


23:20 Ticket #924 (_ArrayDelete removes last entry when element beyond Ubound is specified) created by DaleHohm
In the following example, _ArrayDelete is instructed to delete element …
23:11 Ticket #923 (Tidy upcases .eval COM object method) created by DaleHohm
SciTe Tidy will update the .eval method in the following line: …
17:44 Ticket #922 ($CmdLineRaw does not allow pipes ('|')) closed by Valik
No Bug: This belongs in support. Also, terrible report, read WikiStart. Your title has nothing to do with the problem you describe. You don't provide a script. Worst of all, there is no bug here, just a failure on your part to understand how things work.
17:32 Ticket #922 ($CmdLineRaw does not allow pipes ('|')) created by pparsons@…
1) Set up a parameter list that includes pipes (i.e. …
10:35 Ticket #921 (AutoIt is retrieving wrong values from Data Base (AS400 Data Base)) created by mmahima
When i try to execute the following statements in autoit, it is …
07:24 Ticket #920 (StringInStr does not work correctly) closed by Valik
No Bug: I suggest you re-evaluate your code. It's working as designed and as written.
07:20 Ticket #920 (StringInStr does not work correctly) created by blckbrd
When you use the sample: The starting position of the search does not …
02:46 Ticket #919 (Binary() is ignored in ConsoleWrite()) created by jchd
The code below shows the problem. […]
00:48 Ticket #912 (Avarage Color) closed by Valik
Rejected: This seems like the kind of thing best implemented in a plugin or standard DLL.
00:45 Ticket #917 (Funciton FileRecycleEmpty() hangs) closed by Valik
Works For Me: Either you had a lot of stuff in the recycle bin and just didn't let it wait long enough or the recycle bin was corrupt. Also, your code was never going to work. If execution is hung on the FileRecyle() line how exactly did you think it was going to go through that loop? Closing as works for me.


10:02 Ticket #918 (GUICtrlSetFont() and related) created by trancexx
Would it be possible to get another parameter to functions …
07:13 Ticket #917 (Funciton FileRecycleEmpty() hangs) created by roman.kuechler@…
Hi I use AutoIt since many years. The last days i had a strange …


18:12 Ticket #916 (Line inversion in INet.au3) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
14:17 Ticket #916 (Line inversion in INet.au3) created by jchd <usenet@…>
There's a little bug in Inet.au3. Func …
09:59 Ticket #911 (MouseClickDrag speed patameter changes results) closed by Jos
No Bug: You need to read https://www.autoitscript.com/trac/autoit/wiki/WikiStart, the documentation and learn how to use the forum.
09:54 Ticket #914 (Not get string from file (length ~ 1024)) closed by Jos
No Bug: Duplicate report
09:54 Ticket #915 (Not get string from sile) closed by Jos
No Bug: Double report
09:53 Ticket #913 (Not get string from file (length ~1024)) closed by Jos
No Bug: No bug: post script issue/questions in our forums.
08:47 Ticket #915 (Not get string from sile) created by anonymous
MsgBox(0,'See "txt.txt"',FileReadLine('txt.txt',7))
08:35 Ticket #914 (Not get string from file (length ~ 1024)) created by anonymous
08:33 Ticket #913 (Not get string from file (length ~1024)) created by anonymous
[…] soderzhimeo file "txt.txt": …
05:33 Ticket #912 (Avarage Color) created by dexto
Just an idea that you can work on if you like it: Function that …
00:47 Ticket #911 (MouseClickDrag speed patameter changes results) created by TObject
MouseClickDrag has different results if I change speed parameter …


17:42 Ticket #910 (Static Right justified text) created by GEOSoft
Maybe it's just me but this line in the GUI Control Styles doc page …
13:35 Ticket #908 (GUICtrlSetImage needs wrong icon index to show needed icon) closed by Jpm
No Bug: Just reread the doc as negative index have been introduce to differentiate name and index reference
12:00 Ticket #909 (WinActivate / WinExists / WinTitleMatchMode Title Bug) closed by Jos
No Bug: Please use the forums to ask these type of questions before reporting a supposed BUG. Closing as NOBUG. Run this script and see the result: […]
08:57 Ticket #909 (WinActivate / WinExists / WinTitleMatchMode Title Bug) created by xelotiac@…
Hello, --1-- Open the AutoIt Help and execute this code line: […] …
08:53 Ticket #908 (GUICtrlSetImage needs wrong icon index to show needed icon) created by Pumbaa
GUICtrlSetImage needs wrong icon index to show needed icon. In 3.2.X.X …
07:49 Ticket #907 (Local and Global varaibleas has no different) closed by Valik
No Bug: You need to read WikiStart, the documentation and learn how to use the forum.
07:06 Ticket #907 (Local and Global varaibleas has no different) created by wellic72@…
See sources: File: main.au3 […] File: file1.au3


