


22:52 Ticket #1863 (UDPRecv halts script for 100ms when there is no data to recieve) created by qsek@…
If this is intended/recommended, can there be inserted an option for …


01:16 Ticket #1862 (GUISetOnEvent should behave more like HotKeySet()) created by anonymous
What I mean is this little snippet from the help file for HotKeySet: …


12:41 Ticket #1861 (_ArrayDisplay: Bug when data contains separator and $sHeader is used) created by Thomas Rupp <thomas.rupp@…>
If the table to display contains the default GUIDataSeparatorChar …


19:12 Ticket #1860 (DriveStatus Returns Ready with blank value) created by aef03 <autoit.forums@…>
I am trying to do code similar to the below. When the registry key …


23:38 Ticket #1859 (Bug in _WeekNumberISO?) created by Tweaky
Hi, is it possible, that there is a bug in _WeekNumberISO? When I run …


14:31 Ticket #1858 (strange behaviour of dialogs used with hwnd) created by anonymous
if you use MsgBox, InputBox, FileSelectFolder,FileOpenDialog and …


17:32 Ticket #1857 (DriveGetFileSystem not returning expected result when no media loaded) created by GEOSoft
According to the help file a drive with no media should return the …


03:30 Ticket #1856 (On 64-bit Windows 7, Windows Info works only if Freeze is turned off) created by Prakash.Nadkarni@…
I had reported a program with AutoIt Window Info on a 64 bit system. I …
03:07 Ticket #1855 (AutoIt Window Info does not work on 64 bit Windows 7) created by Prakash.Nadkarni@…
Thank you for producing a superb package. However --- When the Window …


21:04 Ticket #1854 (StringIsFloat returns 1 on non float numbers) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Here is a simple example that reproduces this bug: […]
08:23 Ticket #1853 (BinaryLen of hex expression computed string long) closed by Jpm
No Bug: $tmp1 is an integer as opposed to $tmp2 which contains a "binary string"


09:09 Ticket #1853 (BinaryLen of hex expression computed string long) created by thesnoW
$tmp1=0x11 $tmp2=Binary("0x11") MsgBox(32,"",BinaryLen($tmp1)) …


02:05 Ticket #1852 (WEBSITE: http://autoitscript.com doesn't load in Firefox or Safari) created by michael.sunwoo@…
The http://autoitscript.com site doesn't load in Firefox or Safari. …


19:37 Ticket #1851 (Comma SciTe bug) closed by Jos
Wont Fix: Reported several times and will not something that I work on. This is standard functionality in SciTE. Jos
16:51 Ticket #1851 (Comma SciTe bug) created by anonymous
When i write a comma into string in any function, StiTe recognizes …


15:22 Ticket #1850 (RunAsWait() return value) created by SPiff59
The documentation for RunAs() indicates it returns a Process ID. The …


21:06 Ticket #1848 (Koda) closed by Jos
Rejected: Please submit this request in the Koda thread in the Forum as this is a utility not maintained by the core dev group. Jos
21:05 Ticket #1849 (Project) closed by Jos
Rejected: I am not going to build extra functionality in the SciTE version we distribute. Jos
21:03 Ticket #1847 (AutoIt cannot control QuoteTracker) closed by Jos
No Bug: As stated... use the forum for assistance.
20:45 Ticket #1849 (Project) created by anonymous
Add ability to manage programs made of lots of scripts. When I have …
20:36 Ticket #1848 (Koda) created by anonymous
In Koda, in Object Ispectorwhere you have OnClick. You can choose none …
14:36 Ticket #1847 (AutoIt cannot control QuoteTracker) created by tyurejchuk@…
QuoteTracker is a free download from …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.