


16:51 Ticket #1506 (DirCopy/FileCopy) created by Steveiwonder
Trying to use DirCopy to copy a "Briefcase" RightClick > New> …
15:59 Ticket #1505 (Variable not declared in IE.au3) created by Richard Nichols <nospam4rdn-autoit@…>
If the "MustDeclareVars" option is set then the following error is …
02:15 Ticket #1504 (GUICtrlSetBkColor sets button style to $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: It's good to see you searched the issue tracker before wasting our time. Closing as won't fix just like the identical #376.
00:07 Ticket #1504 (GUICtrlSetBkColor sets button style to $BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) created by SEuBo
Hello, When GUICtrlSetBkColor is used on a button, it "steals" the …


21:26 Ticket #1503 (FileGetSize don't works solid) created by xelotiac@…
Hi there, when my Opera-Browser cache a flash video and I control …


19:58 Ticket #1502 (Missing keyword highlight on autoit3wrapper keywords.) closed by Jos
Fixed: These are removed from the Autoit3 installer and should have been part of the SciTE4Autoit3 installer. I have forgotten to arrange the API table and only done the Highlighting table. It will be fixed in the next version of the full SciTE4AutpoIt3 installer, but you can in the mean time downlaod the au3.properties and au3.autoit3wrapper.api files from the Beta site and put the in the appropriate directories. Jos
17:06 Milestone completed
16:49 Ticket #1502 (Missing keyword highlight on autoit3wrapper keywords.) created by anonymous
Effected: #autoit3wrapper_*, #Obfuscator_*, #Tidy_* file: …
13:15 Ticket #1501 (StringRegExp and StringRegExpReplace missing) created by ProgAndy
The current beta does not include the functions StringRegExp …
10:43 Milestone completed


18:41 Ticket #1487 (_DateToDayOfWeekISO is not ISO conformant) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5719] in version:


22:54 Ticket #1486 (Powerdown doesn't work under Windows 2000) closed by Jon
Wont Fix: AFAIK If you ever see that message it's due to bad drivers/BIOS on that machine. At the API level we've done everything to make the poweroff happen.
21:54 Ticket #1500 (_FTP_DirSetCurrent() Return Value) created by Beege
The current documentation of _FTP_DirSetCurrent() states that the …
21:47 Ticket #1499 (Performance increase to internal __FTP_ListToArray()) created by Beege
In the current internal function _FTP_ListToArray, every time a new …
14:39 Ticket #1498 (#RequireAdmin causes script to not complete/run when UAC is turned off ...) created by neil.younger@…
Running the following example script on Vista or Win7 machine with UAC …
07:27 Ticket #1497 (Sign(<expression>) function) created by jchd
AutoIt lacks a Sign() function. It would be a must if Sign could deal …
06:49 Ticket #1496 (AutoIt _Eventlog__Read (UDF Eventlog.au3) returns ...) created by roman.kuechler@…
Function _EventlogRead from UDF Eventlog.au3 returns not the …


13:31 Ticket #1495 (HelpFile Bug) created by snify@…
_FileListToArray is wrong please correct the @error example #Include …
10:56 Ticket #1494 (Turkish Characters gets trasnlated to english with INIWrite and ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: ConsoleWrite() outputs in ANSI (or UTF-8). This is a Windows limitation. I doubt very seriously the Ini functions are doing any conversion. However, I can't say for sure since you didn't bother to read the big red box explaining how to properly submit a bug report. Without an actual script I can tweak to confirm it's actually ConsoleWrite() and not the Ini functions, I'm just going to close this on the assumption it is ConsoleWrite() since I know for a fact it outputs in ANSI.
09:48 Ticket #1494 (Turkish Characters gets trasnlated to english with INIWrite and ...) created by anonymous
Hi, When I'm trying to output text via ConsoleWrite or INIWrite I …
01:22 Ticket #1493 (_FTP_ProgressDownload bug) created by PartyPooper
There is a small bug in the _FTP_ProgressDownload routine. If …
00:03 Ticket #1492 (Problem with listview AND $WS_EX_COMPOSITED in a gui) created by funkey
I have high CPU load and there is no listview visible. […] …


