- 13:40 Ticket #1086 (Remove limit on number of files that can be opened.) created by
- Change the internal limit for number of simultaneous open files so …
- 19:41 Ticket #1085 (General timer descrepancies) created by
- In continuation of #1082: Well I certainly believe that it works for …
- 18:54 Ticket #1082 (TimerDiff results in negative values and resets.) closed by
- Works For Me: Closing as works for me.
- 18:51 Ticket #1081 (Consider this code for include: waiting for the clipboard to fill.) closed by
- Rejected: I agree that this doesn't really fit.
- 18:49 Ticket #1084 (Setting for mouse default speed) closed by
- Rejected: Closing useless feature requests is also a PITA. Especially when I can think of a trivial solution to the problem.
- 17:01 Ticket #1084 (Setting for mouse default speed) created by
- I see settings to change click delay and drag delay but can't change …
- 16:14 Ticket #1083 (ClipPut Function bug or limitation-from ticket 1043) created by
- [from ticket 1043-more explanation] If you put more than 127 …
- 12:58 Ticket #1082 (TimerDiff results in negative values and resets.) created by
- I'm getting strange results from TimerDiff in the following setup: …
- 13:54 Ticket #1068 (Wrong converting Binary to Int/Number) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 13:28 Ticket #1081 (Consider this code for include: waiting for the clipboard to fill.) created by
- This code block clears the clipboard and waits until it is filled …
- 21:59 Ticket #1079 (GUICtrlSetFont Docs incomplete and / or incorrect.) closed by
- Fixed: It is a design decision to expose only some font attributes. Quality was excluded. For the Franglish that I certainly wrote I will correct the doc as suggested.
- 16:35 Ticket #1078 (find skipping quote caracters.) closed by
- Fixed: Our merged version of SciTE 1.79 also works correctly so assume this was an issue in 1.78. Jos
- 16:30 Ticket #1076 (SciLexer.dll beta, passing EOL.) closed by
- Fixed: This seems to be fixed in the 1.79 version. Have copied that to the Beta directory.
- 14:02 Ticket #1080 (InetGet doesn't return immediately for a background download) created by
- I have some code that loops through and downloads a series of images. …
- 18:25 Ticket #1079 (GUICtrlSetFont Docs incomplete and / or incorrect.) created by
- For GUICtrlSetFont there seems to be some inconsistency and missing …
- 13:32 Ticket #1078 (find skipping quote caracters.) created by
- […] second ' or " character in these lines are not found with …
- 07:20 Ticket #1077 (GUICtrlSetBkColor excessive recoloring == faulty coloring, and strange ...) created by
- Tested on Win2000 and XP On XP its just wrong coloring on Win2000 …
- 20:37 Ticket #1076 (SciLexer.dll beta, passing EOL.) created by
- SciLexer.dll beta 11-Jul-2009 08.45. cursor ignores End.Of.Line boundary.
- 16:18 Ticket #1073 (_FileListToArray on *.lnk files) closed by
- Works For Me: Works for me on XP Pro SP3 in both Release and beta.
- 15:40 Ticket #1075 (scite4utoit beta help activation.) closed by
- Works For Me: Works for me. Make sure you have a file with the extension .au3 open.
- 11:00 Ticket #1075 (scite4utoit beta help activation.) created by
- scite4autoit beta help fail to open when, for example, the cursor is …
- 07:48 Ticket #1074 (InputBox left positional reference not working correctly) created by
- Setting the 'left' reference option to a negative number (as used with …
- 10:57 Ticket #1073 (_FileListToArray on *.lnk files) created by
- _FileListToArray return *.lnk files as folders if the link point to a …
- 06:01 Ticket #1072 (DirCreate) closed by
- No Bug
- 05:16 Ticket #1072 (DirCreate) created by
- DirCreate("F:\Tools") ;DirCreate("C:\Tools") works on a hard drive …
- 17:20 Ticket #1070 (Adlib Suggestion) closed by
- Rejected: In Beta there will be a way to unregister all Adlib functions with the code: […] It is not possible to use a string such as "All" because there could be a function named "All". You can easily write your own loop to register functions from an array: […] The functions AdlibEnable() and AdlibDisable() will be removed from the language and should not be used. Now, please go read WikiStart. Both tickets you've created today are very hard to read because code isn't in the proper format and the text is double-spaced.
- 17:15 Ticket #1069 (Check _PathSplit Function.) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a bug and will not be changed.
- 17:04 Ticket #1071 (editing existing files at any position.) closed by
- Duplicate: What the fuck? Are you stupid or what? I stated that FileSetPos() was working correctly in #1066 so how about you let me fix that bug before you go making stupid and pointless feature requests asking for us to implement things that are already there but broken by other bugs? Is that too much to ask? I'd resolve this as "stupid reporter needs to read" but I don't feel like adding that resolution so duplicate of #1066 will have to do. And yes, you deserve the harsh language. I flat-out said FileSetPos() was not broken and that there was another bug somewhere else and that I would fix it yet you completely ignore it and request behavior that already exists just because someone who doesn't know what they are talking about suggested it might not be working.
