


16:18 Ticket #815 (Pass temporaries as ByRef paramters) created by Valik
We should allow passing temporaries as ByRef parameters.


17:43 Ticket #814 (HttpSetProxy - proxy with credentials) created by Xenobiologist
See here : http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=88991


17:57 Ticket #812 (Addtion of structure like in C) closed by Valik
Rejected: We are not going to add this and your request epitomizes why we won't. Structures are for DllCall() only. They are not a mechanism for constructing user-defined types. What you describe is the very reason we keep this feature out of the language so thank you for proving my point why we shouldn't add it.
14:29 Ticket #813 (AutoItX_64.dll and Window Handles on XP64 issue) created by bsobottke@…
Hi, WinGetHandle() returns a 16byte string on XP64. The …
13:35 Ticket #810 (Local or Global declarations can ignore OnAutoItExit function) closed by Jpm
Fixed: In fact with the new beta implementation of #414: better handling of OnAutoItStart/OnAutoItExit It is fixed.
08:30 Ticket #811 (Add macros(@ScriptFile,@ScriptFunction) to get file,function executing ...) closed by Valik
Rejected: The @ScriptFile macro would only be available in non-compiled scripts. The @ScriptFunction macro impacts performance. There is also no guarantee that in future versions of AutoIt that this information will even be available at runtime. Closing as rejected.
08:24 Ticket #812 (Addtion of structure like in C) created by winux38@…
I read that you are not ready to add OOP concept in autoit and I agree …
08:07 Ticket #811 (Add macros(@ScriptFile,@ScriptFunction) to get file,function executing ...) created by winux38@…
Hello, It could be good to add the @ScriptFile and @scriptFunction to …


18:57 Ticket #810 (Local or Global declarations can ignore OnAutoItExit function) created by david@…
If I declare AND define a variable via a function and the function …
15:57 Ticket #809 (UDF _SoundPlay doesn't work with filenames as 1st parameter) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
14:31 Ticket #809 (UDF _SoundPlay doesn't work with filenames as 1st parameter) created by anonymous
Check the following example (or the AutoIt included example script …
07:47 Ticket #677 (ControlGetHandle/ControlListView on .Net Listview crashes/not working ...) closed by Jpm
Works For Me: Checking with running under a Vista X64 under a Virtual machine Works for me


17:43 Ticket #806 (DllStructGetData fails in compiled script with a name longer than ...) closed by Valik
No Bug: I entered my info, compiled the script and named it "SuperReallyLongNameAndStuff.exe". Works fine on Windows XP SP3. And I'm even more annoyed now having did that because the code, too long as it is, doesn't even run out of the box due to calls to functions that don't exist in the example. Just a poor example all around. Anyway, as expected, NO BUG.
17:07 Ticket #354 (Transparency with images) closed by Jpm
Rejected: In fact transparency is applied to the parent window so GUICtrlSetTransparent will be override by the next one. The current strategy of choosing the pixel 0,0 of the control for pic seems the not the worst one. I am closing it
02:13 Ticket #808 (_ArrayConcatenate()) closed by Valik
No Bug
01:44 Ticket #808 (_ArrayConcatenate()) created by anonymous
your _ArrayConcatenate($array1,$array2) command works well butt …
01:34 Ticket #807 (help) closed by Valik
Rejected: Read WikiStart. This is not the place to ask for help. People have already written things that can get the information you want. Use the forum.
01:27 Ticket #807 (help) created by anonymous
plese add a way to check the processor type ie: pentum d , Pentium …
01:19 Ticket #806 (DllStructGetData fails in compiled script with a name longer than ...) created by autoit@…
The script below will work fine in AutoIT as long as it is not …


20:03 Ticket #747 (GUI becomes unresponsive on displaying animated Gifs in embedded IE) closed by Valik
Wont Fix: The problem is Internet Explorer. It apparently has unacceptably poor performance animating GIF images. This causes such a flood of activity that the image is drawn poorly and the host application just can't keep up. Most likely Internet Explorer itself is multi-threaded which allows it's UI to remain responsive even in the face of the message flood the poor GIF animation is causing. AutoIt does not have that luxury and it is a significant rewrite to change it just to work around Microsoft's poor programming. About all I can say is, hope that IE8 has better GIF rendering because we aren't rewriting AutoIt to accommodate Microsoft's inadequacies at writing a browser. Note that Firefox renders the GIF nice and smoothly without breaking itself in the process. Closing as "Wont Fix".
18:11 Ticket #802 (ControlID fails with full X/Y/W/H definition) closed by Valik
Fixed: Fixed in version:


21:50 Ticket #805 (Don't really know what command is causing the problem) closed by Valik
No Bug: Before you post another ticket, read WikiStart.
21:22 Ticket #805 (Don't really know what command is causing the problem) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
I use a script from Danny35d to display office and windows serials. …
21:12 Ticket #803 (ProcessGetStats documentation Improvement) closed by Valik
Rejected: I think the example we have is fine. We only need to show basic usage and give people an idea how a function works. They need to be able to read the documentation to figure out the rest.
21:07 Ticket #804 (Strange behavior with simple program) closed by Valik
No Bug: Did you really even think about this code? Just stop and think. No bug.
20:29 Ticket #804 (Strange behavior with simple program) created by anonymous
When I run the following program, if I change the "for $k=1 to X" so …
20:23 Ticket #803 (ProcessGetStats documentation Improvement) created by Emiel Wieldraaijer
Hi, i want to retrieve some information about the processes running …
19:59 Ticket #802 (ControlID fails with full X/Y/W/H definition) created by PsaltyDS
The new X/Y/W/H ControlID definition fails when all four values are …
09:33 Ticket #799 (@appdatadir bugged vista 64bit) closed by Jpm
No Bug: The return value is exactly the same under Vista32 and Vista64 %USERPROFILE%\AppData\roaming That's the value that Vista wants to return !!!
02:15 Ticket #801 (Run/RunWait path bug) closed by Valik
No Bug: No, this is a quirk of cmd.exe. From cmd.exe /?: > The special characters that require quotes are: > <space> > &()[]{}=;!'+,`~ Why you think this is an AutoIt error when it's clearly from cmd.exe is beyond me. No bug.
01:41 Ticket #801 (Run/RunWait path bug) created by txj2000@…
if path contains ( ), Run/RunWait run error. example code like this …


23:01 Ticket #800 (runas from a network path) closed by Valik
No Bug: The user you are running as can not see the network drive. Read the first statement under "Remarks" for RunAs() in the documentation. This is not a bug in AutoIt.
21:41 Ticket #800 (runas from a network path) created by anonymous
I have written a script that will elevate an uninstall process to …
20:27 Ticket #799 (@appdatadir bugged vista 64bit) created by anonymous
Somepeople had problems with my autoit program because a folder in the …
17:59 WikiStart edited by Valik
Rewrote some stuff and added some stuff. (diff)
17:50 Ticket #798 (RegRead / RegWrite broken inside Windows 2000 Pro SP4) closed by Valik
Works For Me: You need to read WikiStart because you did about a billion things wrong. I'm closing this as "Works For Me". The odds of the registry functions being so fundamentally broken as the poster claims seems incredibly unlikely.
16:32 Ticket #798 (RegRead / RegWrite broken inside Windows 2000 Pro SP4) created by ppass@…
I want to dynamically change proxy settings inside IE. I cannot find …
12:54 Ticket #461 (StringReplace to include right-to-left functionality) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:


12:15 Ticket #790 (Badly named constant in WindowsConstants.au3) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:


17:48 Ticket #699 (Shutdown(5) Failing) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
17:01 Ticket #797 (Documentation Typo) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
02:56 Ticket #797 (Documentation Typo) created by jmclaren7@…
In the Help File for the function "FileCreateNTFSLink" Under the …
00:26 Ticket #793 (_WinNet_EnumResource Bug) closed by Gary
Fixed: Fixed in version:
00:09 Ticket #796 (Dead link in helpfile) closed by Gary
Works For Me: link works fine for me


15:05 Ticket #796 (Dead link in helpfile) created by soccer
Hi, the link in _WinNet_GetProviderName is dead. See Also Search …