22:10 Ticket #1489 (Impossible to use the button "Open this script" in the Autoit help) closed by Jos
Works For Me: The open button works fine for me too in win7 x64 and Winxp x86 sp3 IE7. Try running from command prompt: regsvr32 hhctrl.ocx Closing ticket as works for me and report any issues in the forum so we can help you there. Jos
19:55 Ticket #1488 ( Opt on exit not working and cant open script from help file.) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #1489.
19:54 Ticket #1490 (Create a Dictionary UDF which creates a Scripting.Dictionary object) closed by Valik
19:53 Ticket #1491 (Create a Dictionary UDF which creates a Scripting.Dictionary object) closed by Valik
Rejected: So... do you not see the big giant red box that appears when you try to create a new ticket?
14:46 Ticket #1491 (Create a Dictionary UDF which creates a Scripting.Dictionary object) created by aemcasa@…
Dictionaries are a very common and useful type of data container. In …
14:46 Ticket #1490 (Create a Dictionary UDF which creates a Scripting.Dictionary object) created by aemcasa@…
Dictionaries are a very common and useful type of data container. In …
10:39 Ticket #1489 (Impossible to use the button "Open this script" in the Autoit help) created by pierrotm777@…
With the last Autoit version (, i can't use an help's script …
04:15 Ticket #1488 ( Opt on exit not working and cant open script from help file.) created by dirty@…
Autoit V Windows 7 64bit Legal copy #1 […] is not working …


12:54 Ticket #1487 (_DateToDayOfWeekISO is not ISO conformant) created by anonymous
Current implementation of _DateToDayOfWeekISO: Returns Day of the Week …
12:27 Ticket #1486 (Powerdown doesn't work under Windows 2000) created by sweeneyg@…
As discussed in …


07:14 Ticket #1485 (Hard crash with ContinueCase) created by Kealper
If you have a ContinueCase in the last case of a Switch or Select, It …


02:02 Ticket #1484 (Missing documentation) closed by Valik
Duplicate: You do not, however, read the issue tracker guidelines which state you should test your bug with the latest beta version. Had you done so, you would have discovered this has been fixed already.
01:49 Ticket #1484 (Missing documentation) created by mikifinaz1@…
Section contents missing: Keyword Reference section: items missing: …


21:26 Ticket #1483 (SciTE Running a second instance of AuoItWrapper when Help File is opened) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: SciTE only supports running one tool at a time. Attempting to run a second tool will do exactly as you describe. This is a limitation in SciTE and there is nothing we can do about.
21:07 Ticket #1483 (SciTE Running a second instance of AuoItWrapper when Help File is opened) created by Dobs78
I just noticed this while running a script (testing.au3) via SciTE …


23:13 Ticket #1482 (FileRead behavior description needs clarification) created by jchd
In the help file for FileRead, the description of the optional …
05:55 Ticket #1481 (_GUICtrlHeader UDF not using correct character set) created by Beege
I know I'm not using the correct terminology so I'm sorry about that …
04:38 Ticket #1480 (Corrupting registry when importing a .reg file with a delete key in it) created by magnuslarsson73@…
When running the following code, it corrupts the Windows registry …


14:25 Ticket #1479 (ListView WM_NOTIFY Message on x64 Returning Wrong Results) created by SkinnyWhiteGuy <mleo2003@…>
I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, trying to use a WM_NOTIFY function to detect …


20:23 Ticket #1478 (Make _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd convert HWnd) created by NerdFencer
The code in _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd (from ScreenCapture.au3) can …
19:53 Ticket #1318 (UDFs char/wchar --> bad numbers of bytes for _MemRead()/_MemWrite()) closed by Jon
Duplicate: Closed due to no further comments.
19:46 Ticket #1474 (mouseClick not working on windows 7) closed by Jon
Works For Me: Closing as a Works for Me.
19:10 Ticket #1470 (ScriptWriter not included in Installation EXE) closed by Jon
Works For Me: No follow up. Closing as Works for me.
14:54 Ticket #1275 (GUICtrlSetTip - after tip times out it does not show again) closed by Jon
Works For Me
14:42 Ticket #1476 (_DebugReportVar() example fails) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5717] in version:
14:40 Ticket #1473 (Debug.au3, _DebugReportVar(), Line format, Scite support?) closed by Jon
Completed: Added by revision [5716] in version:
10:48 Ticket #1477 (Iterpretator doesn't recognize wrong(?) syntax (in operators)) closed by Jon
Wont Fix: It's due to our simplistic expression parsing. Won't be fixed unless we rewrite the entire thing in future.
08:56 Ticket #1477 (Iterpretator doesn't recognize wrong(?) syntax (in operators)) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
This little script will reproduce the bug: […] just run it, it …
03:20 Ticket #1476 (_DebugReportVar() example fails) created by Beege
The example in the documentation for function _DebugReportVar() fails …


