- 15:18 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 12:10 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) reopened by
- It was not clear to me which script reproduce your problem. In fact run the following script under Vista/Scite is OK but Vista only not !!! […] The problem seems to come from the fact that the bk color tab is retrive with the pixel 0,0 of the tab ... I work on the subject now
- 20:19 Ticket #977 (Problem with object creation in GUICtrlCreateEdit.) closed by
- No Bug: Why does it not occur to you that maybe there's something wrong on your machine? Why do you just assume it's a bug in our software?
- 19:49 Ticket #977 (Problem with object creation in GUICtrlCreateEdit.) created by
- The example script on GUICtrlCreateEdit attempts to create a richedit …
- 17:54 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) closed by
- Works For Me: I don't understand the pb as if you remove the tabitem the checkbox is created not on the tab whatever you think it is as an ctrl over the tab control. the bkcolor if defined just make the ctrl on the gui having the gui color. For me there is no problem just difficulty on overlayed controls understanding which is point out in the doc to be a difficult problem !!!
- 03:01 Ticket #973 (_FileListToArray()) closed by
- Rejected
- 02:57 Ticket #947 (RegRead fails for the first try reading a key) closed by
- No Bug: I'm closing this as no bug. The error returned is ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER (The parameter is incorrect). The error is accurate because of the extra "\" in the key name. I have a theory as to why it works sometimes and doesn't work other times but it's rather technical and pretty much irrelevant since it's not a bug we can fix. If there is a bug here, it's in the Windows API for not rejecting the key every time.
- 00:49 Ticket #968 (AutoUpdateIt needs updated due to Inet changes.) closed by
- Completed: Changed in version:
- 21:40 Ticket #976 (InetGet with more than 2 params fails Au3Check) closed by
- Fixed: Grrr, you guys need to be reading the Latest Beta thread. This is the second issue that has already been fixed because of comments made in that thread.
- 20:40 Ticket #976 (InetGet with more than 2 params fails Au3Check) created by
- When you specify more than 2 parameters in InetGet, you will get an …
- 17:47 Ticket #975 (GUICtrlCreateCheckbox() on tabs.) created by
- The code is pretty self explanatory. Black areas (desktop color) …
- 09:51 Ticket #974 (WindowFromPoint API function tagPoint structure on x64 based systems) created by
- After some tests it turned out that using the _WinAPI_WindowFromPoint …
- 06:25 Ticket #973 (_FileListToArray()) created by
- A substantial speed increase has been realized by the change to …
- 02:02 Ticket #972 (Example file incorrect) closed by
- Fixed: Yes, we know.
- 01:26 Ticket #972 (Example file incorrect) created by
- For #OnAutoItStartRegister It has […] but should be […] …
- 13:44 Ticket #971 (Func _GetIP() issues) closed by
- No Bug: In fact 3.3.0 is OK, you don't get the official version of Inet.au3 which contain special scanning for the failing one. I don't know if it is a real improvement to change something working. PS no idea why you get a potential spam perhaps Valik can answer
- 13:13 Ticket #971 (Func _GetIP() issues) created by
- The current _GetIP() function found in Inet.au3 uses …
- 13:03 Ticket #969 (FileFindNextFile @extended = 0 for folder $Recycle.Bin) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:16 Ticket #970 (I want the goto command back :|) closed by
- Rejected: Goes without saying
- 21:04 Ticket #970 (I want the goto command back :|) created by
- I understand that all your loops are good instead of using labels and …
- 20:33 Ticket #969 (FileFindNextFile @extended = 0 for folder $Recycle.Bin) created by
- Win7 RC1, AutoIt FileFindNextFile returns @extended = 0 (a …
- 18:48 Milestone completed
- 03:03 Tickets #408,884,949 batch updated by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 02:34 Ticket #442 (Proposed changes to _StringAddThousandsSep()) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 22:25 Ticket #968 (AutoUpdateIt needs updated due to Inet changes.) created by
- AutoUpdateIt needs to be updated due to the changes to the Inet …
- 22:24 Ticket #967 (Inet functions need to support FTP through a proxy.) created by
- FTP connections through a proxy do not work.