22:56 Ticket #795 (IniReadSection limitation) closed by Valik
No Bug
22:32 Ticket #794 (Listviews with checkboxes doesn't work "properly"....in my opinion) closed by Valik
No Bug: Replying to Robert: > I'm too lazy right now Then you really don't care about the issue so you shouldn't have posted. Also, you state yourself you are handling WM_NOTIFY which means you are modifying the behavior outside AutoIt's control so it is your responsibility to ensure the default AutoIt handlers are allowed to run and/or ensure whatever functionality you are replacing still works how you want. Very likely this is not a bug. We'd know that for sure if you weren't lazy. Also see WikiStart before you post in the future.
22:21 Ticket #795 (IniReadSection limitation) created by anonymous
I am having a problem with IniReadSection not returning all elements …
21:44 Ticket #794 (Listviews with checkboxes doesn't work "properly"....in my opinion) created by Robert
I'm too lazy right now to take apart my code to show an example, so …
16:16 Ticket #793 (_WinNet_EnumResource Bug) created by Tibur.Wiseman@…
When try using the function _WinNet_EnumResource, always an error is …
01:19 Ticket #792 (Avatars are sometimes hdden) closed by Valik
Works For Me: We don't track forum issues here. At any rate, it sounds like an issue on your end. What you describe sounds like the images aren't downloading for you. Since they seem to be working for others it's unlikely this is a site issue.
00:55 Ticket #792 (Avatars are sometimes hdden) created by Sandra
When browsing the forum, sometimes the avatars and emoicons are not …


21:29 Ticket #791 (EnvGet returns wrong value for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE AMD4) closed by Valik
No Bug: The environment variable PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE is the same thing as AutoIt's @CPUArch. So with that in mind: * On 64-bit Windows a 64-bit process will see x64 from @CPUArch. * On 64-bit Windows a 32-bit process will see x86 from @CPUArch. * On 64-bit Windows a 64-bit process will see x64 from @OSArch. * On 64-bit Windows a 32-bit process will see x64 from @OSArch. As for the additional comments you tried to post. I don't care what Perl does. Perl may not be doing what you think it does. It may be up to some shenanigans behind the scenes that is tricking you into thinking it's doing the right thing when it's doing something that is misleading. If you stop and think about how Windows works with a 32-bit process on 64-bit Windows you'll realize the behavior you see is correct for backwards compatibility. Sorry about your additional comments being rejected. You can blame an idiot for the draconian policies we currently have in place which is causing a lot of people to have their tickets rejected.
18:53 Ticket #791 (EnvGet returns wrong value for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE AMD4) created by Dreamer
EnvGet returns x86 as the PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE on my Win XP Pro …


09:08 BadContent edited by Valik
01:34 BadContent edited by Valik


23:26 BadContent edited by Valik
19:27 BadContent edited by Valik
19:23 BadContent edited by Valik
19:21 BadContent edited by Valik
19:13 BadContent edited by Valik
16:40 Ticket #790 (Badly named constant in WindowsConstants.au3) created by monoceres
Not really a "bug" but I don't think that declaring $ERROR as const in …
07:50 WikiStart edited by Valik
Cleaned up text. (diff)
07:48 WikiStart edited by Valik
Mentioned _DebugBugReportEnv() function (thanks JP) (diff)
01:17 WikiStart edited by Valik
Major revamp to explain what we want and expect from users. (diff)


16:12 Ticket #789 (Avast! make virus alert when converting even an completely empty ...) closed by Jos
No Bug: See sticky in our forums what needss to be done but it obviously doesn't help to report it here. Your AV provider is a better place to start: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=34658
15:48 Ticket #789 (Avast! make virus alert when converting even an completely empty ...) created by Prof. Dr. J. Verhas <verhas@…>
05:18 Ticket #788 (can't get text from external apps listview) closed by Valik
Works For Me: See here for why this ticket is a waste of time.
02:10 Ticket #788 (can't get text from external apps listview) created by anonymous
It seems that either this is a bug, doesn't work with all apps, or not …


08:38 Ticket #786 (Error in _SQLite_Exec) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:


19:26 BadContent edited by Valik
18:38 Ticket #787 (Obfuscator improvements) closed by Valik
Rejected: This is well outside the scope of anything we should be distributing with AutoIt. Very few people even understand these things and even fewer actually need to change it.
16:48 Ticket #787 (Obfuscator improvements) created by bingotheclowno
Hello! Regarding this topic …
11:40 Ticket #786 (Error in _SQLite_Exec) created by tayoufabrice@…
_SQLite_Exec set allway @error to 0 see the Line 3 from the end "If …


19:17 Ticket #785 (AGAIN: @ScriptDir does contain a trailing backslash on drive root) closed by Valik
No Bug: So what, you want it to return an INVALID path? C: is not path.
19:01 Ticket #785 (AGAIN: @ScriptDir does contain a trailing backslash on drive root) created by ilko8@…
Could not reopen ticket #753 : …
15:41 Ticket #784 (Open SciTE4AutoIt without saving file and click F1) closed by Jos
No Bug: As reported many times in our forums: The AutoIt3 specific shortcuts/tools in SciTE will only work when the file is saved with a proper autoit3 (.au3) file extension.
10:00 Ticket #784 (Open SciTE4AutoIt without saving file and click F1) created by kmeleon
Open SciTE4AutoIt without saving file and click F1 or clik …


