


19:42 Ticket #1230 (Changes to the build process.) reopened by Valik
Re-opening because there's more stuff to do, no longer blocking, though.
03:36 Ticket #1283 (aut2exe_x64 Ignores /pack Parameter When Compiling x86 Executable) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5379] in version:


21:08 Ticket #1292 (_IETagNameGetCollection) closed by Valik
No Bug: Closing due to Dale's comments, thanks Dale.
17:42 Ticket #1296 (_GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem fails with item text wider than TreeView) created by ResNullius
If a TreeView or Gui containing a TreeView is not wide enough to show …
16:44 Ticket #1295 (Crashed with fileread and filewrite on windows 7 X64) created by thesnoW
Crashed with fileread and filewrite on windows 7 X64 And,if file is …
15:56 Ticket #1280 (wrong lines in au3.api) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5378] in version:
02:27 Ticket #1294 (WinGetTitle freezes script when reading the title of a ...) created by marc0v
Not really a bug, so it is a feature request... If an autoit script …


22:51 Ticket #1293 (odd value returned when assigning "default" to Scripting.Dictionary) closed by Valik
No Bug: Um, okay. I'm not sure how you expect an AutoIt-specific keyword to be stored and preserved in an external object. This is certainly not a bug.
19:06 Ticket #1293 (odd value returned when assigning "default" to Scripting.Dictionary) created by Gabriel13
When the AutoIt "default" value is assigned to a Scripting.Dictionary …


23:51 Ticket #1286 (FileGetShortName does not expand . or .. directories) closed by Valik
No Bug: […] No bug, not a feature we will add.
18:04 Ticket #1281 (ControlClick()) closed by Valik
No Bug: An example is supposed to actually reproduce the problem. Yours doesn't and for good reason: Notepad doesn't have a control with ID 123. At least not in Windows XP SP3. Anyway, there's no bug here, just user error.
17:57 Ticket #1276 (_TicksToTime() displayed seconds increment at wrong time) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5376] in version:
17:39 Ticket #1278 (_FTP_ProgressUpload() - german comment in example in helpfile) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5375] in version:
17:36 Ticket #1269 (One some laptops OnEvent mode misses some events.) closed by Valik
Works For Me: Not enough information provided. Closing.
17:34 Ticket #1287 (_Debug functions are changing Blockinput() Flag) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5374] in version:
17:29 Ticket #1288 (DLLStructSetData behavior with binary variant data) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5373] in version:
16:28 Ticket #1285 (Unexpected result when using BitShift) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5372] in version:
07:13 Ticket #1292 (_IETagNameGetCollection) created by Wooltown
I have a script which is downloading the anti virus files from …


20:46 Ticket #1291 (FileSetTime() Error descripton) created by anonymous
Suggestion Additional explanation in Helpfile: succes: but …
09:05 Ticket #1290 (_GUICtrlTreeView_DisplayRectEx with "$fTextOnly = True" returns same ...) created by ResNullius
"Left" value when the $ftextOnly parameter is "True" returns 0, same …
01:39 Ticket #1289 (Port to Mac) closed by Valik
Rejected: It's good to see you read WikiStart and more specifically AutoItNotOnToDoList before making this request. I also especially enjoy how you opened a bug report instead of a feature request.
01:19 Ticket #1289 (Port to Mac) created by anonymous
Great app. Can it be ported to mac. Everything up to the GUI …


19:35 Ticket #1288 (DLLStructSetData behavior with binary variant data) created by evilertoaster
As demonstrated in …


23:16 Ticket #1287 (_Debug functions are changing Blockinput() Flag) created by Beege
The problem can be seen using _DebugOut or _DebugSetup examples from …
22:21 Ticket #1286 (FileGetShortName does not expand . or .. directories) created by flyingboz
ConsoleWrite(FileGetShortName('.')) …
18:38 Ticket #1285 (Unexpected result when using BitShift) created by ProgAndy
BitShift seems to return a wrong result if the input is a 64bit …
09:17 Ticket #1284 (minor fold hickup.) created by anonymous
03:23 Ticket #1283 (aut2exe_x64 Ignores /pack Parameter When Compiling x86 Executable) created by wraithdu
When run from the command line (or from AutoIt3Wrapper) on an x64 …
00:21 Ticket #1282 (WinMove results in unespected resizing behavior of controls) created by anonymous
Hi, I believe I have encountered a problem: First, I create a window …


