- 15:22 Ticket #1545 (RegRead 64bit) created by
- While doing regread, it doesn't work in win7 x64 nor vista x64. When …
- 14:44 Ticket #1542 (Debug.au3, Debug window mode, Ignores possible OnEventMode state.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5740] in version:
- 19:46 Ticket #1535 (ControlSend changes case of text) closed by
- No Bug
- 19:46 Ticket #1538 (Random(1, 1, 1) = 0) closed by
- No Bug: This can be easily fixed by a line of code: […] The excuse that you might forget to write error-handling code is not a good one. I'm closing this as no bug. I'm not sure about my comments in #1251 because at that time AutoIt had some bugs in it that may or may not have influenced the output of Random().
- 19:35 Ticket #1539 (Add RegExp in CLASSNN / INSTANCE for control names) closed by
- Rejected: What you ask for doesn't make sense to me. The instance is a contrivance of AutoIt used to uniquely identify multiple controls with the same class. Your proposed regular expression does not make sense because the class name is just "Sash" and the instance is appended by AutoIt. Even if AutoIt were to match run the regular expression against the composite name it would always match the first instance because the first instance would always match the pattern. The loop you show is the correct way to handle this situation.
- 19:28 Ticket #1540 (_FileReadToArray bug?) closed by
- No Bug: It has nothing to do with @LF. It has everything to do with all the lines except the first being prefixed with the NULL character. This is not a bug in _FileReadToArray(). You just have a binary file, not a text file.
- 18:31 Ticket #1544 (Error in Help file - VarGetType) closed by
- No Bug: The remark is correct. VarGetType() might return "String" but IsInt() might return True if the string is, for example, "32".
- 16:17 Ticket #1544 (Error in Help file - VarGetType) created by
- On the Help file page for VarGetType: "Remarks IsInt can …
- 15:52 Ticket #1543 (DirMove behaviour) created by
- I use the function "dirMove" to copy a directory called …
- 17:25 Ticket #1542 (Debug.au3, Debug window mode, Ignores possible OnEventMode state.) created by
- Seems its missing a "Opt('GUIOnEventMode', 0)" prior to using …
- 23:51 Ticket #1541 (_WinAPI_FillRect not x64 safe) created by
- This code from the _WinAPI_FillRect UDF is not properly created for …
- 14:46 Ticket #1540 (_FileReadToArray bug?) created by
- _FileReadToArray reads only 2 lines of my textfile. […] i add my …
- 13:23 Ticket #1539 (Add RegExp in CLASSNN / INSTANCE for control names) created by
- Sometimes there is need to get handle from controls that might have …
- 01:57 Ticket #1538 (Random(1, 1, 1) = 0) created by
- AutoIt Windows 7 x64 En First ticket was closed with …
- 01:27 Ticket #1537 (Consolewrite_2 or cw pause) closed by
- Rejected: Turn off scrolling of SciTE's output pane.
- 01:03 Ticket #1537 (Consolewrite_2 or cw pause) created by
- Hire is an idea: Consolewrite is super, I love it. The problem is …
- 21:06 Ticket #1536 (@errorcode produces a run-time error) closed by
- No Bug: Right. So what's the bug?
