


19:37 Ticket #1851 (Comma SciTe bug) closed by Jos
Wont Fix: Reported several times and will not something that I work on. This is standard functionality in SciTE. Jos
16:51 Ticket #1851 (Comma SciTe bug) created by anonymous
When i write a comma into string in any function, StiTe recognizes …


15:22 Ticket #1850 (RunAsWait() return value) created by SPiff59
The documentation for RunAs() indicates it returns a Process ID. The …


21:06 Ticket #1848 (Koda) closed by Jos
Rejected: Please submit this request in the Koda thread in the Forum as this is a utility not maintained by the core dev group. Jos
21:05 Ticket #1849 (Project) closed by Jos
Rejected: I am not going to build extra functionality in the SciTE version we distribute. Jos
21:03 Ticket #1847 (AutoIt cannot control QuoteTracker) closed by Jos
No Bug: As stated... use the forum for assistance.
20:45 Ticket #1849 (Project) created by anonymous
Add ability to manage programs made of lots of scripts. When I have …
20:36 Ticket #1848 (Koda) created by anonymous
In Koda, in Object Ispectorwhere you have OnClick. You can choose none …
14:36 Ticket #1847 (AutoIt cannot control QuoteTracker) created by tyurejchuk@…
QuoteTracker is a free download from …


15:45 Ticket #1846 (change _GdiPlus_GraphicsDraw/Fill* functions to corresponding floating ...) created by Eukalyptus
all _GdiPlus_GraphicsDraw/Fill functions use the integer version. to …
01:53 Ticket #1845 (Forum bug) created by anonymous


10:46 Ticket #1822 (_GUICtrlListView_GetCounterPage???) closed by Jpm
Wont Fix
10:45 Ticket #1822 (_GUICtrlListView_GetCounterPage???) reopened by Jpm


13:37 Ticket #1844 (SplashTextOn crops variable when used with opt 32 and @CRLF / @LF) created by anonymous
This short snippet shows the problem. Notice how line two disappears …
10:43 Ticket #1843 (Round(), Doc, decimalplaces, return "type") created by mvg
Suggestion. Current: >Round ( expression [, decimalplaces] ) …
10:38 Ticket #1842 (_ArrayUnique does not work properly) closed by Jpm


22:34 Ticket #1842 (_ArrayUnique does not work properly) created by anonymous
; …


19:27 Ticket #1836 (_GUICtrlTreeView_InsertItem should return a handle, but it not) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5964] in version:


20:23 Ticket #1841 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: duplicate ticket, already fixed
18:36 Ticket #1841 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr) created by horemans.tom@…
There is an error in this funtion, with as parameter 1 instead the …
18:07 Ticket #1833 (_arraydisplay : elements longer than 4094 bytes are like empty elements) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5963] in version:
14:11 Ticket #1840 (_Singleton's documentation lacks $iFlag's default) closed by Jpm
No Bug: Unless more information is needed, all UDF syntax reflect the default value for a specific parameter. We don't intend to add (default) in front all the needed one. Too much work for UDF that have been submitted by people as you. Sorry for not solving this kind of issue.
13:29 Ticket #1839 (Bug of _GUICtrlTreeView_SetInsertMark) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5961] in version:
12:10 Ticket #1829 (Typo on documentation in running.htm) closed by Jpm
No Bug: Yes it is
12:07 Ticket #1824 ($GUI_BKCOLOR_TRANSPARENT not working in GUICtrlCreateCheckbox) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: For me it is working so I close it
12:05 Ticket #1823 (Typo on documentation of GUICoordMode option.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: alrady fix in the proposed beta …
11:58 Ticket #1822 (_GUICtrlListView_GetCounterPage???) closed by Jpm
No Bug: You right at was certainly a typo at the creation time 9/2007 but as it can lead to regression to existing script we don't plan to change it
11:10 Ticket #1820 (Script sometimes won't exit after launching folders in ShellExecute) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: cannot reproduce as it is working for me
11:09 Ticket #1819 (Script won't launch or won't exit after launching URLs in ShellExecute) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: Under IE8/Windows 7 it is working. as IE6 is a pretty old not really support by MS, I close it as working for me
09:15 Ticket #1806 ($iBase in _ArrayUnique() not working properly) closed by Jpm
No Bug: There is no error just use […] and play with the $iBase = 0 or 1 The remaining of the thread shoud go to a "new request" for 2D array support
07:05 Ticket #1808 (OS Crash while executing..) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: I don't see any hanging under my system. I can't reproduce the crash even with 128 Mb memory


23:21 Ticket #1805 (Functions that modify files should not change encoding) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5960] in version:
21:48 Ticket #1801 (RUNAS Windows 7 x64) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: no info added so I close it …
21:46 Ticket #1800 (_ClipPutFile error 9) closed by Jpm
Fixed: This has been fixed during #1471 fixing
19:34 Ticket #1791 (GuiCtrlDelete is in the wrong place?) closed by Jpm
Wont Fix: The argument of mvg" is the ones which as lead to not put it under "GUI Control Update" So I close it without modification
19:01 Ticket #1838 (Au3Check, Ignored error case, keyword and (attached) negative number.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: already fixed with #1051
11:01 Ticket #1840 (_Singleton's documentation lacks $iFlag's default) created by lwc
I assume it's 0 due to the mention of _Singleton($sOccurenceName [, …
00:43 Ticket #1839 (Bug of _GUICtrlTreeView_SetInsertMark) created by Ward
Help file: "If $hItem is 0, the insertion mark is removed". But since …


14:44 Ticket #1838 (Au3Check, Ignored error case, keyword and (attached) negative number.) created by mvg
Au3Check, Ignored error case, keyword and (attached) negative number. …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.