23:07 Ticket #1281 (ControlClick()) created by anonymous
Controlclick does not accept ID number for controlID. Exemple: …
21:52 Milestone completed
21:03 Ticket #1280 (wrong lines in au3.api) created by Tweaky
In the line 233 an following: AutoItSetOption ( "@@End@@", param ) …
17:22 Ticket #1279 (_FTP_FilePut() - DOC precission - for parametres) created by Zedna
_FTP_FilePut - parameters 1) In remarks should be added: Both …
16:38 Ticket #1278 (_FTP_ProgressUpload() - german comment in example in helpfile) created by Zedna
There is german comment in example in remarks for …
15:22 Ticket #1277 (_GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext needs to be "disposed" in help example) created by Andrew
The help file gives an example of how to use this function. At the …
14:59 Ticket #1276 (_TicksToTime() displayed seconds increment at wrong time) created by Andrew
In the _TicksToTime function the value for Seconds is derived by this …
13:52 Ticket #1275 (GUICtrlSetTip - after tip times out it does not show again) created by whim
when the parent control is hovered until the tip times out it does not …


23:41 Ticket #1274 (Increase Datatype Ranges) closed by Valik
Rejected: There are other languages out there better suited for the tasks you wish to accomplish than AutoIt.
21:48 Ticket #1274 (Increase Datatype Ranges) created by robertlcull@…
I have often attempted to use autoit to compile high range data. A …
19:20 Ticket #1239 (AU3Check, #include "..", library scan order.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5364] in version:
17:13 Ticket #1266 (Compile not found in context menu of 64bit windows) closed by Jon
Works For Me: I use x64 Windows Vista and Windows 7 and I have two options in the context menu "Compile Script" and "Compile Script (x64)".
15:46 Ticket #1273 (_GuiCtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor - example save bad RTF) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5361] in version:
15:38 Ticket #1272 (Uninstall, beta, file WinAPIError.au3 still standing.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5360] in version:
13:50 Ticket #1273 (_GuiCtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor - example save bad RTF) created by anonymous
Example for _GuiCtrlRichEdit_SetCharColor() saves RTF file which …
13:29 Ticket #1272 (Uninstall, beta, file WinAPIError.au3 still standing.) created by Zedna
"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\Beta\Include\winapierror.au3" After …
05:13 Ticket #1271 (History added to Func notes directly) closed by Valik
Rejected: You should always read the changelog before updating. Always. Not all changes to the language are additions. Some things are changes to existing behavior including the removal of behavior.
04:07 Ticket #1271 (History added to Func notes directly) created by Dolemite50
Hi, This is definitely one for the furthest to the back burner you …


22:22 Ticket #1270 (GUISetIcon (@ScriptName) sets the 48x48 icon to the GUI) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer <emielwieldraaijer@…>
Look at the icons used for displaying the program when pressing …
19:51 Ticket #1269 (One some laptops OnEvent mode misses some events.) created by anonymous
http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=104891 The link …
16:21 Ticket #1268 (AutoIt3 and _ExcelBookClose($oExcel)) closed by Valik
No Bug: How many times must I tell you people to read WikiStart and to always test with the latest beta? This does not occur in
14:17 Ticket #1268 (AutoIt3 and _ExcelBookClose($oExcel)) created by rvdkonijnenburg@…
When closing an Excel workbook with the _ExcelBookClose function, the …
04:47 Ticket #1267 (Regular expression - Specify line endings default code to CRLF instead ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: Uh, you're missing something rather obvious here. A CRLF still contains a LF so lines still break in the correct place as far as the regex engine is concerned. They just have an extra CR in there as far as you are concerned. You also have the option of using StringStripCR() to remove the CR characters.
04:02 Ticket #1267 (Regular expression - Specify line endings default code to CRLF instead ...) created by Mison
Multiline syntax(?m) is pretty useless when used with string entered …
02:38 Ticket #1229 (Integrate Tweaky's script into the build process.) closed by Valik
Completed: Added by revision [5356] in version:


