- 18:21 Ticket #1874 (Registry functions should return more meanginful values) created by
- Along with @error, @extended should tell the reason why the error …
- 23:50 Ticket #1873 (Return the thread ID of a child process from Run) created by
- Hey, Would it be too obscure to ask for Run() to return somewhere the …
- 06:30 Ticket #1871 (RegRead error on Win64 using Win32 compile) closed by
- No Bug
- 07:50 Ticket #1872 (Winactivate and Chrome) created by
- I can't use Winactivate with the browser Chrome. It got the handle …
- 14:58 Ticket #1871 (RegRead error on Win64 using Win32 compile) created by
- On a Win64 system (mine was Windows 7), run the following code: …
- 14:37 Ticket #1870 (@GUI_DRAGFILE) created by
- The @GUI_DRAGFILE seems to return an extra 2 bytes, assumably a @CRLF, …
- 05:39 Ticket #1868 (Au3Record does not work on a x64 machine.) closed by
- Duplicate: Replying to doscuba@…: > Au3Record does not work on a x64 machine. I do not have an option to run in x86 mode. Tells me the DLL load failed. Thisn is a duplicate of #1663. Still in the waiting correction queue. Sorry.
- 04:45 Ticket #1869 (Specify UDP Source Port) created by
- Discussion here is here, start reading at post 12: …
- 01:44 Ticket #1868 (Au3Record does not work on a x64 machine.) created by
- Au3Record does not work on a x64 machine. I do not have an option to …
- 15:12 Ticket #1867 (SciTE4AutoIt3 @OSVersion is WIN_VISTA, when actually WIN_7) closed by
- No Bug: Looks like you are using the x86 version when running from SciTE. Use forum for questions like this and don't assume a BUG. Jos
- 14:11 Ticket #1867 (SciTE4AutoIt3 @OSVersion is WIN_VISTA, when actually WIN_7) created by
- […] I'm using Windows 7 (x64), but when the code above is executed …
- 16:35 Ticket #1865 (Unexpected shutdown after calling Shutdown(2)) closed by
- No Bug
- 06:03 Ticket #1866 (GUI $WS_EX_MDICHILD Top Alignment bug) created by
- […] Results in a window in the middle of the screen As does Main …
- 03:08 Ticket #1865 (Unexpected shutdown after calling Shutdown(2)) created by
- I receive an unexpected shutdown error message when I log back into …
- 09:32 Ticket #1863 (UDPRecv halts script for 100ms when there is no data to recieve) closed by
- Rejected: Repost after forum help Thanks
- 18:04 Ticket #1864 (Not properly install in Debain Operating System) closed by
- No Bug: No shit... you mean it actually doesn't install on a None Windows OS, assuming you meant Debian? Mmm ... Wonder why that is and what that error means?
- 06:07 Ticket #1864 (Not properly install in Debain Operating System) created by
- This s/w is not installed on the Debain Operating System. It will …
- 22:52 Ticket #1863 (UDPRecv halts script for 100ms when there is no data to recieve) created by
- If this is intended/recommended, can there be inserted an option for …
- 01:16 Ticket #1862 (GUISetOnEvent should behave more like HotKeySet()) created by
- What I mean is this little snippet from the help file for HotKeySet: …
- 12:41 Ticket #1861 (_ArrayDisplay: Bug when data contains separator and $sHeader is used) created by
- If the table to display contains the default GUIDataSeparatorChar …
- 19:12 Ticket #1860 (DriveStatus Returns Ready with blank value) created by
- I am trying to do code similar to the below. When the registry key …
- 23:38 Ticket #1859 (Bug in _WeekNumberISO?) created by
- Hi, is it possible, that there is a bug in _WeekNumberISO? When I run …
- 14:31 Ticket #1858 (strange behaviour of dialogs used with hwnd) created by
- if you use MsgBox, InputBox, FileSelectFolder,FileOpenDialog and …
- 17:32 Ticket #1857 (DriveGetFileSystem not returning expected result when no media loaded) created by
- According to the help file a drive with no media should return the …
- 03:30 Ticket #1856 (On 64-bit Windows 7, Windows Info works only if Freeze is turned off) created by
- I had reported a program with AutoIt Window Info on a 64 bit system. I …
- 03:07 Ticket #1855 (AutoIt Window Info does not work on 64 bit Windows 7) created by
- Thank you for producing a superb package. However --- When the Window …
- 21:04 Ticket #1854 (StringIsFloat returns 1 on non float numbers) created by
- Here is a simple example that reproduces this bug: […]
- 08:23 Ticket #1853 (BinaryLen of hex expression computed string long) closed by
- No Bug: $tmp1 is an integer as opposed to $tmp2 which contains a "binary string"
- 09:09 Ticket #1853 (BinaryLen of hex expression computed string long) created by
- $tmp1=0x11 $tmp2=Binary("0x11") MsgBox(32,"",BinaryLen($tmp1)) …
- 02:05 Ticket #1852 (WEBSITE: http://autoitscript.com doesn't load in Firefox or Safari) created by
- The http://autoitscript.com site doesn't load in Firefox or Safari. …
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