- 16:08 Ticket #965 (ListViewItem not responding to SetOnEvent) closed by
- No Bug: Just read the doc the control can fail and you are in the case
- 16:07 Ticket #966 (_FileListToArray - new flag (4)) created by
- Here is proposition for change to _FileListToArray(). It's fully …
- 16:01 Ticket #963 (Incorrect Sound.au3 Help file entries) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed with your help. Thanks
- 15:40 Ticket #965 (ListViewItem not responding to SetOnEvent) created by
- If the number of delimited items in the "text" of a ListViewItem is …
- 06:56 Ticket #964 (_ArrayCombinations() not returning expected results.) closed by
- No Bug: From mathematical stand point there is no bug. there must be 10!/(2! * (10-2)!) = 45 entries. Thoses entries does not have "order" neither "duplicate"
- 01:22 Ticket #964 (_ArrayCombinations() not returning expected results.) created by
- This function skips a large amount of the combinations, because it …
- 16:52 Ticket #951 (_ArrayDisplay - $iLVIAddUDFThreshold: 4000 ==> 65000) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 09:43 Ticket #963 (Incorrect Sound.au3 Help file entries) created by
- This thread …
- 08:44 Ticket #957 (Assert keyword or function) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 07:05 Ticket #962 (SQLite - update it to latest version) closed by
- Completed: Be patient it is done already just waiting beta/release delivery …
- 19:21 Ticket #962 (SQLite - update it to latest version) created by
- SQLite is in 3.6.7 version in AutoIt 3.3.0 According to …
- 17:26 Ticket #921 (AutoIt is retrieving wrong values from Data Base (AS400 Data Base)) closed by
- Wont Fix: I close it as I can't reproduce. Please reopen with something we can reproduce in our tests.
- 17:17 Ticket #952 (_ArrayDisplay - add new optional parameter for column header text) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 16:58 Ticket #961 (RegDelete fails to to delete reg key containing sub keys) closed by
- Works For Me: I am surprised that you can create a key under HKLM. I can't under the standard Vista which have a similar code as 2003 Server 64-bit I change HKLM to HKCU and everything is fine under Vista 64-Bit
- 07:11 Ticket #961 (RegDelete fails to to delete reg key containing sub keys) created by
- This issue only happens when using a 32bit exe on a 64bit OS. Trying …
- 23:30 Ticket #960 (AutoIT v3 Windows info and AutoIT API having problem with handler in ...) closed by
- Rejected: You seem incredibly confused. I think you need to be posting on the forum to sort out whatever issue it is you have.
- 22:52 Ticket #958 (_ArrayDisplay - bad centering of window after adjust its width) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:06 Ticket #960 (AutoIT v3 Windows info and AutoIT API having problem with handler in ...) created by
- Hi, I did not take time to look all the error bug, but this one is …
- 18:25 Ticket #959 (GUICtrlGetState doesn't work for listview with enable flag) closed by
- No Bug: Read the documentation, please.
- 17:50 Ticket #959 (GUICtrlGetState doesn't work for listview with enable flag) created by
- Hi All, It seems that GUICtrlGetState doesn't work with a listview. …
- 16:52 Ticket #958 (_ArrayDisplay - bad centering of window after adjust its width) created by
- Inside this function there is code for adjusting width of window …
- 22:58 Ticket #956 (SQLite include couldn't be handled by Obfuscator /striponly) closed by
- No Bug: I am working on a new version which will contain an update of SciTE 1.78. Also the support for ANSI will be removed as its done in AutoIt3. This need coding time and testing so will release it when I am done. Jos :)
- 20:41 Ticket #957 (Assert keyword or function) created by
- Could we add an Assert keyword of function that would break execution …
- 10:18 Ticket #956 (SQLite include couldn't be handled by Obfuscator /striponly) created by
- When I include SQLite in my script and try to do striponly by …
- 08:40 Ticket #955 (Worm WIN32/SillyAutoRun.AYD detected in EXE file) closed by
- No Bug: I don't feel like giving you a civilized answer. Maybe somebody else will. Or maybe you'll figure out on your own what you need to do.
- 08:29 Ticket #955 (Worm WIN32/SillyAutoRun.AYD detected in EXE file) created by
- Hi all, I'm using the AutoIt version 3.3 and I have created an Exe …
- 01:11 Ticket #954 (WinWaitActive("I/M Period End Processing",5) stalls autoit) closed by
- No Bug: Or, you could be calling the function wrong. Should have been posted in the support forum first. It's a very simple and obvious error on your part.