22:00 Ticket #1266 (Compile not found in context menu of 64bit windows) created by BrammerTheHammer@…
There is no compile found in the context menu of 64 bit Windows. I …
21:07 Ticket #1265 (Au3Check support for Static) created by Valik
This is a reminder to myself to test the work on Au3Check supporting …
20:45 Ticket #1260 (Buffer overflow in _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5355] in version:
20:05 Ticket #1258 (TreeView + ContextMenu versus Own window Titlebar.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5354] in version:
15:52 Ticket #1264 (WARNING: $Label10 possibly not declared/created yet) closed by Valik
No Bug: Read WikiStart or better yet don't ever post on the issue tracker again. It's not for general help and support.
15:52 Ticket #1263 (Request: Delete a Line from a File (FileDeleteLine)) closed by Valik
Rejected: You're using FileReadLine() wrong. Otherwise, there's no point in this feature because it will be implemented exactly how you describe. To use FileReadLine() correctly do not pass a line number. This reads the "next" line instead of calculating the correct line to read.
12:44 Ticket #1264 (WARNING: $Label10 possibly not declared/created yet) created by abccoolx@…
How to do that right $Label10 possibly not declared/created yet how …
08:04 Ticket #1263 (Request: Delete a Line from a File (FileDeleteLine)) created by eru
At the moment, there is no way to delete a specific line from a file, …


22:50 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) closed by Valik
Completed: Added by revision [5347] in version:
17:39 Ticket #1160 (GuictrlcreatePic not displaying over ListView in Win7) closed by Valik
No Bug: This is not a bug, just incomplete code. The ListView requires $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS so the image can be drawn over it. This example should work on all versions of Windows: […]
13:52 Ticket #1247 (Reading the edit of a comboboxEx with style $CBS_DROPDOWN and $WS_VSCROLL) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5340] in version:
08:59 Ticket #1262 (Add SMTP AUTH to _INetSmtpMail() in inet.au3) created by univeda
The SMTP authentication is missing in _InetSmtpMail(). But todays …
00:38 Ticket #1261 (IsHWnd() returns TRUE for some values) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #1248.


22:17 Ticket #1261 (IsHWnd() returns TRUE for some values) created by Yashied
IsHWnd() returns TRUE for some integer values (20, 22, 24, 26 for …
21:37 Ticket #1258 (TreeView + ContextMenu versus Own window Titlebar.) reopened by Valik
Now that I can reproduce.
20:31 Ticket #1258 (TreeView + ContextMenu versus Own window Titlebar.) closed by Valik
Works For Me: Everything works for me. I do not see what you claim happens.
16:49 Ticket #1260 (Buffer overflow in _WinAPI_GetLastErrorMessage()) created by danielkza
[…] The 'nSize' parameter passed is not accounting for the …
16:22 BadContent edited by Valik
Removed word "MESSAGE" as that will block legitimate users. (diff)
15:39 Ticket #1255 (127 characters limitation with AutoItX v3.3.0.0 (with titles and controls)) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5324] in version:
13:08 Ticket #1259 (scite config, AU3 font settings.) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in v currently available in Beta directory. Thanks, jos
12:37 Ticket #1259 (scite config, AU3 font settings.) created by anonymous2
scite config, AU3 font settings. setting: "Monospacec Font" versus …
11:22 Ticket #1258 (TreeView + ContextMenu versus Own window Titlebar.) created by anonymous
left mouse click on window titlebar, directly after opening a treeView …
04:41 Ticket #1250 (Fix bugs in Static documentation) closed by Nutster
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5320] in version:
04:24 Ticket #1257 (Fix bugs in Static array handling) created by Nutster
Encountering a Static array for the second time should cause a redim. …
03:15 Ticket #1240 (FileInstall() Help file clarification.) closed by Nutster
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5319] in version:


23:52 Ticket #1009 (Remove hard-coded calls to ConsoleWrite() in SQLite.au3) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added by revision [5317] in version:
20:58 Ticket #1256 (Scite Config for AutoIt3 Link Issue) closed by Jos
Fixed: Will be changed to downloads.shtml in the next release of the installer.
18:44 Ticket #1256 (Scite Config for AutoIt3 Link Issue) created by exodius
Using SciTE Config for AutoIt3. ver:1.6.6, if I click "Check for …
16:14 Ticket #1249 (Beta documentation errors) closed by Valik
Fixed: Tweaky, please don't create any more tickets for output from your script. Over the next day or two I'm going to integrate your script into our build process as something we will be able to run periodically. I imagine I'll be in touch here with questions, commments or changes to your script. Closing this as it seems done or close enough.
16:11 Ticket #1254 (_WeekNumberISO and GUICtrlCreateMonthCal return different weeknumbers ...) closed by Valik
No Bug
15:36 Ticket #1066 (filewrite() not working in mode 16(BinaryMode).) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5311] in version:
05:10 Ticket #1255 (127 characters limitation with AutoItX v3.3.0.0 (with titles and controls)) created by marc0v
127 characters limitation with AutoItX ActiveX ver tested with …
01:38 Ticket #1234 (Scripting.Dictionary call converting referenced AutoIt booleans to numbers) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5303] in version:


22:07 Ticket #1248 (_GUICtrlEdit_AppendText fails on certain control IDs. Very odd...) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5289] in version:
16:13 Ticket #1254 (_WeekNumberISO and GUICtrlCreateMonthCal return different weeknumbers ...) created by Jimblack@…
I suspect _WeekNumberISO function is 'off by 1' since it returns a …
15:40 Ticket #1252 (Issue in help file example code for "_MouseTrap()") closed by Valik
No Bug: No it shouldn't.
15:39 Ticket #1253 (command run("c:\windows\system\soundrecorder.exe) can't launch ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: Terrible bug report. Read WikiStart. Next time ask your questions on the forum where they belong.
11:51 Ticket #1253 (command run("c:\windows\system\soundrecorder.exe) can't launch ...) created by anonymous
as title.Is this normal?autoit version
07:26 Ticket #1252 (Issue in help file example code for "_MouseTrap()") created by naikma@…
Help file shows example code as: […] Here […] should be …


21:21 Ticket #1230 (Changes to the build process.) closed by Valik
17:41 Ticket #1251 (Random Generator Returns 0) closed by Valik
No Bug: You fail. Twice. 1. Not searching the issue tracker and finding #1170. 2. Not trying the latest beta where it returns 1.
17:29 Ticket #1251 (Random Generator Returns 0) created by horrsky@…
$X = Random(1,1,1) This will always return 0; it should equal 1 …
15:26 Ticket #1250 (Fix bugs in Static documentation) created by Nutster
A bold is not turned off. Add to index and table of contents - keyword …
08:50 Ticket #1227 (Beta documentation errors) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: Closed as supersed by ticket #1249
06:57 Ticket #1228 (FTPEx.au3 missing callback parameter for some functions.) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
06:50 Ticket #1246 (Broken links in Helpfile) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:


19:25 Ticket #1249 (Beta documentation errors) created by Tweaky
Errors in the help file for beta
17:05 Milestone completed
09:45 Ticket #1248 (_GUICtrlEdit_AppendText fails on certain control IDs. Very odd...) created by Rob Saunders <therks@…>
Long story short: I have a GUI with several controls on it, one of …


