error, @extended should tell the reason why the error …


23:50 Ticket #1873 (Return the thread ID of a child process from Run) created by anonymous
Hey, Would it be too obscure to ask for Run() to return somewhere the …
06:30 Ticket #1871 (RegRead error on Win64 using Win32 compile) closed by Jpm
No Bug


07:50 Ticket #1872 (Winactivate and Chrome) created by anonymous
I can't use Winactivate with the browser Chrome. It got the handle …


14:58 Ticket #1871 (RegRead error on Win64 using Win32 compile) created by solid_light@…
On a Win64 system (mine was Windows 7), run the following code: …


14:37 Ticket #1870 (@GUI_DRAGFILE) created by anonymous
The @GUI_DRAGFILE seems to return an extra 2 bytes, assumably a @CRLF, …
05:39 Ticket #1868 (Au3Record does not work on a x64 machine.) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: Replying to doscuba@…: > Au3Record does not work on a x64 machine. I do not have an option to run in x86 mode. Tells me the DLL load failed. Thisn is a duplicate of #1663. Still in the waiting correction queue. Sorry.


04:45 Ticket #1869 (Specify UDP Source Port) created by anonymous
Discussion here is here, start reading at post 12: …
01:44 Ticket #1868 (Au3Record does not work on a x64 machine.) created by doscuba@…
Au3Record does not work on a x64 machine. I do not have an option to …
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