- 21:48 Ticket #635 (_GuiCtrlTab_ClickTab() docs list unused $fPopupScan parameter) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:48 Ticket #625 (Page faults caused by Sleep) closed by
- No Bug: Then you haven't found a bug. It's not unexpected that complicated code generates page faults and it doesn't mean there is an issue.
- 14:44 Ticket #635 (_GuiCtrlTab_ClickTab() docs list unused $fPopupScan parameter) created by
- The help file, and the header for _GuiCtrlTab_ClickTab() …
- 00:50 Ticket #634 (Increased activtity on mouse move) created by
- There is a increased activity when you move your mouse. The mouse …
- 23:38 Ticket #599 (_FileListToArray costs O(N^2) instead of O(NlogN)) closed by
- Completed
- 23:38 Ticket #599 (_FileListToArray costs O(N^2) instead of O(NlogN)) reopened by
- 23:28 Ticket #599 (_FileListToArray costs O(N^2) instead of O(NlogN)) closed by
- Fixed
- 21:20 Ticket #621 (_StringAddThousandsSep don't work with negative number) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:51 Ticket #628 (GUICtrlRead($id, 1) on control context menu returns -1 unless main ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 16:30 Ticket #633 (ComboBox doesn't open list of entries at Win2k, XP is working ok) closed by
- No Bug: Maybe try reading the documentation for GUICtrlCreateCombo() next time?
- 16:20 Ticket #633 (ComboBox doesn't open list of entries at Win2k, XP is working ok) created by
- In Win2k if you click on the "down" arrow besides the combo box to …
- 00:25 Ticket #630 (DriveMapAdd doesn't work on Vista With Use of #RequireAdmin.) closed by
- No Bug: You mounted the drive with elevated rights which means programs without elevated rights can't see it. Your normal Explorer window running non-elevated can not see it. You must start a new instance of Explorer with elevated rights to see it. But there's another catch. With my system, I have to close out all existing Explorer windows to open an elevated instance of Explorer. Even though I'm manually requesting an elevated version, it seems to just defer to the non-elevated explorer.exe process. You must have all Explorer windows closed so that when you try to open an (elevated) Explorer window it spawns a new process that stays (and gets elevated). Once you have a properly elevated Explorer window you can see the drive. Without closing all the other windows first it just passes the request along to the currently running non-elevated instance of Explorer which isn't what you want to see. An easier alternative to confirm the drive is mounted is to run an elevated script to mount the drive like normal. Now start an elevated command interpreter (cmd.exe) and you'll see that the mounted drive is there and accessible. A non-elevated command interpreter cannot see the drive. This is not a bug - at least not in AutoIt. I can use an elevated Explorer to mount the drive using the built-in interface and that drive will not be visible to non-elevated programs.
- 23:05 Ticket #630 (DriveMapAdd doesn't work on Vista With Use of #RequireAdmin.) created by
- Sorry for the ticket 614 …
- 20:13 Ticket #626 (GUICtrlSetTip: Display as Balloon Tip doesn't work) closed by
- Works For Me: Are Balloon Tips disabled on your system? Works fine for me on XP and Vista and it should work with 2000 as well.
- 20:04 Ticket #614 (DriveMapAdd doesn't work on Vista.) closed by
- Works For Me: Works for me. Drive maps, return values are correct and I can see the drive in Explorer.
- 16:14 Ticket #629 (iniwrite / iniread doesn't work on file called "clock.ini") closed by
- No Bug: Not a bug.