18:42 Ticket #1244 (New AU3Wrapper directive: #AutoIt3Wrapper_MinVersion) closed by Jos
Rejected: Don't think you answered my question about "How do you run/compile your scripts" Anyways: I have no intentions to create anything more complex than what I have today that works for 99.99% of the population. :) Jos
16:50 Ticket #1231 (strange wildcards behaviour with filecopy) reopened by Valik
Re-opening, not fixed.
11:41 Ticket #1247 (Reading the edit of a comboboxEx with style $CBS_DROPDOWN and $WS_VSCROLL) created by christophamort
The function _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_GetEditText does not give the inputs …
09:56 Ticket #1246 (Broken links in Helpfile) created by Rob Saunders <therks@…>
I found the link in the remarks for GUICtrlCreateEdit had an invalid …
05:36 Ticket #1241 (Invalid MsgBox flag cause exit without warning) closed by Valik
05:32 Ticket #1245 (Last version supporting winnt 4.0) closed by Valik
Rejected: I guess it was too much to look on the main download page for a non-beta version of AutoIt?
05:12 Ticket #1245 (Last version supporting winnt 4.0) created by hunt
Hello! I had a necessity for run of scripts under winnt 4.0, but i …
03:56 Ticket #1244 (New AU3Wrapper directive: #AutoIt3Wrapper_MinVersion) created by danielkza
I'm trying to use the currently available directive …
01:30 Ticket #1243 (Request @FuncName) closed by Valik
Rejected: No, the macro causes way too much performance degradation. Also, terrible example. You're requesting the feature to write bad code. Not exactly the best way to get it considered.
01:11 Ticket #1243 (Request @FuncName) created by Jayowee
A simple request for a @Funcname. It might be usefull for debugging …


22:00 Ticket #1147 (Comparison of numbers against strings gives unexpected results) reopened by Valik
I'm reverting my change for the time being. The behavior will not be changed in
18:01 Ticket #1242 (GDIPlus Encoder stuff doesn't work.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in by JP.
15:01 Ticket #1231 (strange wildcards behaviour with filecopy) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
03:16 Ticket #1242 (GDIPlus Encoder stuff doesn't work.) created by Valik
The GDIPlus Encoder stuff doesn't work because a pointer is passed to …


09:53 Ticket #1241 (Invalid MsgBox flag cause exit without warning) created by scriptonize
Hi, I recently discovered this strange behavior of the MsgBox() …


10:49 Ticket #1240 (FileInstall() Help file clarification.) created by Bowmore
The help file does not state that the destination folder must already …
01:47 Ticket #1168 (_ExcelBookOpen error on workbooks with hidden sheets) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
01:24 Ticket #376 (GUICtrlSetBkColor() causes button to catch enter key) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: I'm just going to set this as won't fix. I do not agree with any way to fix this short of writing the GUI from scratch and not even including custom colors (it should have never been built-in in the first place).


18:02 Ticket #1147 (Comparison of numbers against strings gives unexpected results) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
07:27 Ticket #1167 (_FTP_ProgressDownload crashes) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
07:24 Ticket #1238 (_FTP_FilePut broken) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
06:26 Ticket #1239 (AU3Check, #include "..", library scan order.) created by anonymous
AU3Check library scan order for "includeMe.au3" files seems to be: …
03:31 Ticket #1167 (_FTP_ProgressDownload crashes) reopened by Valik
03:21 Ticket #1238 (_FTP_FilePut broken) created by partypooper@…
_FTP_FilePut works in but not I don't know how it's …


21:46 Ticket #1237 (IniRead always return strings) closed by Valik
No Bug: There's no bug here and the behavior is not going to be changed.
21:39 Ticket #1237 (IniRead always return strings) created by anonymous
Hello, IniRead will always return strings: […] Also it would …
17:16 Ticket #1086 (Remove limit on number of files that can be opened.) closed by Jon
Works For Me: I removed the file limits ages ago, so this might just be a general out of memory/resources situation. In either case there is no repro script so closing.
16:26 Ticket #1042 (AURecord has problems with save/save as) closed by Jon
Wont Fix: Not blocking. Au3record+DLL was never supposed to be released as it was a framework for something I intended to do in the future. JP looks to have reimplemented it to use Larry's old ASWHook.dll file rather than the new dll I was creating. I'm not intending to work on it again for a while, and if I do it will be from scratch most likley.