- 00:59 Ticket #954 (WinWaitActive("I/M Period End Processing",5) stalls autoit) created by
- […] Autoit appears to be waiting indefinitely for the listed …
- 18:25 Ticket #953 (New Function request – WinServiceStop and WinServiceStart) closed by
- Rejected: There are plenty of people who have written UDF's to do this. It does not need to be built in. A well written Services-related UDF library would be accepted but it would have to be written by someone other than us.
- 17:56 Ticket #953 (New Function request – WinServiceStop and WinServiceStart) created by
- Just a small request to have two new functions added to AutoIt. One to …
- 12:21 Ticket #952 (_ArrayDisplay - add new optional parameter for column header text) created by
- _ArrayDisplay() - add new last optional parameter $sHeader for column …
- 12:10 Ticket #951 (_ArrayDisplay - $iLVIAddUDFThreshold: 4000 ==> 65000) created by
- ListView items limit has been increased from 4000 to 65000 since …
- 04:17 Ticket #899 (Change default "Open" verb for ShellExecute to allow support for all ...) closed by
- Completed: Changed in version:
- 17:06 Ticket #947 (RegRead fails for the first try reading a key) reopened by
- I said that I could reproduce this bug so you do not need to be closing it. If the extra \ actually mattered, it would always fail. It doesn't always fail, it fails in a very strange manner. Give me some time to look into this further, please.
- 13:59 Ticket #945 (script hangs the pc if run multiple time) closed by
- No Bug: This script cannot work as is as it is sending to desktop. Not so useful. More the multiple send can be interspeeded and the hang can occur of desynchronization on multiple execution as the last execution can be in the entering state Ctrl down and will not do an Ctrl-Up To suppress the hang just push on ctrl key that will restore the keyboard typing. to be simple you cannot do script like that. If you have follow the Valik advice It would have simplify my analysing task.
- 09:31 Ticket #936 (File version) closed by
- No Bug
- 09:27 Ticket #947 (RegRead fails for the first try reading a key) closed by
- No Bug: I don"t know why XP behave this way but you get an extra '\' If you remove it everything is OK […]
- 23:54 Ticket #937 (TrayItemSetState() and TrayItemGetState()) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:26 Ticket #897 (StringToASCIIArray() does not work correctly with binary data.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:18 Ticket #919 (Binary() is ignored in ConsoleWrite()) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:11 Ticket #615 (License needs fixed) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 07:07 Ticket #950 (ArraySort bug in some cases) closed by
- No Bug: Looks good to me. Please use our forums for questions or when you are not sure you found a bug. Jos
- 00:09 Ticket #950 (ArraySort bug in some cases) created by
- Hello. Environment = under WIN_XP/Service Pack 3 X86 …
- 23:38 Ticket #949 (Add custom User Agent for InetGet function) created by
- Hello. It would be great to add possibility for custom User-Agents …
- 22:18 Ticket #948 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused) closed by
- Works For Me: Works for me. I think your confusing it with _GUICtrlTreeView_SelectItem. Just because an item has focus doesn't mean it is highlighted. Questions should be submitted on the forum.
- 20:51 Ticket #948 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused) created by
- _GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused seems to not working properly. If I try …
- 12:44 Ticket #947 (RegRead fails for the first try reading a key) created by
- When I change the key for example from 'DeviceConnect' to 'DeviceFail' …
- 04:34 Ticket #946 (Disable automatically generated msg mox alerts) closed by
- Rejected: You need to read WikiStart. There are at least 4 major things wrong with this ticket.
- 03:25 Ticket #946 (Disable automatically generated msg mox alerts) created by
- Is there any way to disable message box alerts for Autoit, which are …
- 15:23 Ticket #945 (script hangs the pc if run multiple time) created by
- […] i have built this code and created a short cut to the created …
- 23:40 Ticket #944 (Self extractable file and documentation) closed by
- No Bug: Either you have a corrupt download, a corrupt file or you did not extract all the files. If you have further trouble post on the forum. I just downloaded the self-extracting archive and all files are present.
- 23:22 Ticket #944 (Self extractable file and documentation) created by
- I decompressed the self extractable file. The autoit3.chm is not …
- 16:49 Ticket #943 (not correct prcocedure) closed by
- No Bug: You miss the point of what IsString() and IsNumber() do. Re-read the documentation closer. In addition things like this should be posted on the support forum.
- 14:49 Ticket #943 (not correct prcocedure) created by
- […]
- 06:36 Ticket #942 (WinGetActive) closed by
- Rejected: I suggest reading the documentation.