- 13:22 Ticket #1071 (editing existing files at any position.) created by
- option for writing/editing of existing files at any position.(binary …
- 10:24 Ticket #1070 (Adlib Suggestion) created by
- ; Written By ZNote ( ZNOTE9 aT yAhoO dOt CoM ) …
- 10:22 Ticket #1069 (Check _PathSplit Function.) created by
- ; Written By ZNote ( ZNOTE9 aT yAhoO dOt CoM ) ; Check _PathSplit …
- 02:34 Ticket #1067 (Unsigned structure "uint64" work as signed "int64") closed by
- No Bug: AutoIt only displays signed numbers. It does not display unsigned numbers. It is not a bug.
- 01:59 Ticket #1068 (Wrong converting Binary to Int/Number) created by
- only low byte converting […]
- 01:55 Ticket #1067 (Unsigned structure "uint64" work as signed "int64") created by
- […]
- 14:29 Ticket #1065 (_DateDiff showing 0 days) closed by
- No Bug
- 14:10 Ticket #1065 (_DateDiff showing 0 days) created by
- Hi, Below code shows that the difference in days between the 2 dates …
- 14:00 Ticket #1064 (DriveGetSerial ( "path" )) closed by
- No Bug: See Ghost doc to update the drive serial. A clone can be a real clone without any bit change No AutoIt bug
- 10:48 Ticket #1064 (DriveGetSerial ( "path" )) created by
- i am cloned two computer with symnatec ghost two computer, two …
- 23:44 Ticket #1063 (Documentation: _ArraySearch() example script missing a prameter) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:44 Ticket #1061 (PowerPoint 2007 presentation adding doesn't work on Vista) closed by
- No Bug: Read WikiStart. This is not a support area.
- 16:37 Ticket #1063 (Documentation: _ArraySearch() example script missing a prameter) created by
- The 2D search example is missing a parameter in the _ArraySearch() …
- 08:26 Ticket #1062 (language support) created by
- GUICtrlCreateTreeViewItem doesn't support korean language
- 07:53 Ticket #1061 (PowerPoint 2007 presentation adding doesn't work on Vista) created by
- I need to open PowerPoint 2007 and add new presentation and slide. …
- 11:07 Ticket #1060 (Run return 0, but failed) created by
- When I use a long argument(more than 120 char) for functions: Run, …
- 03:14 Ticket #1059 (Incorrect error handling in _FileListToArray()) created by
- FLTA is documented to return an @error = 4 condition when a call …
- 23:25 Ticket #1058 (Eventlog.au3 in Beta) created by
- EventLog.au3 in Beta does not read the event log description …
- 19:39 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) reopened by
- I reopen so Valik or other dev can have a look. For me the security token is not validate when this screen saver run that's the reason of the failure
- 18:56 Ticket #1057 (SciTe ToolTip negative coordinates) closed by
- Rejected: We do not make SciTE. We are not the people to ask.
- 15:11 Ticket #1057 (SciTe ToolTip negative coordinates) created by
- I would like to request that the ToolTip feature in SciTE support …
- 13:20 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) closed by
- No Bug
- 13:19 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) reopened by
- 13:17 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) closed by
- Fixed: You cannot run under screen saver a function which need to be loggin as you request the "On Resume, display logon screen" which means that when the screen saver fire no user are logon
- 02:10 Ticket #1049 (InetRead() inserts arbitrary \0 characters.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:30 Ticket #1056 (InetGet rundll32.exe error on Vista / Windows 7 on "Screen-saver" desktop) created by
- InetGet("valid url") generates an error window: "rundll32.exe - …
- 19:31 Ticket #1055 (WinAPI CreateCompatibleBitmap: The specified module could not be found.) closed by
- Duplicate: in fact there was a bug in _ScreenCapture_Capture which was not releasing e GDI object. It is already fixed in Next time report with the Standard release today in your case it would have been the same error.
- 15:04 Ticket #1055 (WinAPI CreateCompatibleBitmap: The specified module could not be found.) created by
- am getting the following error message after running Autoit script. …
- 05:35 Ticket #1025 (Box-comment in SciTe) closed by
- Wont Fix: This is a bug in SciTE. That means it needs reported on the Scintilla/SciTE bug tracker found here. Closing as won't fix. It'll need to be fixed in standard SciTE before it will be fixed in our version.
- 05:28 Ticket #1033 (UDF's missing @error checks after DLLCalls()) reopened by
- 05:25 Ticket #1043 (ClipPut Function bug or limitation) closed by
- Works For Me: The following test script works fine. I get the results I expect. Closing as works for me. […]
- 17:07 Ticket #1054 (Character Encoding) created by
- Would like to know what character encoding the file has. FileOpen() or …
- 23:55 Ticket #966 (_FileListToArray - new flag (4)) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 22:32 Ticket #1005 (TraySetClick bug) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 20:07 Ticket #1053 (The computer hangs for a while when used DllCallbackRegister()) closed by
- No Bug: Multiple event sources are put into a queue. You're creating a conflict here. This is not a bug, it's a design limitation.
