


23:35 Ticket #814 (HttpSetProxy - proxy with credentials) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
19:16 Ticket #853 (Embedded IE object has a memory leak when refreshing .php pages) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: And you expect us to do what? Using an embedded control means you are using a control written by somebody else. In this case, Microsoft since they wrote Internet Explorer. We can't exactly fix Internet Explorer.
18:25 Ticket #853 (Embedded IE object has a memory leak when refreshing .php pages) created by jackweed@…
If continual refreshes are used (IE: hit home button several times), …
17:47 Ticket #814 (HttpSetProxy - proxy with credentials) reopened by Valik
Err, I'm not done with this ticket yet, don't close it.
10:54 Ticket #814 (HttpSetProxy - proxy with credentials) closed by Jpm
No Bug: You right Kurt, don't mix basic function as HttpSetProxy() and UDF. If such parameters are needed for the UDF just extend the UDF.


09:54 Ticket #852 (Plugin for scite) closed by Jos
Rejected: We are using the standard SciTE as supplied by Neil Hodgson as the base for our version and have no intent to do any development on SciTE. If any changes like are wanted then you need to request them at the SciTE interest website. Jos


20:00 Ticket #852 (Plugin for scite) created by tayoufabrice@…
A toolbar to esplore projet in scite
18:52 Ticket #847 (Image not showing in GUI when called by _Timer_SetTimer) closed by Valik
No Bug: Code works for me. It's poorly written and ill-thought out, but it works.
17:36 Ticket #848 (Tidy.exe - enhancement to '/rel : Remove empty lines from the ...) closed by Jos
Completed: I have added trhis option as it was pretty easy to do. Check the Tidy version available in the Beta download directory. INI * Remove Empty lines from Script Source. 1=Remove all 2=Remove all more then 1 Remove_Empty_Lines=1 Remove_Empty_Lines=2 Commandline / #Tidy_Parameter: /r_empty_lines or /rel  /r_extra_empty_lines or /reel
17:16 Ticket #851 (Compile Script - UPX.exe error) closed by Jos
No Bug: There is no Windows 7 support for autoit3 yet.
17:05 Ticket #851 (Compile Script - UPX.exe error) created by jorbazz@…
I can't compile scripts OS: Windows 7 Beta 32bit Error: Unable to …


21:08 Ticket #850 (_ExcelReadSheetToArray doesn't work with German Excel 2003) created by Prog@…
In _ExcelReadSheetToArray, the last-cell-string is Split by the …
19:52 Ticket #849 (Optimization p2) closed by Valik
Rejected: Replying to madflame991@…: > Why implement a Div() function? Are you asking for a Div() function? It's not very clear... > 1) It's a lot faster than basic a/b because it only returns the integer part of the result (floating point operations are A LOT SLOWER) Your benchmarks? Because my simple benchmarks shows floating point division being nearly 4 times faster than integer division in a simple C++ program. > 2) Precision is only needed in graphical/financial programs Wow, that's an incredibly short-sighted statement. > 3) Round(a/b) is slower... evidently Well, Round() isn't the right thing anyway. Try Int(). Either way, I find performance to be acceptable casting with Int(). If you don't, then chances are this isn't the right language for your task to begin with. > 4) Mod() is already implemented, but it looks incomplete without Div() Mod() is implemented as a function because we didn't make it an operator. Division has an operator, there's no reason to add a function for it. > 5) It doesn't break backward compatibility It doesn't add anything useful, either. Does casting to an int slow things down? Sure, but not enough to be an issue. Not until you get in the hundreds of thousands of calculations. But when you start getting that high, you're probably using the wrong language anyway.
17:52 Ticket #849 (Optimization p2) created by madflame991@…
Why implement a Div() function? 1) It's a lot faster than basic a/b …
16:53 Ticket #848 (Tidy.exe - enhancement to '/rel : Remove empty lines from the ...) created by Bowmore
It would be nice if the Tidy.exe parameter /rel : Remove empty …
07:14 Ticket #846 (UDF _PathFull( ) return path not correct) closed by Valik
Completed: Added in version:
07:10 Ticket #846 (UDF _PathFull( ) return path not correct) reopened by Valik
05:45 Ticket #847 (Image not showing in GUI when called by _Timer_SetTimer) created by anonymous
It seems that when a gui is called by _timer_settimer the image will …
04:08 Ticket #846 (UDF _PathFull( ) return path not correct) closed by Valik
No Bug: You passed in garbage, you received garbage. Function is working as designed. If you pass it something sensible then you will get something sensible back. No bug.
03:57 Ticket #846 (UDF _PathFull( ) return path not correct) created by txj
code like this: […] this code display …


