- 18:09 Ticket #1481 (_GUICtrlHeader UDF not using correct character set) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5770] in version:
- 13:58 Ticket #1582 (_GUICtrlListView_GetHeader returns no handle) created by
- […]
- 09:37 Ticket #1482 (FileRead behavior description needs clarification) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5769] in version:
- 17:02 Ticket #1581 (IniWrite can't write a no section data) closed by
- No Bug: INI files contain sections. A flat file with key=value pairs is not an INI file.
- 11:57 Ticket #1581 (IniWrite can't write a no section data) created by
- when using IniWrite on a file with no section, the result is weird …
- 23:05 Ticket #1040 (_ScreenCapture_Capture(): GDI object leak with cursor capture) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5768] in version:
- 22:32 Ticket #1472 (GUISetCursor Bug) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5767] in version:
- 19:03 Ticket #1580 (Bug in example script for _GUICtrlRebar_Create()) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5766] in version:
- 15:32 Ticket #1579 (Get Admin privileges) closed by
- Rejected: We can't, elevation only occurs at process creation time. Impersonation is not an option because impersonation is only available to already elevated processes (by default). Even elevated COM objects are implemented as out-of-process objects (thus the server process is elevated thus calls into that object are elevated). All other ideas would be clunky, slow, difficult to implement and dodgy at best.
- 15:29 Ticket #1580 (Bug in example script for _GUICtrlRebar_Create()) created by
- Ref user report by HighGuy: …
- 15:28 Ticket #1577 (Virus in SciTE4AutoIt3.exe ?) closed by
- No Bug: Why you think this is a bug in our software is beyond my ability to understand.
- 15:12 Ticket #1579 (Get Admin privileges) created by
- Please make a function than can request admin privileges from any code …
- 08:31 Ticket #1578 (DirCopy doesn't work unless you specify option 1 - Overwrite) created by
- Running on Windows XP SP3, English version I have a couple of files …
- 08:17 Ticket #1577 (Virus in SciTE4AutoIt3.exe ?) created by
- Hi, I cannot download the SciTE4AutoIt3.exe file, my company proxy is …
- 00:08 Ticket #1576 (Aut2exe Compile Icon Directive) closed by
- Rejected: AutoIt Wrapper can already do this. If you don't use that, write your own pre-processor.
- 23:05 Ticket #1576 (Aut2exe Compile Icon Directive) created by
- Hello, Firstly, I apologize if this might be considered something …
- 19:06 Ticket #1575 (AURecord 3.3 -creates invalid calls to _WinWaitActivate) created by
- Having used AURecord for the first time, while compiling the script it …
- 18:38 Ticket #1574 (AutoIt Help) closed by
- Rejected: Not going to happen as SciTE is a general editor and the Autoit3 specific items only work on *.au3 files.
- 18:18 Ticket #1572 (SciTE unzipped does not find help-files) closed by
- No Bug: NOBUG: This is the Zip file thus you are on your own to install it properly and cannot be a bug. Use the forum for questions on how to do things right. Use the Installer if you want things to be installed properly. Jos
- 17:57 Ticket #1548 (Multiple listviews in one GUI behave strangely) closed by
- No Bug
- 16:08 Ticket #1574 (AutoIt Help) created by
- It is a little bit boring, that you cannot call the helpfile out of …
- 16:06 Ticket #1573 (TCPConnect TCPTimeout) created by
- Hello, i don´t really know, if this is a bug or maybe wrong/ unclear …
- 10:59 Ticket #1572 (SciTE unzipped does not find help-files) created by
- When I extract the AutoIT3 (.zip), the SciTE F1 key works fine. When …
- 13:48 Ticket #1571 (StringSplit - Add CaseSense parameter) created by
- This feature request is related to …
- 23:30 Ticket #1530 ({Abbrev-Expand} For1 , For0 doesn't working..) closed by
- Works For Me
- 23:29 Ticket #1568 (_DateToDayOfWeekIso Success value wrong) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5758] in version:
- 17:44 Ticket #1570 (Using information from another window while hidden) closed by
- Rejected: Why is this a feature request? The language is fully capable of this sort of stuff already.