17:33 Ticket #1420 (GUIRichEdit UDF hidden selection) closed by Jon
Works For Me: No repo script. Closing.
17:33 Ticket #1421 (GUIRichEdit UDF added line break) closed by Jon
Works For Me: No repo script. Closing.
17:12 Ticket #1466 (_GUICtrlEdit_GetLine returns an unexpected character) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5712] in version:
17:03 Ticket #1469 (_GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea must use _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose to release) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5710] in version:
16:59 Ticket #1445 (Wrong description for _MemGlobalFree()) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5709] in version:
16:33 Ticket #1366 (TrayCreateItem() bug) closed by Jon
Works For Me: Closed due to no repo script.
16:24 Ticket #1475 (TrayItemSetState($Value, $Tray_Checked) enables an disabled TrayItem) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5708] in version:
12:01 Ticket #1475 (TrayItemSetState($Value, $Tray_Checked) enables an disabled TrayItem) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
Hi All, I've disabled a trayitem and when is give it a command to …
11:20 Ticket #1474 (mouseClick not working on windows 7) created by gregfamilton@…
I have scripts that worked on Windows XP no longer work on Windows7. …
11:14 Ticket #1459 (Hard Crash) closed by Jon
Wont Fix: Works for me. It's environment related. The only current solution is to keep reducing the recursion level and it's a fairly pointless excercise as unless it is set at some ridiculously low level it will always break for someone.
11:01 Ticket #1459 (Hard Crash) reopened by Jpm
I reopened it as for X86 as stated by MSCreator hardcrashed
00:40 Ticket #1473 (Debug.au3, _DebugReportVar(), Line format, Scite support?) created by anonymous
Debug.au3 Line 286 […] Think that should be ... To make the printed …


17:20 Ticket #1472 (GUISetCursor Bug) created by VittGam <vittgam@…>
The help page for GUISetCursor says: […] But the help page of …
14:34 Ticket #1462 (Need speedup FileReadLine() and FileWriteLine() functions) closed by Jon
Completed: I've rewritten some of the FileWriteLine() code and it's about 40-50% faster than it was. The OS cache is used for caching and that's not something that will be changed. Any speed differences now should just be because perl is probably faster anyway…
14:28 Ticket #1471 (_ClipPutFile is not unicode aware) created by Jon
Include\Misc.au3 _ClipPutFile is not unicode aware. Needs fixing.
14:27 Ticket #1468 (StringToBinary lost character in utf8) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5704] in version:
11:46 Milestone completed
11:23 Ticket #1463 (Converting with StringToASCIIArray) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5700] in version:
09:10 Ticket #1464 (StringRegExp, Single Char. Pattern with '*' Quantifier.) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5698] in version:
03:04 Ticket #1470 (ScriptWriter not included in Installation EXE) created by anonymous
I just installed the latest AutoIt ( and Scite4AutoIt3. When …


22:43 Ticket #1467 (DllStructSetData not support UTF8) closed by Jon
No Bug
00:28 Ticket #1469 (_GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea must use _GDIPlus_BitmapDispose to release) created by Beege
Currently the documentation states that the user should use …
00:03 Ticket #1468 (StringToBinary lost character in utf8) created by maomao123_1981@…
; Binary ANSI to String $buffer = StringToBinary("Hello - …


23:22 Ticket #1467 (DllStructSetData not support UTF8) created by anonymous
[autoit] ;========================================================= …
16:46 Ticket #1459 (Hard Crash) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5691] in version:
12:17 Ticket #1459 (Hard Crash) reopened by Jos
Confirm a Hard crash when ran on x64 Win7. reopened for more detailed review.