- 05:22 Ticket #629 (iniwrite / iniread doesn't work on file called "clock.ini") created by
- The code […] on first execution the message is "nix" on second …
- 01:04 Ticket #628 (GUICtrlRead($id, 1) on control context menu returns -1 unless main ...) created by
- Sorry for the long summary, but I couldn't think of a better way to …
- 21:36 Ticket #627 (Using a re-sizable GUI and _GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl cause AutoIt ...) closed by
- No Bug: See Ticket #45
- 16:15 Ticket #627 (Using a re-sizable GUI and _GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl cause AutoIt ...) created by
- Creating a GUI interface that is re-sizable (BitOR($WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, …
- 15:35 Ticket #626 (GUICtrlSetTip: Display as Balloon Tip doesn't work) created by
- […] doesn't work. IE5+ is required (according to GUICtrlSetTip …
- 13:19 Ticket #625 (Page faults caused by Sleep) created by
- Hi there, i noticed in a service that i have written that autoit …
- 21:02 Ticket #568 (_INetSmtpMail(): Two features: 1.) email priority, 2.) possibility to ...) closed by
- Rejected
- 19:19 Ticket #624 (FileCopy() - need better error return, and maybe protect existing dest file) created by
- After a bit of research on using FileCopy(), here are two suggestions: …
- 13:55 Ticket #617 (GDI+: corrected help file examples for six ImageGet functions) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 11:21 Ticket #623 (_GUICtrlListBox_FindString - returns 0 on error, and doesn't set ...) created by
- as i was saying, it returns 0 when search isn't found / when search is …
- 22:08 Ticket #622 (_BlockInputExc) closed by
- Rejected: This is just a little piece of example code. It's a long way from what it needs to be in order to even be considered for inclusion. Come back again when you have a function with documentation.
- 22:00 Ticket #619 (_GuiCtrlListView_SetItemSelected Problem (confirmed problem)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:42 Ticket #622 (_BlockInputExc) created by
- This is written by another forum user, RASIM. Here's the thread: …
- 20:47 Ticket #621 (_StringAddThousandsSep don't work with negative number) created by
- the old UDF _StringAddComma did that. Description and solution see …
- 16:54 Ticket #616 (New Function or Parms for BlockInput - Allow Hotkeys) closed by
- Rejected: Not going to happen.
- 16:43 Ticket #620 (complete documentation as PDF file) closed by
- Rejected: Either find a CHM to PDF converter or print the CHM version.
- 16:06 Ticket #620 (complete documentation as PDF file) created by
- It sure would be great to be able to download a PDF version of the …
- 14:48 Ticket #619 (_GuiCtrlListView_SetItemSelected Problem (confirmed problem)) created by
- Here was the original bug report - In function …
- 14:47 Ticket #618 (_WinAPI_OpenProcess documentation needs updating) created by
- The documentation needs to list the different access flags so you …
- 05:17 Ticket #617 (GDI+: corrected help file examples for six ImageGet functions) created by
- corrections to six GDI+ ImageGet help file examples in beta …
- 04:29 Ticket #616 (New Function or Parms for BlockInput - Allow Hotkeys) created by
- I think it would be a good feature to allow specific keys to be …
- 22:42 Ticket #615 (License needs fixed) created by
- Reminder for Jon that the license is not right. …
- 21:53 Ticket #614 (DriveMapAdd doesn't work on Vista.) created by
- Hello, I'll try this sample code without any success in Vista : […] …
- 21:39 Ticket #610 (WinAPI.au3 _WinAPI_CreateFile() does not return 0 on failure as ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:30 Ticket #613 (Obfsucator Stripping ObjEvent functions) closed by
- No Bug: use the directives: #Obfuscator_Off ;Stop the Obfuscation process below this line #Obfuscator_On ;Start the Obfuscation process below this line
- 17:22 Ticket #613 (Obfsucator Stripping ObjEvent functions) created by
- […] Running Obfuscator will remove the "PrefixEvent" UDF, but not …
- 15:24 Ticket #612 (Need AutoIT to output DLL) closed by
- Rejected: It's not going to happen. You can see if AutoItX will suit your needs but as for compiling a script to a DLL, not going to happen.
- 12:35 Ticket #612 (Need AutoIT to output DLL) created by
- Currently, AutoIT v3 supports creating an EXE. I need a way to create …
- 00:32 Ticket #611 (This caused crashing: $pcLocked = ...) closed by
- No Bug: The problem is you aren't calling the function correctly. The function you are trying to call via DllCall() takes 3 arguments you aren't providing. This is not a bug.