23:14 Ticket #906 (ActiveX Control on a GUI gets incorrect size information when queried) created by rgreer@…
If an MFC ActiveX Control makes a call to […] , it is supposed to …
19:51 Ticket #905 (Doc error in SplashTextOn()) created by GEOSoft
Docs for SplashTextOn() are incorrect and have been forever. In the …
19:14 Ticket #903 (_ExcelReadSheetToArray doesn't work with other MSoffice language than US) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #850. A simple search for "_ExcelReadSheetToArray" would have provided results.
19:12 Ticket #904 (ShellExecuteWait Flag Bug) closed by Valik
No Bug: No shit, you don't say? Maybe if you try calling the function correctly you might get better results.
18:55 Ticket #904 (ShellExecuteWait Flag Bug) created by xelotiac@…
Flag Setting (e.g. SW_MAXIMIZE) has no effect. …
17:42 Ticket #903 (_ExcelReadSheetToArray doesn't work with other MSoffice language than US) created by rooversj@…
When the OS language or MS Office language is other than US the …
07:06 Ticket #902 (Typo in AutoIT Help (.chm file) _SQLite_GetTable) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Already fix in 3.3.1


18:57 Ticket #902 (Typo in AutoIT Help (.chm file) _SQLite_GetTable) created by evilpacketmonkey
_SQLite_GetTable I think line 49 has an typo with ")" as I was getting …
18:12 Ticket #901 (Array in array) closed by Valik
Rejected: Given that the feature exists asking for the feature is rather pointless don't you think?
15:14 Ticket #901 (Array in array) created by Kip
I would love it if AutoIt had the possibility to insert arrays in …


23:27 Ticket #900 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetChecked() - add Remarks) closed by Jpm
Rejected: Standard Function never reference UDF doc. Only the reverse if needed
20:16 Ticket #900 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetChecked() - add Remarks) created by Zedna
Note: This could be added maybe also at ControlTreeView() Check option …


19:14 Ticket #899 (Change default "Open" verb for ShellExecute to allow support for all ...) created by Jos
With the current way ShellExecute works its impossible to use …
16:59 Ticket #898 (More Detail in "AutoIt Error" window?) closed by Valik
Rejected: Or, you could write your scripts in a way so that they don't crash.
14:21 Ticket #898 (More Detail in "AutoIt Error" window?) created by exodius
Using this on a "AutoIt Error" window with the "Line -1:...Error: …
03:46 Ticket #897 (StringToASCIIArray() does not work correctly with binary data.) created by Valik
I need to fix StringToASCIIArray() to properly support binary data, …
03:39 Ticket #894 (StringToASCIIArray() with UTF-8 encoding gives wrong result) closed by Valik
No Bug: This line of code: […] After that call you are done with UTF-8. The variable $str now UNICODE. The problem is you are mangling the data in the call to StringToASCIIArray() because you lie to it and tell it the string is UTF-8 when in reality no it's not. However, it does what you tell it to and returns garbage as a result. I hope I don't need to explain what the fix is. This is not a bug.
03:13 Ticket #895 (CPU intencive yet simple and powerful addition to PixelSearch) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as a duplicate of #896.
03:12 Ticket #896 (CPU intencive yet simple and powerful addition to PixelSearch) closed by Valik
Rejected: Is there some reason you had to post this as a second ticket? Couldn't you have just posted the code as a new comment in #895? Further, while the code is logically sound it uses GetPixel() rendering it useless. I would not be surprised at all if you (or at least somebody) can't write something in AutoIt faster than that. GetPixel() is horrible for repeated operations because it involves a tremendous amount of overhead per call. Since you know C++ I suggest you write a DLL (optionally make it a plugin DLL). The API is undocumented but it is still there and people on the forum do know how to write plugins. You just need to start asking the right questions in the right place which is something you haven't done so far.
01:50 Ticket #896 (CPU intencive yet simple and powerful addition to PixelSearch) created by ao0921@…
Would help greatly because algorithm is VERY CPU intensive and is …