- 20:05 Ticket #1026 (_Gdiplus_BitmapCreate* functions document wrong resource disposal function) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:24 Ticket #1053 (The computer hangs for a while when used DllCallbackRegister()) created by
- The computer hangs for a while (from several seconds or more), if any …
- 08:11 Ticket #1052 (GUICtrlCreateIcon() returns 0 if the file does not exist) closed by
- No Bug
- 22:37 Ticket #1040 (_ScreenCapture_Capture(): GDI object leak with cursor capture) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:38 Ticket #1052 (GUICtrlCreateIcon() returns 0 if the file does not exist) created by
- GUICtrlCreateIcon() returns 0 if the file does not exist, but …
- 11:59 Ticket #1013 (MDI childs doesn't adjust to parent windows client rect) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 11:45 Ticket #1051 (Au3Check does not detect invalid statement) created by
- […] is not detected
- 14:37 Ticket #1037 (tagNMHDR not working on x64) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 14:16 Ticket #1048 (_WinAPI_EnumDisplayDevices() Example in Help-File wrong) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 07:36 Ticket #1050 (TextPad v5 syntax files) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 03:50 Ticket #1050 (TextPad v5 syntax files) created by
- Add an auto install script for TextPad v5 syntax files (attached) …
- 16:26 Ticket #1049 (InetRead() inserts arbitrary \0 characters.) created by
- I'm classing this as a bug but it may be more of a feature request. …
- 09:18 Ticket #1048 (_WinAPI_EnumDisplayDevices() Example in Help-File wrong) created by
- ; HiHo Devs, ; the example for _WinAPI_EnumDisplayDevices() in the …
- 04:59 Ticket #1047 (/in is dir, it's crash) closed by
- Works For Me: Always test with the latest beta before filing a bug report. It does not crash with the current beta.
- 04:26 Ticket #1047 (/in is dir, it's crash) created by
- just i try : X:\X-USB\App\Development\AutoIt\Program …
- 20:40 Ticket #1046 (Hard crash when parsing larger strings using StringSplit()) closed by
- No Bug: The practical limits to the amount of characters is much less than the theoretical limit. Right off the bat concatenation means you only get 230 characters instead of the listed 231 characters since there must be room for both the old string and the new string (with data concatenated) to exist. Then you need to understand that every character is actually 2 bytes because AutoIt uses UNICODE. So now you're down to 229. Then you factor in some memory is reserved and some is used for the program itself. So the total number of character available is less than 229. Now, as for the error message: It's working as designed. Running out of memory is not an easy error to recover from. For one thing, AutoIt itself doesn't know why it ran out of memory. It would be a tremendous amount of effort, bloat the code and slow the language down if we tried to handle memory exhaustion in a recoverable manner. And even then, how would AutoIt even know if it could recover from the error? What would you expect to happen in your example? How would you even test for out-of-memory in AutoIt? So there's no bug to see here. Everything is working as expected and designed.
- 20:16 Ticket #1046 (Hard crash when parsing larger strings using StringSplit()) created by
- Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86 Environment = …
- 17:05 Ticket #1045 (ConstantsAll.au3 or GUIConstantsAll.au3 - new include file/files) closed by
- Rejected: Absolutely not. You should be shot on the spot for even suggesting this. I did a tremendous amount of work to remove this stupid bloated cock-up from our library and now you want it back? No way in hell. Rejected with extreme prejudice.
- 14:21 Ticket #1045 (ConstantsAll.au3 or GUIConstantsAll.au3 - new include file/files) created by
- ConstantsAll.au3 or GUIConstantsAll.au3 - new include file/files …
- 20:10 Ticket #1044 (StdErr constants for Run()) closed by
- No Bug: It is a completely separate flag. It merges the stdout and stderr stream into a single stream. This is not the same thing as stdout having its own stream and stderr having it's own stream.
- 19:34 Ticket #1044 (StdErr constants for Run()) created by
- I'm not sure if the docs are wrong here or not […] however …
- 16:53 Ticket #1041 (WinExists Error) closed by
- No Bug: I suggest you re-read the documentation to learn what the syntax you are using really means. Second, even if it behaved how you wish, it would always return true because there are always hidden windows with no title in existence. In fact, most of the windows in the system do not have a title.
- 16:49 Ticket #1043 (ClipPut Function bug or limitation) created by
- If you put more than 127 characters into clipboard, this function fail …
- 11:57 Ticket #1042 (AURecord has problems with save/save as) created by
- AutoIt3.exe AU3Record.exe Windows 2008 english 64-Bit …
- 10:11 Ticket #1041 (WinExists Error) created by
- The script below returns any window that exists, I have a problem: we …
- 20:46 Ticket #1040 (_ScreenCapture_Capture(): GDI object leak with cursor capture) created by
- The returned bitmap handles from _WinAPI_GetIconInfo() are not …
- 09:11 Ticket #990 (Wiki thumbnail creator broken) closed by
- Fixed
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.