01:46 Ticket #845 (#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field not support Simplified Chinese) created by txj
if #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Field=源文件名|Ghost2KXP.exe, 源文件名 is Simplified …


07:54 Ticket #844 ("^" and "$" absent in document of StringRegExp( )) closed by Jpm
No Bug: in fact they are as they match only in the multiline mode see doc […] you can also refer to the complete doc as stated […]
05:50 Ticket #844 ("^" and "$" absent in document of StringRegExp( )) created by txj
In StringRegExp( ) document of AutoIT,, …


19:23 Ticket #843 (@ScriptDir macro returning backslash when script is in drive root ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: The path "K:\.\Fred.exe" is likely to be just as invalid as "K: Fred.exe" to any application failing on the latter. This. Is. Not. A. Bug. Stop opening tickets on it. We are not going to change the behavior. If this is an issue for you then you can fix it. One of the simplest ways is to write: […]
18:08 Ticket #843 (@ScriptDir macro returning backslash when script is in drive root ...) created by ssmith@…
I know that this has been previously raised more than once bat has …


18:01 Ticket #842 (Adding Lua as an alternative syntax) closed by Valik
Rejected: Replying to anonymous: > Adding Lua as an alternative syntax or converting AutoIt features into a Lua API, whichever the techtical term here would be. This is probably an out-of-question suggestion due to fact it'd only benefit few. Even so, please refrain from being arrogant and try to give a smart answer to a (probably) stupid suggestion. Why? Why shouldn't you get a smart answer to a request you obviously put absolutely no thought into? To say this is a stupid suggestion is grossly underestimating just how stupid it really is. > I've heard that Lua scripting engine is pretty easy to add to a software. Out of pure interest, I'd like to hear what are the possible cons and difficulties here, how much work would this take and any other thoughts you have. In case you didn't notice, AutoIt is a language. So why would we go out of our way to embed another language to our language? It makes no sense. If Lua is so much better that you prefer it to AutoIt... use Lua. We won't be hurt, really.
17:19 Ticket #842 (Adding Lua as an alternative syntax) created by anonymous
Adding Lua as an alternative syntax or converting AutoIt features into …
16:15 Ticket #841 (Problems using pipes in array) closed by Jpm
No Bug: That exactly the reason what there is a before last parameter that can be use to change the separator needed used when displying the info by a listview control. Perhaps the doc need more adice on this potential conflict.
12:39 Ticket #841 (Problems using pipes in array) created by Wooltown
In one dimensional array, the text after the pipe will be removed, but …


19:46 Ticket #839 (Rewrite Shutdown()) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:


20:13 Ticket #840 (_SQlite_Query fails to execute query) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: It is working perfect under standard AutoIt 3.3.0 which is using 3.6.5 _SQlite version
19:16 Ticket #840 (_SQlite_Query fails to execute query) created by ivanperez.x@…
From the example in the help file this should output Hello World …


08:06 Ticket #839 (Rewrite Shutdown()) created by Valik
Shutdown sucks, needs rewritten. Note to self: Do it.


23:05 Ticket #838 (Better COM error handling.) created by PsaltyDS
Ref: Forum post …
09:53 Ticket #820 (Speed enhancement to _FileListToArray) closed by Jpm
Completed: #837 brought a division by 3
09:51 Ticket #837 (FileFindFirstFile/NextFile feature request) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
07:29 Ticket #835 (Recursion depth macro) closed by Jpm
Rejected: I agree with Valik recursion level must be handle inside the func itself with a global variable if needed.