23:52 Ticket #895 (CPU intencive yet simple and powerful addition to PixelSearch) created by dexto
Would help greatly because algorithm is VERY CPU intensive and is …
15:27 Ticket #894 (StringToASCIIArray() with UTF-8 encoding gives wrong result) created by O'Ehby
StringToASCIIArray() with UTF-8 encoding gives wrong result […] …


09:13 Ticket #888 (error with Send("{}}") under winXP) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
06:23 Ticket #893 (Generating a script / recording a script.) closed by Valik
Rejected: Try searching the forum next time.
05:58 Ticket #893 (Generating a script / recording a script.) created by a.jithendra@…
why don't you add a feature like which will generate script or record …


18:38 Ticket #890 (inconsistence with objects and execute) closed by Valik
No Bug: You missed the point which was the script is not reproduceable. You are using an object not commonly available. > what do you think? I think Execute() should be removed from the language.
17:27 Ticket #892 (Request for ControlGetColor, ControlGetBkColor) closed by Valik
Rejected: There is no standard way of retrieving color information.
17:25 Ticket #891 (IE-Events are not viewable) closed by Valik
No Bug: Read WikiStart. Pay particular attention to the part where it says: > Do not ask for support
15:37 Ticket #892 (Request for ControlGetColor, ControlGetBkColor) created by tony_balony_1960@…
I've seen a bit of call for this and tried many suggestions and even …
13:59 Ticket #891 (IE-Events are not viewable) created by doreen.hacker@…
Hello, I have the problem that I have an AutoIT-Script to gauge the …
12:59 Ticket #890 (inconsistence with objects and execute) created by JRSmile
Hi if i use the execute function to do a method call like this: …
11:04 Ticket #888 (error with Send("{}}") under winXP) reopened by Jpm
Thanks to other dev I reopen it as doc say reverse. Not sure What will be the solution code/doc
10:53 Ticket #887 (Errors helfile closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:


16:54 Ticket #889 (GUISetIcon() stops working after FileOpenDialog()) closed by Jpm
No Bug: doc say […] so no bug
16:52 Ticket #888 (error with Send("{}}") under winXP) closed by Jpm
No Bug: {} -> Null followed by } so there is no error just use […]


20:02 Ticket #889 (GUISetIcon() stops working after FileOpenDialog()) created by doudou
If you create a form AFTER FileOpenDialog() was called and …


22:41 Ticket #888 (error with Send("{}}") under winXP) created by pcn@…
Hello & thanks for looking at this. My problem is: Send("{}}") …
13:35 Ticket #887 (Errors helfile created by Tweaky
Hi, there are a lot of erros in the helpfile for In the file …


18:30 Ticket #881 (Au3Check Yacc stack overflow) closed by Jos
Fixed: Fixed in version:


00:53 Ticket #885 (Investigate why Default compares true to False) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:


23:10 Ticket #271 (FTP - make it as standard include file (or native AutoIt)) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
22:11 Ticket #886 (Make it explicit that operator == is a forced string comparison.) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
17:13 Ticket #879 (AutoIT installation fails to use 64-bit versions on 64-bit OS Win 2008) closed by Jos
17:07 Ticket #883 (ScrollBox) closed by Valik
Rejected: It appears the user is talking about a Delphi control called ScrollBox. The native Windows API has no equivalent outside of a window itself. There's nothing here for us to implement.
16:53 Ticket #886 (Make it explicit that operator == is a forced string comparison.) reopened by Valik
The documentation was not made any clearer, re-opening.
16:52 Ticket #885 (Investigate why Default compares true to False) reopened by Valik
This is not fixed in the way that I want.
13:09 Ticket #886 (Make it explicit that operator == is a forced string comparison.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
13:04 Ticket #885 (Investigate why Default compares true to False) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
08:51 Ticket #867 (UDPRecv no longer gives the sender IP) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
08:15 Ticket #886 (Make it explicit that operator == is a forced string comparison.) created by Valik
It's ambiguous how operator == works. It needs to mention it is a …
06:56 Ticket #885 (Investigate why Default compares true to False) created by Valik
The following code compares true and displays "False" when tested. …