19:51 Ticket #1465 (Proxy functions or udf) closed by Valik
Rejected: Just... no.
19:24 Ticket #1466 (_GUICtrlEdit_GetLine returns an unexpected character) created by ProgAndy
When using _GUICtrlEdit_GetLine, an unexpected character is appended. …
16:22 Ticket #1465 (Proxy functions or udf) created by e1m1
Hello, I just got idea for new autoit funcs, (Maybe it can be done as …
09:53 Ticket #1464 (StringRegExp, Single Char. Pattern with '*' Quantifier.) created by anonymous
Well, It took we a wile to be sure. But I think the following data …
08:21 Ticket #1463 (Converting with StringToASCIIArray) created by Xenobiologist
Hello, I got some questions about the function whether the behaviour …
07:28 Ticket #1462 (Need speedup FileReadLine() and FileWriteLine() functions) created by Suppir
AutoIt has a real bad (or none?) buffering while writing or reading …


10:36 Ticket #1461 (RightTab and LeftTab under ControlComand not working for ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: Err, you're not using the right class name. Did you actually look at the Site Manager window with Au3Info to get the right information? Once I corrected the wrong class the code works just fine. No AutoIt bug here. You should probably use the forum in the future since this was a basic support question, not a bug.
09:31 Ticket #1461 (RightTab and LeftTab under ControlComand not working for ...) created by coolnetalias
I am making a POC using the FileZilla ftp client. The navigation steps …
02:02 Ticket #1460 (This says $x<>1 but it shows that it is) closed by Valik
No Bug: Sigh. Floating point numbers are imprecise, blah blah blah. Seriously, I've covered this about a billion times. Try using Int($x) to do a tiny bit of floating-point correction to account for the inaccuracies or don't use floating point arithmetic and then expect the results to be what you want. Nothing to see here.
01:45 Ticket #1460 (This says $x<>1 but it shows that it is) created by Beege
This msgbox should not appear […]
00:46 Ticket #1459 (Hard Crash) closed by Valik
Works For Me: It doesn't cause a hard crash for me. It correctly gives the "Recursion level has been exceeded - AutoIt will quit to prevent stack overflow." error.


22:57 Ticket #1459 (Hard Crash) created by anonymous
The following causes a hard crash with the latest stable of AutoIt. …
20:29 Ticket #1458 (InetGetSize() only supports 32bit sizes) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5674] in version:
15:50 Ticket #1457 (InetGetsize / VariableType) closed by Jon
10:11 Ticket #1458 (InetGetSize() only supports 32bit sizes) created by Jon
[…] This returns what looks like an overflow number. Forum: …


23:07 Ticket #1457 (InetGetsize / VariableType) created by tankbuster@…
INetGetSize reports unusable FileSize in Bytes if Remote File is …
23:05 Ticket #1391 (AU3Info Toolsbar page returns info allways on instance 1 instead of ...) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5672] in version:
22:18 Ticket #462 (Send() can't send Unicode characters.) closed by Jon
22:17 Ticket #1452 (FileOpenDialog) closed by Jon
21:51 Ticket #1446 (_Screencapture_Capture UDF height and width is 1 pixel off) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5671] in version:
21:44 Ticket #1441 (_GUICtrlRichEdit_GetText: last character truncated) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5670] in version:
19:01 Ticket #1456 (Beta hard crash on WinXP3 OS:X86) closed by Jon
18:58 Milestone completed
17:21 Ticket #1444 (AutoIt info tools keeping highlights on previous highlighted control) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5665] in version:
15:06 Ticket #1456 (Beta hard crash on WinXP3 OS:X86) created by Jos
VMWare:OS:WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 CPU:X64 OS:X86 This MsgBox is shown …
13:07 Ticket #1450 ( Doesn't Compile Well with Windows 7) closed by Jon
13:05 Ticket #1440 (For...In...Next, Multi dimensional array.) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5664] in version:
13:01 Ticket #1449 (GUICtrlDelete(), GUICtrlCreateDummy()) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5663] in version:
12:45 Ticket #1454 (_StringBetween does not find blank line correctly) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5662] in version:
11:50 Milestone completed
11:37 Ticket #961 (RegDelete fails to to delete reg key containing sub keys) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5658] in version:


00:24 Ticket #1455 (Scroll bug) closed by Valik
No Bug: SciTE 2.x is not supported.