21:09 Ticket #1221 (SciTE has a limitation on properties files) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:39 Ticket #1222 (Porperties) closed by Jos
Works For Me
18:35 Ticket #1232 (AU3Check, false error, For $i[array] = ..) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:46 Ticket #1235 (Tidy does not format negative cases properly) closed by Jos
04:40 Ticket #508 (Static variables) closed by Nutster
Completed: Added in version:


19:13 Ticket #1236 (error/extended pass on in "Return function()" case.) closed by Valik
Rejected: General rule of making feature requests: If you think asking for a feature is going to invoke a rant, don't ask for the feature.
19:03 Ticket #1199 (GUI is very sluggish with keyboard navigation and screen reader) closed by Jpm
Works For Me
18:23 Ticket #1236 (error/extended pass on in "Return function()" case.) created by anonymous
[…] I know, just a other stupid idea. Rant away …
15:22 Ticket #1235 (Tidy does not format negative cases properly) created by Nutster
In a Switch statement, a Case with a negative number gets separated …
11:38 Ticket #1212 (AutoIt v2 - web page - typo) closed by Jon
00:59 Ticket #1233 ("Deep" global variables not treated as global) closed by Valik
Rejected: The script is poorly designed. Remember, AutoIt does not have an entry point which means all code at global scope is executed top-to-bottom as if it were implicitly part of a function. Trying to change the code like you suggest would be a disaster. Imagine code like this: […] In that code FileOpen() would be called with $sFile = "" because initializing $hFile has a non-trivial assignment.
00:37 Ticket #1234 (Scripting.Dictionary call converting referenced AutoIt booleans to numbers) created by Gabriel13
I've run into a situation where a Scripting.Dictionary object method …


17:02 Ticket #1083 (ClipPut Function bug or limitation-from ticket 1043) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed in version:
16:45 Ticket #1060 (Run return 0, but failed) closed by Jon
Fixed: Fixed in version:
15:10 Ticket #1233 ("Deep" global variables not treated as global) created by jchd
The following produces 1 warning and 1 error, both unexpected. […] …
12:53 Ticket #1232 (AU3Check, false error, For $i[array] = ..) created by anonymous
08:47 Ticket #1231 (strange wildcards behaviour with filecopy) created by xelotiac@…
Hello, If I use this piece of code for a "abcdef.ghi" file: […] …
01:30 Ticket #906 (ActiveX Control on a GUI gets incorrect size information when queried) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
00:57 Ticket #1230 (Changes to the build process.) created by Valik
Reminder to myself to make the changes mentioned …
00:42 Ticket #1229 (Integrate Tweaky's script into the build process.) created by Valik
Just a reminder that I need to integrate …


23:02 Ticket #1228 (FTPEx.au3 missing callback parameter for some functions.) created by Beege
Each one of these functions use another function that allows a …
21:42 Ticket #1227 (Beta documentation errors) created by Tweaky
Hi, we have translate the english helpfile into german. So we see that …
16:54 Ticket #1226 (DateDayofWeek function returns wrong day name) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
15:48 Ticket #1226 (DateDayofWeek function returns wrong day name) created by jimblack
The _DateDayOfWeek($iDayNum) is returning the Dayname + 1, i.e. …
14:03 Ticket #1206 (UDPRecv Only sees RAW packets with UDPBind) closed by Nutster
Wont Fix: Windows PE has only some drivers, including network drivers, enabled. To prevent Windows PE from being used as a server, most listeners, including UDF, are not enabled under Windows PE. See http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766093(WS.10).aspx for information. So in summary, this is an operating system limitation, not an AutoIt limitation, so we can't change this behaviour.
08:36 Ticket #1154 (ControlClick() and VB.NET compatibility) closed by Jpm
Wont Fix
08:19 Ticket #1224 (Type In DLLCall Documentation) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
08:17 Ticket #1223 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl() Failing in beta) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
06:55 Ticket #1225 (OperationalError: database is locked) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: This happens too infrequently to care about. Also I don't really know why it happens and is probably something I can't fix anyway without spending weeks learning the Trac codebase.
05:06 Ticket #1225 (OperationalError: database is locked) created by anonymous
==== How to Reproduce ==== While doing a POST operation on …
05:06 Ticket #1224 (Type In DLLCall Documentation) created by anonymous
In the help file is says […] I believe it should be "set"
03:58 Ticket #1223 (_GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl() Failing in beta) created by Beege
The example given in the documentation will produce the error I keep …
00:45 Ticket #1222 (Porperties) created by Hypercam J
Ok, so I just installed the latest version of AutoIt Beta and SciTE …