18:58 Ticket #783 (Easier GUIs) closed by Valik
Rejected: Several comments here. * Our syntax is not such that it allows that. Honestly? Your syntax looks like a mess to me. I much prefer being verbose. I see a lot of ambiguity in your example. * You're comparing apples to oranges. HTML and CSS? Seriously? Comparing native GUIs to HTML forms is not a valid comparison. * With simplicity comes lack of functionality. The more simple you make something the more functionality you take away or the harder you make the advanced functionality to use. We try to make things as simple as we can while still allowing advanced functionality. * You're the first person to complain about the complexity. Most people suggest that it's pretty easy to create GUIs in AutoIt. * The last time I checked AutoIt supported writing your own functions. If you aren't satisfied with the complexity of the native functions write your own wrappers around them to abstract away the complex parts you seldom use.
12:10 Ticket #783 (Easier GUIs) created by anonymous
Why can't you just write Menu(6 Options), File, Edit, View, …


20:31 BadContent edited by Valik
20:22 BadContent edited by Valik
17:39 Ticket #582 (Tab Item on a Tab Control, Tips not showing) closed by Jpm
Completed: Added in version:
10:56 Ticket #782 (Problem _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem) closed by Gary
No Bug: If you use a UDF to add/insert the data then you need to get the handle to the control for delete _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem(GUICtrlGetHandle($ListView1), 2)
10:38 Ticket #782 (Problem _GUICtrlListView_DeleteItem) created by Vitaliy K. aka VDX
If ListViewItem created by _GUICtrlListView_AddItem() then …


15:04 Ticket #781 (FileGetAttrib fails to recognize (D)irectories) closed by Jos
No Bug
14:27 Ticket #781 (FileGetAttrib fails to recognize (D)irectories) created by PHolzwarth@…
The FileGetAttrib function only rarely returns a "D" flag for …
09:07 Ticket #780 (bug with zero) closed by Jpm
No Bug: I am curious to see which version was OK from your point of view as all official releases and certainly all betas display "This is a bug!". what AutoIt does is comparing the integer 0 to a converted string to integer. This conversion always return 1 except when the string is empty. NO BUG
08:53 Ticket #780 (bug with zero) created by hunter
$i=0 If $i="dfdsfds" Then MsgBox(0,"","This is a bug!") Else …


19:08 Ticket #771 (Message to Valik) closed by Valik


14:02 Ticket #774 (GUICtrlSetBkColor delayed mishap.(Labels turn White)) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
06:35 Ticket #779 (Infinite Loop On Exit) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed in version:
00:14 Ticket #779 (Infinite Loop On Exit) created by anonymous
Infinite Loop On Exit I opened this test script and then closed it. …


20:46 Ticket #135 (FileWrite, FileWriteLine extended to set write mode and pointer position) closed by Valik
Completed: Added in version:
07:09 Ticket #775 (control AfxFrameOrView operation) closed by Valik
Rejected: While we *might* add UDFs to AutoIt we won't be the ones to write them. However, I don't know that what you ask for is useful outside very rare circumstances.
07:06 Ticket #777 (GUICreate() --> width, height is client size (not whole window size)) closed by Valik
Completed: Added in version:


19:40 Ticket #778 (EnvGet("PROCCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") reports x86 on 64 bit OS) closed by Valik
No Bug: Why do you think something pulled from the environment is a bug in AutoIt? We don't set the environment, the OS does. And the OS is right because you're running the 32-bit version of AutoIt so returning x86 is correction. Run the 64-bit version of AutoIt and it will show x64.
19:16 Ticket #778 (EnvGet("PROCCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") reports x86 on 64 bit OS) created by Dreamer
[…] Maybe related is the fact that @OSVERSION reports WIN_2003 on …
12:02 Ticket #776 ($LVM_GETITEM missing in ListViewConstants.au3) closed by Gary
No Bug: Not a bug, just hadn't removed those old constants without the "A" till now.
09:12 Ticket #777 (GUICreate() --> width, height is client size (not whole window size)) created by anonymous
In helpfile at GUICreate() --> add note about width, height --> it …
09:09 Ticket #776 ($LVM_GETITEM missing in ListViewConstants.au3) created by Zedna
There is […] but in TreeViewConstants.au3 there is […] So …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.