23:18 Ticket #1455 (Scroll bug) created by Philip Granered <philip.granered@…>
When I used SciTE Version BETA I noticed when I where having …
19:12 Ticket #1454 (_StringBetween does not find blank line correctly) created by pongmaster21
When using $line=_StringBetween('<center>', '</center>') to search the …
16:44 Ticket #1453 (_Net_Share_ShareCheck() always returns 0) created by PsaltyDS
Something broke _Net_Share_ShareCheck(). I have a broken script that …
13:48 Ticket #1452 (FileOpenDialog) created by xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
Please add a parameter that can hide file masks in dialog, leaving …
13:04 Ticket #1451 (RegRead) created by xrewndel <xrewndel@…>
Function RegRead must accept Default keyword for a ValueName, i.e. …
03:44 Ticket #1450 ( Doesn't Compile Well with Windows 7) created by Sindern
http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=109412 See that …


21:56 Ticket #1448 (#OnAutoItStartRegister ignored in compiled scripts) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5657] in version:
18:07 Ticket #1449 (GUICtrlDelete(), GUICtrlCreateDummy()) created by anonymous
Not sure If GUICtrlDelete() should delete a GUICtrlCreateDummy() …
03:45 Ticket #1448 (#OnAutoItStartRegister ignored in compiled scripts) created by jchd
#OnAutoItStartRegister "function" works as expected from interpretor, …


20:05 Ticket #1447 (AutoIt timesout on winwait when run by Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008) closed by Valik
No Bug: Sigh. What is it about that big red box that people are ignoring? You haven't clearly defined a bug, you haven't provided a short script that demonstrates the problem and it sure sounds to me like you need support.
19:35 Ticket #1447 (AutoIt timesout on winwait when run by Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2008) created by disaak
I have a couple AutoIt software installation scripts that timeout when …
19:29 Ticket #1040 (_ScreenCapture_Capture(): GDI object leak with cursor capture) reopened by Valik
11:03 Ticket #1446 (_Screencapture_Capture UDF height and width is 1 pixel off) created by djbarnes@…
Screencapture_capture will return a square that is 1 pixel too small …
07:50 Ticket #1445 (Wrong description for _MemGlobalFree()) created by Yashied
If the function succeeds, returns FALSE but not TRUE. I think that …
02:26 Ticket #961 (RegDelete fails to to delete reg key containing sub keys) reopened by Valik
I'm going to re-open this so Jon can have a look and see if he can come up with a suitable explanation for the problem.
02:17 Ticket #1438 (_ArrayCombinations bug) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5649] in version:
02:06 Ticket #1411 (FileReadLine enhancement to enable more efficient reading of very ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can easily do this yourself. Use FileRead() to read in fixed block sizes. Then use StringSplit() to break the data into an array of lines. Always prepend the last line of the previous read to the next read since you probably split that line in the middle and you won't miss any data.
02:03 Ticket #1422 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_GetWidth() states that it returns height) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5648] in version:
01:54 Ticket #1432 (AutoIt3_x64.exe - GUIRegisterMsg($WM_NOTIFY, "MY_WM_NOTIFY")) closed by Valik
No Bug: Your NMHDR structure declaration is not correct. Use AutoIt's $tagNMHDR to get a correct version. It appears the documentation is wrong for that structure but the structure itself is declared correctly. Your attempt to declare the structure is fine for x86 but is a full 8-bytes too small for x64.
01:51 Ticket #1436 (Invalid helpfile/example '_INetGetSource.au3') closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5646] in version:
01:48 Ticket #1443 (Error in ExcelCom_udf (Excelbookopen)) closed by Valik
No Bug: Yeah, really good job reading the big red box. You failed to search the issue tracker, otherwise you would have found #1168. You failed to test with the latest versions. You failed to provide a test script. Since you are obviously using an old version of AutoIt you also failed to set the correct version. So riddle me this, why did you completely ignore the big red box?
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.