23:23 Ticket #1218 (Buttons appear flat) closed by Valik
Fixed: I do not have an explanation why the manifests went missing. Repeating the build procedure produces binaries with the manifest. At any rate, it's fixed in
23:17 Milestone completed
21:30 Ticket #1026 (_Gdiplus_BitmapCreate* functions document wrong resource disposal function) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
21:16 Ticket #1026 (_Gdiplus_BitmapCreate* functions document wrong resource disposal function) reopened by Valik
18:18 Ticket #1220 (Sqrt does not return 0 on negative parameter, documentation says otherwise) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:45 Ticket #1215 (_arrayDisplay() displays incorrectly when pipe character is is present ...) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
16:52 Ticket #1221 (SciTE has a limitation on properties files) created by Valik
There is a limit to the number of characters that can be in a …
08:14 Ticket #1220 (Sqrt does not return 0 on negative parameter, documentation says otherwise) created by Manadar
A fault in the documentation, or in the implementation of the Sqrt …
06:58 Ticket #1219 (Fix TracTicketDelete) created by Valik
Fix the ticket delete plugin so that it doesn't throw an error when …
06:42 Ticket #1218 (Buttons appear flat) created by P5ych0Gigabyte
{{{AutoIt: (Os:WIN_7/X64 Language:0409 …
06:40 Ticket #1217 (InetGet resume ability) closed by Valik
Rejected: Resume is a bit too much. I can't really think of a very clean way to expose the functionality. My suggestion is automate a proper download manager or roll your own download function using WinInet.
02:18 Ticket #1217 (InetGet resume ability) created by downloadresumer
Is there any possibility to add the ability to resume a download with …


23:25 Milestone completed
23:23 Ticket #351 (Reverse PixelSearch) closed by Valik
Completed: Added in version:
22:52 Ticket #1216 (Adding arrays working suspiciously) created by monoceres
This doesn't seem right to me: […] Output is [1,2]. Optional …
02:44 Ticket #1137 (Change RegEnumKey/RegEnumVal error return to be more sensible.) closed by Valik
Completed: Changed in version:


20:33 Ticket #1215 (_arrayDisplay() displays incorrectly when pipe character is is present ...) created by anonymous
Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86 In AutoIt beta …
18:55 Ticket #1128 (UDF Addition: _WinAPI_PathFindOnPath) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
18:29 Ticket #1137 (Change RegEnumKey/RegEnumVal error return to be more sensible.) reopened by Valik
Err, please actually read why I reopened this ticket.
18:18 Ticket #1118 (Change to _ArrayConcatenate) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
18:05 Ticket #1137 (Change RegEnumKey/RegEnumVal error return to be more sensible.) closed by Jpm
18:03 Ticket #236 (Neutral language in helpfile) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:27 Ticket #1137 (Change RegEnumKey/RegEnumVal error return to be more sensible.) reopened by Valik
This is not completed in a satisfactory way. In fact the change completely ignores the problem I have with the function which is that it returns an error string on failure. The changes to @extended are superfluous and unnecessary. In short revision 5141 needs completely reverted.
17:17 Ticket #1137 (Change RegEnumKey/RegEnumVal error return to be more sensible.) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
01:08 Ticket #1214 (InputBox() vs. date macros) closed by Valik
No Bug: You're comparing two strings. Cast them with Number(). No bug.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.