19:26 Ticket #836 (RegWrite - set registry key as another user) closed by Valik
Rejected: You can re-run the same script with RunAs(). Or, if you are ambitious you can use DllCall() and the Windows API to impersonate another user. RunAs() is the simplest solution though.
18:31 Ticket #837 (FileFindFirstFile/NextFile feature request) created by pdaughe
FileFindFirstFile/NextFile do not currently set @extended. If no …
12:52 Ticket #836 (RegWrite - set registry key as another user) created by guenther_mandl@…
In our company user have no admin rights on their machines. If we have …


18:43 Ticket #834 (Request for _FileListToArray() to offer additional options) closed by Valik
Rejected: I think that's a little overkill.
15:20 Ticket #835 (Recursion depth macro) created by weaponx
Would it be possible to have a macro that contains the current depth …
10:59 Ticket #834 (Request for _FileListToArray() to offer additional options) created by Rudi
Hi. It would be nice, if the native _FileListToArray() would offer …


08:50 Ticket #833 (Bug in function DllOpen ()) closed by Valik
No Bug: Or you could try reading the documentation and applying some critical thinking.
08:33 Ticket #833 (Bug in function DllOpen ()) created by fristo
A Dll that not exist can not provide a handle. In this case the …


13:48 Ticket #832 (Instance of SCIITE) closed by Jos
Rejected: Yes, it is possible to have multiple SciTE sessions but this is not the place to ask. Use the forums for that.
13:45 Ticket #832 (Instance of SCIITE) created by tayoufabrice@…
I need scintilla to get more than one instance, is it possible to have …
00:35 Ticket #831 (Arrays with ranged size - optimizing without breaking compatibility ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: Err, no chance in hell that's going to happen. It took me a good 2 minutes just to figure out what the heck you had going on. Imagine how that looks to people who can't understand array's as-is?


20:13 Ticket #831 (Arrays with ranged size - optimizing without breaking compatibility ...) created by madflame991
Many many times I wished AutoIt had arrays with ranged size... there …
19:52 Ticket #828 (ANSI support) closed by Jos
No Bug: .. and the BUG is what ? I assume you are trying to suggest something here. The current SciTE4AutoIt3 installer still supports older version of AutoIt3. The next version will be only supporting + and this will change. NOBUG
17:55 Ticket #830 (recode --> ControlSend) closed by Valik
No Bug: It's good to see that you read WikiStart. Thank you for the lovely... whatever this is supposed to be.
17:54 Ticket #829 (move in SCITE the tabbed-windows) closed by Valik
Rejected: This is not the right place to ask.
16:43 Ticket #830 (recode --> ControlSend) created by azunai@…
hi there, maybe someone else has mentioned this before, but …
14:54 Ticket #829 (move in SCITE the tabbed-windows) created by godzail/gadzail
Hi all, I hope to be in the right place (excuse me if not). I request …
14:06 Ticket #824 (Long line don't work) closed by Jpm
No Bug
13:42 Ticket #828 (ANSI support) created by tayoufabrice@…
when I activ this in compil option I have an errormessage in the scite …
11:17 Ticket #827 (_DateDayOfWeek) closed by Gary
Rejected: The author specified in the remarks: "This function returns English day names only." Should be easy enough for anyone to write a wrapper to convert the english returned string to the native language.
11:07 Ticket #827 (_DateDayOfWeek) created by tayoufabrice@…
why the _DateDayOfWeek do not return the date in the environnement …