- 23:04 Ticket #611 (This caused crashing: $pcLocked = ...) created by
- This caused crashing: $pcLocked = …
- 21:04 Milestone completed
- 18:27 Ticket #610 (WinAPI.au3 _WinAPI_CreateFile() does not return 0 on failure as ...) created by
- Tested on WinXP SP3 AutoIt Beta WinAPI.au3 This may be …
- 21:09 Ticket #609 (@FunctionName, VarGetName()) closed by
- Rejected: Adding a @FunctionName macro is very expensive performance-wise (it's been done before). As for VarGetName(), pretty much impossible with the current internal architecture or at any rate I don't think it would be reliable in 100% of the uses.
- 20:18 Ticket #609 (@FunctionName, VarGetName()) created by
- I don't have knowledge of the internal workings of AutoIt or how …
- 10:32 Ticket #608 (GUICtrlSetBkColor not working properly on ListView control) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 06:25 Ticket #608 (GUICtrlSetBkColor not working properly on ListView control) created by
- When GUICtrlSet(Bk)Color() function used on ListView control, there is …
- 22:59 Ticket #603 (_FileReadToArray() does not return an array if the file contains only ...) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:38 Ticket #607 (_GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected Problem) closed by
- Works For Me: Works for me
- 22:36 Ticket #606 (Return value error in _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices) closed by
- Works For Me: This works for me: […]
- 08:23 Ticket #601 (Helpfile should mention that ToolTip "title" can be max 99 characters) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 07:29 Ticket #607 (_GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected Problem) created by
- In function _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected,has memory problem …
- 23:28 Ticket #606 (Return value error in _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices) created by
- When the index of the selected listview item is 0, the string version …
- 12:35 Ticket #605 (_InetSmtpMail sets wrong Date) created by
- I use _InetSmtpMail to send E-Mail over Notes 5.0.12 SMTP Server. …
- 09:31 Ticket #604 (implement the transparency of all Ctrl) created by
- Hi. I use background picture for some app. But, some control are not …
- 20:05 Ticket #602 (AutoitWrapper Methods for Handling 'Run After') closed by
- Rejected: Use the fully qualified pathfor the exe to make sure it knows where to look for it. Also please post these type of "issues" in the support forum so we can establish what the issue is and don;t think it belongs is the "New features request" section. Jos
- 11:47 Ticket #603 (_FileReadToArray() does not return an array if the file contains only ...) created by
- In AutoIt and previous beta versions _FileReadToArray() does …
- 01:50 Ticket #602 (AutoitWrapper Methods for Handling 'Run After') created by
- I compiled my script for an experiment when i encountered this error …
- 21:43 Ticket #601 (Helpfile should mention that ToolTip "title" can be max 99 characters) created by
- In the forum thread @ …
- 20:31 Ticket #600 (Array.au3 in Beta the functions don't work with 2D Array) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:29 Ticket #600 (Array.au3 in Beta the functions don't work with 2D Array) created by
- i have proved the Beta and, for example, the function …
- 13:56 Milestone completed
- 05:55 Ticket #599 (_FileListToArray costs O(N^2) instead of O(NlogN)) created by
- Memory re-allocation is an expensive operation and as such, should be …
- 15:38 Ticket #598 (database access (Microsoft)) closed by
- Rejected: You can do it via COM.
- 08:41 Ticket #598 (database access (Microsoft)) created by
- For AutoIt lacks features that allow an application written in AutoIt …
- 06:59 Ticket #454 (FileRead handle files as UTF-8 even BOM is missing) closed by
- Completed: $FO_UTF8 will work for opening in read mode
- 22:40 Ticket #597 (Documentation @TempDir needs updating) closed by
- No Bug: That's wrong. @TempDir will return whatever it finds first: 1. The path specified by the TMP environment variable. 2. The path specified by the TEMP environment variable. 3. The path specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable. 4. The Windows directory. So it will find TMP first if it exists: […] I don't see that this needs documented, however. People have been using the macro for years and have never needed to know how it was implemented.