- 20:06 Ticket #1536 (@errorcode produces a run-time error) created by
- @errorcode produces a run-time error "Error: Unknown macro"
- 07:45 Ticket #1534 (Multiple GUI windows management issue) closed by
- No Bug: Thanks MrCreatoR for the help. @darkprince.1979 next time before submitting a report use the Autoit Forum to get help and don't forget to mention the environment where the problem occured. use_DebugReportEnv() ;)
- 12:23 Ticket #1535 (ControlSend changes case of text) created by
- I was using ControlSend() to set the text of an edit box and noticed …
- 09:35 Ticket #1534 (Multiple GUI windows management issue) created by
- The GUI system is perfectly fine when there is only one window. When …
- 15:39 Ticket #1533 (FileSaveDialog/FileOpenDialog return selected filter type) created by
- As of now there is no way of telling what filter type was selected. I …
- 15:02 Ticket #1532 (ComboBox custom height not retained after window minimize) closed by
- No Bug: If you use _GUICtrlComboBox_SetItemHeight() function you must create the control with _GUICtrlComboBox_Create(). The resizing stuff of GUICtrlCreateCombo() is relevant only with GUICtrl...() functions. Don't mix GUI... Builtins with UDF. Perhaps one day the situation will change when Valik commit an update of the Builtins functions
- 13:36 Ticket #1532 (ComboBox custom height not retained after window minimize) created by
- As shown in the example script below, if a user adjusts the item …
- 15:42 Ticket #1531 (Windows textcolor not honored by Inputbox, Edit-, List- and Combo-Control) created by
- If a different Window color scheme is used, white text on black …
- 19:58 Ticket #1530 ({Abbrev-Expand} For1 , For0 doesn't working..) created by
- For1 , For0 doesn't not working.. SciTE Version 1.79 WinXp . Thanks
- 17:08 Ticket #1529 (TrayItemSetText() sets incorrect text) created by
- Hello. Windows 7 x64 En / XP SP 3 En AutoIt …
- 15:34 Ticket #1528 (GUICtrlCreateListView Example not work) created by
- […] OS:WIN7 X64
- 12:06 Ticket #1527 (@ScriptDir & "\Test1.xls") created by
- The example script for _ExcelBookSaveAs points to @ScriptDir & …
- 15:03 Ticket #1526 (Display FileName into Aut2Exe Error) created by
- When i compile a script sometime my .exe is in use by another user. …
- 10:07 Ticket #1525 (BitRotate example is misleading) created by
- From the help file examples for BitRotate: […]
- 19:21 Ticket #1524 (Bug: Helpfile INetGet return value) closed by
- No Bug: Who gives a fuck about something that was released over a year ago and is 3 versions out of date? No bug, the current documentation certainly doesn't say anything like that and accurately describes the behavior.
- 16:09 Ticket #1524 (Bug: Helpfile INetGet return value) created by
- INetGet help says "Return Value Success: Returns 1. Failure: …
- 17:03 Ticket #1523 (Au3Check support UNICODE and all Include file use unicode enc.) created by
- 1.Au3Check support UNICODE script file. 2.All Include file use …
- 15:47 Ticket #1522 (Typo in _GUICtrlToolbar_Destroy) created by
- Goes back a few versions as well. Should say "Toolbar" rather than …
- 00:10 Ticket #1521 (ProcessList) closed by
- Rejected: No for more reasons than I care to list. Suffice to say the two most obvious are: * You can't possibly need a process handle for every single process. * They are a resource that must be closed when no longer necessary. In other words, you've just asked for a way to easily create resource leaks.
- 21:05 Ticket #1521 (ProcessList) created by
- Would it be possible to add in addition to the process name and PID …
- 21:02 Ticket #1216 (Adding arrays working suspiciously) closed by
- Rejected: There are too many ways to implement array mathematics. Use UDF's to perform a specific operation, such as matrix addition or matrix multiplication vs. array concatenation or polynomial multiplication. Each is different and each yields different types of result. Not going to happen. Rejected.
- 19:31 Ticket #1520 (_ArrayAdd doesn't work after _ArrayDelete has removed the last element) closed by
- No Bug: There are numerous things wrong with the suggestion and I don't really view the problem as a bug.
- 13:59 Ticket #1520 (_ArrayAdd doesn't work after _ArrayDelete has removed the last element) created by
- _ArrayDelete returns an empty string after the last element of an …
- 10:23 Ticket #1506 (DirCopy/FileCopy) closed by
- Works For Me: My money would be on an AV related problem.
- 04:17 Ticket #1519 (Number conversion routines are inconsistent) created by
- I would expected the following code to produce (arithmetically) the …
- 22:04 Ticket #1501 (StringRegExp and StringRegExpReplace missing) closed by
- Fixed
- 20:19 Ticket #1518 (DropDown-Menu of ComboBoxes are not available on x64-Exe) closed by
- Fixed: We know. The manifest is missing from x64 compiled scripts because Visual Studio is retarded and likes to do this to us. It will be fixed next release.