- 06:11 Ticket #942 (WinGetActive) created by
- Function to retrieve window title and text that later can be used with …
- 18:13 Ticket #941 (Changes to macro auto completion tips) closed by
- Fixed: This has been fixed for months. It will be publicly fixed in the next beta release.
- 18:12 Ticket #939 (IniRenameSection fails with "empty" section) closed by
- No Bug: What does it matter? An empty section or a section that does not exist are functionally equivalent. I don't see that it needs documented.
- 18:10 Ticket #940 (CPUArch macro is returning wrong processor architecture) closed by
- No Bug: You have a 64-bit processor but you have a 32-bit OS. @CPUArch is returning the correct thing.
- 16:39 Ticket #941 (Changes to macro auto completion tips) created by
- I am using SciTE Version 1.77 Oct 23 2008 19:06:08 with AutoIt …
- 16:33 Ticket #940 (CPUArch macro is returning wrong processor architecture) created by
- I have a Dell Latitude D620 laptop with a 32 bit processor. This was …
- 13:45 Ticket #939 (IniRenameSection fails with "empty" section) created by
- When we trying to rename an empty section (just section name without …
- 23:49 Ticket #938 (UDPOpen and/or UDPSend to doesn't work) created by
- Hello, I try to send a message via UDP to the LAN-independent …
- 09:02 Ticket #937 (TrayItemSetState() and TrayItemGetState()) created by
- I'm getting an odd result using the TrayItemGetState function. I have …
- 23:48 Ticket #936 (File version) created by
- Okay, In AutoIt the Aut2Exe application doesnt allow you to …
- 17:23 Ticket #910 (Static Right justified text) closed by
- Fixed: I close it as no bug as I suppose the MSDN doc is the bible. I can agree sometime not easy to understand.
- 17:21 Ticket #935 (WinSetState() lags) closed by
- No Bug: In fact all Win...() are suppose to respect the Opt("WinWaitDelay") which is 250 by default. That's the reason you get the Sleep(250). use Op('"WinWaitDelay",0) if you don't like it. I am curious to see how you find a sleep(250) was occuring.
- 18:43 Ticket #935 (WinSetState() lags) created by
- I tested this on various systems and the result is the same. This …
- 14:49 Ticket #934 (MouseGetCursor consumes left mouse clicks) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 13:49 Ticket #933 (FileGetVersion() generates error when File Version attribute values ...) closed by
- No Bug: in fact when you use the FilegetVersion($file, "FileVersion") you don't access to the same information. Under Vista you get the version with more info as : 6.6.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205) We will not change this behavior. That's the reason why you received the extra 0. If you want not 0 just use FilegetVersion($file).
- 21:11 Ticket #934 (MouseGetCursor consumes left mouse clicks) created by
- if a script continually calls MouseGetCursor() then double clicking in …
- 17:25 Ticket #933 (FileGetVersion() generates error when File Version attribute values ...) created by
- Using the FileGetVersion optional parameter to look at the …
- 09:05 Ticket #932 (Add additonal mouse event constants to WindowsConstants.au3) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 08:51 Ticket #931 (GuiCtrlSetResizing error with graphic controls) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 19:21 Ticket #932 (Add additonal mouse event constants to WindowsConstants.au3) created by
- Some system messages, such as WM_SETCURSOR, as well as some calls to …
- 10:39 Ticket #931 (GuiCtrlSetResizing error with graphic controls) created by
- The resizing for a graphic control set by GuiCtrlSetResizing does not …
- 18:20 Ticket #919 (Binary() is ignored in ConsoleWrite()) reopened by
- Reopening so I remember to document how binary data works. In addition StdinWrite(), ConsoleWrite() and ConsoleWriteError() need updated.
- 17:19 Ticket #919 (Binary() is ignored in ConsoleWrite()) closed by
- No Bug: I was correct, this is an intentional change. See #13. Closing as no bug.
- 16:31 Ticket #930 (Arraydisplay does not display everything) closed by
- No Bug: You don't say?
- 13:35 Ticket #930 (Arraydisplay does not display everything) created by
- When a row in an arry contains a '|' dislaying of the line stops. …
- 07:29 Ticket #442 (Proposed changes to _StringAddThousandsSep()) reopened by
- I'm reopening this to remind myself to fix this stupid function with some changes I've been sent.
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.