- 17:35 Ticket #1570 (Using information from another window while hidden) created by
- I'm not purely sure if this is added, but what I was thinking was: …
- 22:13 Ticket #1556 (AutoIt3Wrapper GUI -- Alt-C Keyboard Shortcut Problem - Quick Fix) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version
- 15:21 Ticket #1569 (_ArraySearch fails returns wrong result) created by
- If one has an array with the first element having a 0 value then …
- 10:44 Milestone completed
- 21:24 Ticket #1568 (_DateToDayOfWeekIso Success value wrong) created by
- The Success value for _DateToDayOfWeekIso is wrong in the …
- 17:17 Ticket #1567 (FileExists() returns false in error when x86-compiled script runs on ...) closed by
- No Bug: If you post on this issue tracker again you will be permanently blocked from this website. This is the second time you've flagrantly ignored the stated guidelines even after a not-so-gentle push to read the guidelines. This is the second time you've opened a bug report for something that is not a bug. Your code is broken because you don't understand WOW64. That means you need support. Use the forum or get blocked from the site. Your call.
- 17:12 Ticket #1567 (FileExists() returns false in error when x86-compiled script runs on ...) created by
- I have a 32-bit-compiled autoit script that is returning false in …
- 15:24 Ticket #1566 (Array as its own element issue) created by
- Code is: […] If array (old) is put as some element of its own …
- 14:58 Ticket #1565 (Arrays as object properties; memory leak) created by
- If arrays are used with objects as e.g. properties some sort of memory …
- 11:18 Ticket #1564 (Not able to get text using controlistview("","","","gettext",$index) ...) created by
- I m trying to retrive the item from syslistview opn 64 bit machine …
- 09:25 Ticket #1515 (FileOpen for Read fails on already opened file) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5753] in version:
- 01:33 Ticket #1563 (FileExists() returns false in error when x86-compiled script runs on ...) closed by
- No Bug: What the fuck do I have to do to get you people to read the big giant box with guidelines. Straight from the guidelines and for the second time today: > If you are asking a question you do not have a bug to report, use the forum to ask questions.
- 19:49 Ticket #1563 (FileExists() returns false in error when x86-compiled script runs on ...) created by
- I have a 32-bit-compiled autoit script that is returning false in …
- 18:38 Ticket #1562 (multiple conditions fail) closed by
- No Bug: Taken straight from the guidelines you didn't read: > If you are asking a question you do not have a bug to report, use the forum to ask questions. The problem, as it were, exists between the keyboard and chair. Learn how the language works - via the forum if necessary - and don't waste time posting silly user-errors as bugs in the language.
- 09:48 Ticket #1562 (multiple conditions fail) created by
- ;The problem can best be descriped by the following code: $feed = "3" …
- 04:25 Ticket #1561 (failed to send pound sign {#}) created by
- ControlSend($WINDOW, "", "", "{#}") It sends "3" instead of "#". On …
- 19:35 Ticket #1558 (Automate HTML based GUI) closed by
- Rejected: If the HTML content is running in an Internet Explorer hosted frame then you can already do that with IE.au3.
- 15:46 Ticket #1560 (Errors in implementation of _Security_... functions) created by
- The functions _SecurityOpenProcessToken and …
- 10:43 Ticket #1559 (StringRegExpReplace - add Return Value in Helpfile) created by
- There are no Return Value in HelpFile for StringRegExpReplace. This …
- 04:43 Ticket #1558 (Automate HTML based GUI) created by
- AutoIT can control windows GUI, how about newer programs that uses …
- 22:08 Ticket #1557 (Constants.au3 update) created by
- Include the following virtual keys constants in Constants.au3 Global …
- 18:40 Ticket #1556 (AutoIt3Wrapper GUI -- Alt-C Keyboard Shortcut Problem - Quick Fix) created by
- In the AutoIT3Wrapper GUI utility, there are three buttons on the …
- 22:09 Ticket #1555 (Regwrite Reg_Dword does not write correct value) created by
- Hi All, The following code does not write hex ffffffff but hex …
- 09:07 Ticket #1553 (GUICtrlSetTip() not working on Combos) closed by
- No Bug: I suppose I can close it !!!
- 18:22 Ticket #1554 (RegExp precompile handling) created by
- It is not a secret that the use of regular expressions is divided into …
- 10:52 Ticket #1553 (GUICtrlSetTip() not working on Combos) created by
- I'm not thoroughly convinced this is an AutoIt bug, it may just be a …
- 00:25 Ticket #1552 (DriveSpaceFree reports free space of 0 for CD) created by
- DriveGetFileSystem correctly reported a fs of CDFS. However, …
- 06:49 Ticket #1551 (Crash the script when changing array) created by
- AutoIt crashes the script instead indicate an error ("Subscript used …
- 17:55 Ticket #1549 (Call to _SQLite_Escape causes exception abend in certain circumstances) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5743] in version:
- 17:48 Ticket #1550 (inireadsection) closed by
- Rejected: I really can't fathom any reason this information is ever useful. You don't help your cause by writing a feature request but flagging it as a bug. Not going to happen.