- 19:38 Ticket #1518 (DropDown-Menu of ComboBoxes are not available on x64-Exe) created by
- Hello, in my big script, with more then 10.000 lines of code, I have …
- 12:22 Ticket #1517 (_GUICtrlListView_SimpleSort not sorts checkboxes defined by ...) created by
- Below is example script - shows files and directories in C:\ Step to …
- 09:15 Ticket #1516 (Get Full Returnstring from TCP-IP-STACK in AutoIt-Variable) created by
- I would like to register myself from a computer place, out of range of …
- 15:27 Ticket #1515 (FileOpen for Read fails on already opened file) created by
- From v3.3.5.3 Beta release notes: Fixed: Regression in FileOpen() …
- 08:53 Ticket #1512 (StdoutRead no correct output with german language OS) closed by
- No Bug: Thanks Doudou for helping Just a small typo […]
- 08:38 Ticket #1514 (Missing _SQLite examples in v3.6.6.0 help file) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5739] in version:
- 03:25 Ticket #1514 (Missing _SQLite examples in v3.6.6.0 help file) created by
- The examples are missing in the v3.6.6.0 help file for functions …
- 16:38 Milestone completed
- 13:41 Ticket #1513 (_GUIToolTip_AddTool() accepts only strings in $sText parameter) created by
- With the standard UDF GuiToolTip.au3 it is impossible to create a …
- 12:51 Ticket #1512 (StdoutRead no correct output with german language OS) created by
- Hi, StdoutRead does not produce the correct output I've an image …
- 19:17 Ticket #1510 (The $tagNMTVKEYDOWN structure) closed by
- Duplicate: Ugh. You people who can't be bothered to search the issue tracker before posting need to fuck off. I'm tired of closing these duplicate tickets.
- 16:21 Ticket #1511 (Datatype mismatch in _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid) created by
- In _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid, the second parametertype is delcared as …
- 09:44 Ticket #1510 (The $tagNMTVKEYDOWN structure) created by
- Global Const $tagNMTVKEYDOWN = $tagNMHDR & ";word VKey;uint Flags" …
- 19:08 Ticket #1509 (_Date_Time_FileTimeToStr() Document or Source Code bug) created by
- ------source code----- ; Encode a file time $tFile = …
- 16:28 Ticket #1508 (IniReadSection: Possibility to increase restrictions, except Win9x?) closed by
- Duplicate: Learn to search.
- 13:42 Ticket #1508 (IniReadSection: Possibility to increase restrictions, except Win9x?) created by
- Hello, I have to read big Ini-Sections in XP, Vista and Windows 7, …
- 13:24 Ticket #1507 (help file improvement) created by
- I am new to programming. It is abou the help script samples. The list, …
- 16:51 Ticket #1506 (DirCopy/FileCopy) created by
- Trying to use DirCopy to copy a "Briefcase" RightClick > New> …
- 15:59 Ticket #1505 (Variable not declared in IE.au3) created by
- If the "MustDeclareVars" option is set then the following error is …
- 02:15 Ticket #1504 (GUICtrlSetBkColor sets button style to $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) closed by
- Wont Fix: It's good to see you searched the issue tracker before wasting our time. Closing as won't fix just like the identical #376.
- 00:07 Ticket #1504 (GUICtrlSetBkColor sets button style to $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) created by
- Hello, When GUICtrlSetBkColor is used on a button, it "steals" the …
- 21:26 Ticket #1503 (FileGetSize don't works solid) created by
- Hi there, when my Opera-Browser cache a flash video and I control …
- 19:58 Ticket #1502 (Missing keyword highlight on autoit3wrapper keywords.) closed by
- Fixed: These are removed from the Autoit3 installer and should have been part of the SciTE4Autoit3 installer. I have forgotten to arrange the API table and only done the Highlighting table. It will be fixed in the next version of the full SciTE4AutpoIt3 installer, but you can in the mean time downlaod the au3.properties and au3.autoit3wrapper.api files from the Beta site and put the in the appropriate directories. Jos
- 17:06 Milestone completed
- 16:49 Ticket #1502 (Missing keyword highlight on autoit3wrapper keywords.) created by
- Effected: #autoit3wrapper_*, #Obfuscator_*, #Tidy_* file: …
- 13:15 Ticket #1501 (StringRegExp and StringRegExpReplace missing) created by
- The current beta does not include the functions StringRegExp …
- 10:43 Milestone completed
- 18:41 Ticket #1487 (_DateToDayOfWeekISO is not ISO conformant) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed by revision [5719] in version:
Note: See TracTimeline
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