- 21:07 Ticket #597 (Documentation @TempDir needs updating) created by
- Macro Reference - Directory @TempDir -> path to the temporary files …
- 20:23 Ticket #596 (String<From/To>ASCIIArray() functions) created by
- There are potential issues with these functions I need to look at. …
- 23:51 Ticket #454 (FileRead handle files as UTF-8 even BOM is missing) reopened by
- Alright, somebody actually gave me a file which demonstrated the problem and the desired outcome and I now see what the OP means. Would have been helpful to have that from the start, however.
- 23:18 Ticket #454 (FileRead handle files as UTF-8 even BOM is missing) closed by
- Rejected: I don't know what your expectations are. UTF-8 files don't need a BOM because it's pretty much pointless for the encoding so the comment on it being missing is irrelevant. As for the behavior, UTF-8 is fully backwards compatible with ANSI so if your file contains all ANSI characters it's going to be treated as ANSI, BOM or not. If there was a problem with the behavior here it would actually be bug and not a feature request. Since nobody else has clearly demonstrated any issue I'm closing this as rejected.
- 18:07 Ticket #520 (WMI SwbemRefresher Object used in a loop has memory leak) closed by
- No Bug: This is not a leak in AutoIt. I tried calling the Remove() and DeleteAll() methods on the $oRefresher object to get rid of the enumeration but it still leaks. I tested with identical VBS code and it also leaks. Here's the AutoIt code I used: […] And the VBS which is identical other than it lacks a hotkey. […] Closing as no bug.
- 23:14 Ticket #539 (StringSplit w/ flag 2 doesn't return string if no delims) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:58 Ticket #531 (GuiCtrlSetGraphic documentation) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:08 Ticket #542 (StringRegEx causing a hard crash) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 10:52 Ticket #595 (Typo in help file.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 08:17 Ticket #595 (Typo in help file.) created by
- Under the "_WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx" section (WinAPI Management) it …
- 07:34 Ticket #594 (wintitlematchmode) closed by
- Rejected: While in theory I can agree that specifying the match mode on a per-call basis would be superior, it's too late in the game for that. It's also a lot of work at this point for virtually no gain. Further, the match modes are largely redundant with the advanced window descriptions. For example, I believe that using the TITLE property is the same as doing an exact match (mode 3). Modes 1 and 2 can be achieved by the REGEXPTITLE depending on how you specify the pattern (it's not complex to do basic anchored/substring matching). Lastly you should be operating on HWND's as much as possible and not using anything else. I use the advanced descriptors in a call to WinGetHandle() to get the handle to the window which I use from then on. Basically, everything I just said also applies to controls.
- 06:08 Ticket #594 (wintitlematchmode) created by
- This is really a two part request. I believe WinTitleMatchMode should …
- 05:58 Ticket #593 (Process Path) closed by
- Rejected: If somebody wishes to contribute a well-written function that would be fine. But since I don't see any submission attached I'm closing this. You should be able to get one of the functions working by making sure it's opening the process with the correct access rights. Chances are people have just been lazy and used the all-access rights which will fail if you are not an admin (which you won't be on Vista if it's set up).
- 22:38 Ticket #593 (Process Path) created by
- I Hope You Add Function To Get Process Path In Vista Because All …
- 06:55 Ticket #575 (@ProgramFilesDir) closed by
- No Bug: In Fact under Vista the return is independent from the Windows language version and can be use as such whatever that is not the value displayed by the explorer
- 00:02 Ticket #555 (bug in _GUICtrlListView UDF) closed by
- Works For Me: Closing as works for me.