- 16:53 Ticket #1550 (inireadsection) created by
- Hello Autoit-Developers Is it possible to add a @error number to …
- 06:57 Ticket #1549 (Call to _SQLite_Escape causes exception abend in certain circumstances) created by
- I have a program which parses html pages and inserts the data into a …
- 08:21 Ticket #1548 (Multiple listviews in one GUI behave strangely) created by
- I'd posted this bug to the forum but didn't get a reply, so assuming …
- 16:21 Ticket #1547 (Macro to determine if compiled with console switch) created by
- We can determine if a script is running compiled with the @compiled …
- 06:49 Ticket #1546 (Creating new excel book is not working.) created by
- I have include Excel.au3 header file in my code. I am trying to open …
- 15:22 Ticket #1545 (RegRead 64bit) created by
- While doing regread, it doesn't work in win7 x64 nor vista x64. When …
- 14:44 Ticket #1542 (Debug.au3, Debug window mode, Ignores possible OnEventMode state.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5740] in version:
- 19:46 Ticket #1535 (ControlSend changes case of text) closed by
- No Bug
- 19:46 Ticket #1538 (Random(1, 1, 1) = 0) closed by
- No Bug: This can be easily fixed by a line of code: […] The excuse that you might forget to write error-handling code is not a good one. I'm closing this as no bug. I'm not sure about my comments in #1251 because at that time AutoIt had some bugs in it that may or may not have influenced the output of Random().
- 19:35 Ticket #1539 (Add RegExp in CLASSNN / INSTANCE for control names) closed by
- Rejected: What you ask for doesn't make sense to me. The instance is a contrivance of AutoIt used to uniquely identify multiple controls with the same class. Your proposed regular expression does not make sense because the class name is just "Sash" and the instance is appended by AutoIt. Even if AutoIt were to match run the regular expression against the composite name it would always match the first instance because the first instance would always match the pattern. The loop you show is the correct way to handle this situation.
- 19:28 Ticket #1540 (_FileReadToArray bug?) closed by
- No Bug: It has nothing to do with @LF. It has everything to do with all the lines except the first being prefixed with the NULL character. This is not a bug in _FileReadToArray(). You just have a binary file, not a text file.
- 18:31 Ticket #1544 (Error in Help file - VarGetType) closed by
- No Bug: The remark is correct. VarGetType() might return "String" but IsInt() might return True if the string is, for example, "32".
- 16:17 Ticket #1544 (Error in Help file - VarGetType) created by
- On the Help file page for VarGetType: "Remarks IsInt can …
- 15:52 Ticket #1543 (DirMove behaviour) created by
- I use the function "dirMove" to copy a directory called …
- 17:25 Ticket #1542 (Debug.au3, Debug window mode, Ignores possible OnEventMode state.) created by
- Seems its missing a "Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0)" prior to using …
- 23:51 Ticket #1541 (_WinAPI_FillRect not x64 safe) created by
- This code from the _WinAPI_FillRect UDF is not properly created for …
- 14:46 Ticket #1540 (_FileReadToArray bug?) created by
- _FileReadToArray reads only 2 lines of my textfile. […] i add my …
- 13:23 Ticket #1539 (Add RegExp in CLASSNN / INSTANCE for control names) created by
- Sometimes there is need to get handle from controls that might have …
- 01:57 Ticket #1538 (Random(1, 1, 1) = 0) created by
- AutoIt Windows 7 x64 En First ticket was closed with …
- 01:27 Ticket #1537 (Consolewrite_2 or cw pause) closed by
- Rejected: Turn off scrolling of SciTE's output pane.
- 01:03 Ticket #1537 (Consolewrite_2 or cw pause) created by
- Hire is an idea: Consolewrite is super, I love it. The problem is …
- 21:06 Ticket #1536 (@errorcode produces a run-time error) closed by
- No Bug: Right. So what's the bug?
- 20:06 Ticket #1536 (@errorcode produces a run-time error) created by
- @errorcode produces a run-time error "Error: Unknown macro"
- 07:45 Ticket #1534 (Multiple GUI windows management issue) closed by
- No Bug: Thanks MrCreatoR for the help. @darkprince.1979 next time before submitting a report use the Autoit Forum to get help and don't forget to mention the environment where the problem occured. use_DebugReportEnv() ;)
- 12:23 Ticket #1535 (ControlSend changes case of text) created by
- I was using ControlSend() to set the text of an edit box and noticed …
- 09:35 Ticket #1534 (Multiple GUI windows management issue) created by
- The GUI system is perfectly fine when there is only one window. When …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.