23:45 Ticket #826 (In Windows 7 Beta, @OSVersion shows "WIN_VISTA") closed by Valik
No Bug: It's neither. We haven't claimed AutoIt supports Windows 7 yet. We haven't even looked at Windows 7. Because it's still in Beta. Asking us to support it now is just a little bit premature.
23:09 Ticket #826 (In Windows 7 Beta, @OSVersion shows "WIN_VISTA") created by anonymous
Is it a bug or feature request? I assume a bug, but feel free to move …
22:43 Ticket #825 (Change the behaviour of DirMove()) closed by Valik
22:43 Ticket #825 (Change the behaviour of DirMove()) reopened by Valik
I just noticed this was a feature request. Please read WikiStart, particularly the parts about setting milestones and versions.
22:41 Ticket #825 (Change the behaviour of DirMove()) closed by Valik
No Bug: The current behavior is consistent with the move command on the command line. I don't think there is anything wrong with the current behavior, either. I think there is a misunderstanding about what you are trying to do. You are not trying to move the source folder to the existing destination folder, you're trying to move the contents of the source folder to the existing destination folder. This a different operation than trying to rename or relocate a folder. There is no single operation that can do what you want though it is trivial to write a UDF to do it.
22:08 Ticket #825 (Change the behaviour of DirMove()) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
Hi, I found that DirMove() having problem (limitation?) when trying …
16:54 Ticket #824 (Long line don't work) created by PlentyWork
Tidy crashes when one line is very long ( I think ~2000 chars) …
07:52 Ticket #817 (Typo in helpfile) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
07:30 Ticket #819 (Fix EventLog.au3) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:


12:33 Ticket #140 (Add ToolbarWindow32 information on buttons) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:


22:04 Ticket #823 (OnAutoItExit does not trigger on Control-C in console mode.) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: I'm closing this as Won't Fix. There are (at least) two ways you can handle this. You can use DllCall() and the Windows API SetConsoleMode() function to change how Ctrl+C is interpreted. You can also use DllCall(), DllCallbackRegister() and the Windows API SetConsoleCtrlHandler() to receive notification of the event and handle it appropriately.
20:37 Ticket #823 (OnAutoItExit does not trigger on Control-C in console mode.) created by david@…
If I compile my script to run in console mode and hit control-C as it …
18:20 Ticket #822 (Can't find out if item in folder option is checked or not) closed by Valik
No Bug: Read WikiStart. A 215 line script is unacceptable for trying to demonstrate a bug. Further, if you had just asked for Support somebody would have told you just read the registry and don't attempt to automate a GUI when you don't need to. This is very likely not a bug. There's no guarantee any control will respond to any message with anything useful. Welcome to Windows.
15:53 Ticket #822 (Can't find out if item in folder option is checked or not) created by Nejat.Hakan@…
The function "_GUICtrlTreeView_GetChecked" returns always false though …
12:28 Ticket #821 ((NON-COMPONENT) In Script Precompiler Options) closed by Jos
No Bug
10:59 Ticket #821 ((NON-COMPONENT) In Script Precompiler Options) created by BetaBug
Would like to be able to specify already available compiler options in …
10:00 Ticket #816 (Compiling ...) closed by Jpm
09:59 Ticket #816 (Compiling ...) reopened by Jpm
09:59 Ticket #818 (date control) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Replying to Valik: > You closed the wrong ticket with your commit for this... sorry perhaps the commit script can check that the ticket is already closed to protect my bad typing


17:34 Ticket #820 (Speed enhancement to _FileListToArray) created by Spiff59
_FileListToArray is an often-used and time-consuming function. Almost …
03:11 Ticket #819 (Fix EventLog.au3) created by Valik
Fix EventLog.au3. Buffer sizes need to be dynamic instead of fixed.
02:02 Ticket #818 (date control) created by anonymous
when using the date control i use the GUICtrlSetData() command …


20:35 Ticket #817 (Typo in helpfile) created by madflame991
" The ByRef keyword is optional and means: (1) the parameter must a …
17:08 Ticket #816 (Compiling ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: There is a tool on the forum to do that. The behavior you describe is on the AutoItNotToDoList which also implies you haven't read WikiStart. Read both and then look on the forum for the tool that does what you ask.
16:38 Ticket #816 (Compiling ...) created by jbg.havinga@…
I would like to have AutoIT compile all the code that is used and …
10:03 Ticket #815 (Pass temporaries as ByRef paramters) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:


16:18 Ticket #815 (Pass temporaries as ByRef paramters) created by Valik
We should allow passing temporaries as ByRef parameters.