17:56 Ticket #884 (Proxy mode 0 (use IE) and authentication) created by Valik
I need to see about allowing authentication to work when using proxy …
17:30 Ticket #854 (InetGetSize) closed by Valik
Fixed: I'm going to go out on a limb and say this is fixed in (the beta we'll eventually release). When fixing another proxy-related issue I discovered that InetGetSize() did not go through a proxy at all. In this has been fixed.
17:14 Ticket #870 (Floating point error.) closed by Valik
Works For Me: Closing due to lack of information.
17:14 Ticket #131 (UDP socket and IP) closed by Valik
Duplicate: Closing as duplicate of #867. We don't need to track this in two places.
14:05 Ticket #854 (InetGetSize) reopened by Jpm
reopen as the test must be done thru a proxy as diagnose by psandu.ro
10:06 Ticket #883 (ScrollBox) created by hunt
Hello. Whether really to add ScrollBox in Autoit?
09:46 Ticket #131 (UDP socket and IP) reopened by Jpm
09:45 Ticket #867 (UDPRecv no longer gives the sender IP) reopened by Jpm


18:48 Ticket #615 (License needs fixed) reopened by Valik
I'm re-opening this. I think that the license is still wrong.
18:28 Ticket #882 (Helpfile : _GUICtrlEdit_InsertText) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
14:56 Ticket #882 (Helpfile : _GUICtrlEdit_InsertText) created by Xenobiologist
Hello, Tidy --> …
14:31 Ticket #881 (Au3Check Yacc stack overflow) created by jsovanegmond@…
My code is wrong but I think it is Au3Check erroring. Previous case: …


22:30 Ticket #873 (DLLCall crashes when characters \\.\ in parameters) closed by Valik
No Bug: Replying to helmut.hiller@…: > now works different from older versions, but works. Gee, I wonder if reading the changelog and in particular the script-breaking changes portion would tell you that?
20:34 Ticket #880 (Run RunWait Error with Working Dir Parameter) closed by Valik
No Bug: Nothing to see here. Definitely not a bug.
19:55 Ticket #880 (Run RunWait Error with Working Dir Parameter) created by mleo2003@…
When trying to run a script located in the ScriptDir, if your working …
14:08 Ticket #868 (Add _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
12:47 Ticket #854 (InetGetSize) closed by Jpm
Works For Me
08:18 Ticket #867 (UDPRecv no longer gives the sender IP) closed by Jpm
No Bug


17:42 Ticket #41 (Cleanup/Rename internal and User Defined Functions.) closed by Valik
17:42 Ticket #41 (Cleanup/Rename internal and User Defined Functions.) reopened by Valik
FileRename() is entirely redundant. I don't understand why it's so hard for people to grasp that you move from NameA to NameB even though the directory doesn't change. I can think of a reason not to add WinSetPos(): SetWindowPos(). SetWindowPos() is a Windows API function that does something completely different than our WinSetPos() would. However, at first glance it would look like it would do the same thing with just a rename to our naming scheme. So sticking with WinMove() is less confusing in that regard. I'm going to re-open this ticket so I can change the resolution. We didn't complete it and we do not have any intention of completing it.
00:40 WikiStart edited by Valik
Note about one ticket one issue policy. (diff)
00:02 Ticket #879 (AutoIT installation fails to use 64-bit versions on 64-bit OS Win 2008) created by rboucher
When I've installed AUTOIT on either real or virtualized version of …


23:01 Ticket #878 (Windows PE and GimageX) closed by Jpm
Rejected: Please use forum to get help
22:59 Ticket #877 (errors in der helpfile for AutoIt Part 1) closed by Jpm
Fixed: I try to fix a maximum of them.
16:39 Ticket #878 (Windows PE and GimageX) created by spena@…
Is it possible to make GimageX launch and work from a Windows PE disc. …
12:02 Ticket #877 (errors in der helpfile for AutoIt Part 1) created by Tweaky
Hi, we have translate the english helpfile into german. So we see that …
07:17 Ticket #869 (@OSLang will not detect MUI enviroments) closed by Jpm
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.