17:43 Ticket #814 (HttpSetProxy - proxy with credentials) created by Xenobiologist
See here : http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88991


17:57 Ticket #812 (Addtion of structure like in C) closed by Valik
Rejected: We are not going to add this and your request epitomizes why we won't. Structures are for DllCall() only. They are not a mechanism for constructing user-defined types. What you describe is the very reason we keep this feature out of the language so thank you for proving my point why we shouldn't add it.
14:29 Ticket #813 (AutoItX_64.dll and Window Handles on XP64 issue) created by bsobottke@…
Hi, WinGetHandle() returns a 16byte string on XP64. The …
13:35 Ticket #810 (Local or Global declarations can ignore OnAutoItExit function) closed by Jpm
Fixed: In fact with the new beta implementation of #414: better handling of OnAutoItStart/OnAutoItExit It is fixed.
08:30 Ticket #811 (Add macros(@ScriptFile,@ScriptFunction) to get file,function executing ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: The @ScriptFile macro would only be available in non-compiled scripts. The @ScriptFunction macro impacts performance. There is also no guarantee that in future versions of AutoIt that this information will even be available at runtime. Closing as rejected.
08:24 Ticket #812 (Addtion of structure like in C) created by winux38@…
I read that you are not ready to add OOP concept in autoit and I agree …
08:07 Ticket #811 (Add macros(@ScriptFile,@ScriptFunction) to get file,function executing ...) created by winux38@…
Hello, It could be good to add the @ScriptFile and @scriptFunction to …


18:57 Ticket #810 (Local or Global declarations can ignore OnAutoItExit function) created by david@…
If I declare AND define a variable via a function and the function …
15:57 Ticket #809 (UDF _SoundPlay doesn't work with filenames as 1st parameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
14:31 Ticket #809 (UDF _SoundPlay doesn't work with filenames as 1st parameter) created by anonymous
Check the following example (or the AutoIt included example script …
07:47 Ticket #677 (ControlGetHandle/ControlListView on .Net Listview crashes/not working ...) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: Checking with running under a Vista X64 under a Virtual machine Works for me


17:43 Ticket #806 (DllStructGetData fails in compiled script with a name longer than ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: I entered my info, compiled the script and named it "SuperReallyLongNameAndStuff.exe". Works fine on Windows XP SP3. And I'm even more annoyed now having did that because the code, too long as it is, doesn't even run out of the box due to calls to functions that don't exist in the example. Just a poor example all around. Anyway, as expected, NO BUG.
17:07 Ticket #354 (Transparency with images) closed by Jpm
Rejected: In fact transparency is applied to the parent window so GUICtrlSetTransparent will be override by the next one. The current strategy of choosing the pixel 0,0 of the control for pic seems the not the worst one. I am closing it
02:13 Ticket #808 (_ArrayConcatenate()) closed by Valik
No Bug
01:44 Ticket #808 (_ArrayConcatenate()) created by anonymous
your _ArrayConcatenate($array1,$array2) command works well butt …
01:34 Ticket #807 (help) closed by Valik
Rejected: Read WikiStart. This is not the place to ask for help. People have already written things that can get the information you want. Use the forum.
01:27 Ticket #807 (help) created by anonymous
plese add a way to check the processor type ie: pentum d , Pentium …
01:19 Ticket #806 (DllStructGetData fails in compiled script with a name longer than ...) created by autoit@…
The script below will work fine in AutoIT as long as it is not …


20:03 Ticket #747 (GUI becomes unresponsive on displaying animated Gifs in embedded IE) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: The problem is Internet Explorer. It apparently has unacceptably poor performance animating GIF images. This causes such a flood of activity that the image is drawn poorly and the host application just can't keep up. Most likely Internet Explorer itself is multi-threaded which allows it's UI to remain responsive even in the face of the message flood the poor GIF animation is causing. AutoIt does not have that luxury and it is a significant rewrite to change it just to work around Microsoft's poor programming. About all I can say is, hope that IE8 has better GIF rendering because we aren't rewriting AutoIt to accommodate Microsoft's inadequacies at writing a browser. Note that Firefox renders the GIF nice and smoothly without breaking itself in the process. Closing as "Wont Fix".
18:11 Ticket #802 (ControlID fails with full X/Y/W/H definition) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.