- 00:01 Ticket #516 (_ChooseFont 64bit Vista) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 00:54 Ticket #592 (a collection of prime based or prime related math functions) created by
- ;#=#INDEX#============================================================= …
- 17:49 Ticket #586 (Function _GuiCtrlListView_SetGroupInfo Don't Work Twice) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 01:53 Ticket #591 (_GUICtrlListBox_AddString goes loopy when passing array instead of string) closed by
- No Bug: Replying to Annonymous: > Valik once said that Autoit shouldn't hard crash under any circumstance. Indeed. In this case, though, it's technically not AutoIt's crash. The array is converted to a number and passed to SendMessage(). The message that's being used expects a string, so when it encounters a number it tries to do stuff and crashes. There isn't anything we can do about this. In certain cases (Using DllCall(), sending messages) it's up to the caller (you) to make sure you don't pass invalid data. No bug.
- 00:47 Ticket #591 (_GUICtrlListBox_AddString goes loopy when passing array instead of string) created by
- First of all, I know you aren't suppose to pass an array to the $sText …
- 00:36 Ticket #590 (AutoIT Script corrupting file names in script directory) closed by
- No Bug: Not enough information and the example script is way too long. Try asking for support on the forum to isolate the issue and determine if it's actually a bug.
- 00:09 Ticket #590 (AutoIT Script corrupting file names in script directory) created by
- After I run my script, the names of the files in the same directory as …
- 20:23 Ticket #550 (Run() - doc precision) closed by
- Rejected: I'm not sure how useful it is to document this. It wasn't really added to be useful for user's but rather for us in debugging. For now I think it should still be undocumented.
- 20:21 Ticket #565 (Calculate Membership in group or ranges) closed by
- Rejected: This should be possible via a COM object, 3rd-party tool or DllCall(). In other words it should be possible via a UDF of some sort. Closing as rejected.
- 20:20 Ticket #529 (Identifying .NET controls using WM_GETCONTROLNAME) closed by
- Rejected: Since you did figure out how to do it via I'm closing this as rejected.
- 20:19 Ticket #528 (Native Control Identification and Property Retrieval using Active ...) closed by
- Rejected: I believe that objects implementing accessibility functionality do so via a COM interface that is IDispatch enabled. In short, that means you should be able to, in some manner or other, access it via AutoIt's COM functionality. I don't see this being built-in.
- 20:07 Ticket #509 (UDP Receive String) closed by
- Rejected: You can just cast the returned data via String() and it will do the same thing your proposed flag would.
- 20:05 Ticket #548 (Array initializing syntax everywhere) closed by
- Rejected: It would be nice in some ways but I don't think it's worth the effort and the syntax issues it could cause.
- 20:03 Ticket #535 (don't pause the script when the tray menu is open or the gui title bar ...) closed by
- Rejected: There's really not much that can be done about this due to the way AutoIt is designed. You can avoid some of it by disabling the tray menu.
- 19:53 Ticket #587 (ControlGetPos array error) closed by
- No Bug: I agree with Saunder's assessment here. Also, I'm not really sure what the "SciTE help index" is so I really don't know what you have tried. Anyway, this is unlikely to be a real bug so I'm closing this.
- 19:51 Ticket #521 (Forum Upload Issue) closed by
- No Bug: You can view your attachments at this link. Otherwise, you'll have to bring the issue up with Jon on the forum because there's nothing anybody else can do to help you.
- 19:39 Ticket #574 (Problem with sending the Windows Key + L) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 19:10 Ticket #584 (Scite4AutoIt3 reports DLL error on start up) closed by
- No Bug: The latest versions of SciTE4AutoIt will not work on Windows 98. A version that came out around the time of should still work on Windows 98.
- 18:54 Ticket #507 (Problem with GuiToolTip UDF functions using only TTM_*W message constants.) closed by
- No Bug: I just tested with AutoItMacroGenerator02.exe. It doesn't do what I said but it is doing something that I can't identify. Here are my observations: * I tested with 2 different programs that have a toolbar. When I press 1 or 2 when hovering over a toolbar button I get _1_ window (_ArrayDisplay()) showing me information on the button I'm hovering over. * When I do the same thing with AutoItMacroGenerator02.exe I get a lot of windows showing me information on every toolbar button. This says to me that AutoItMacroGenerator02.exe is doing something non-standard or something not compatible with the enumeration method you are trying to use. As best I can tell, this isn't a bug in AutoIt.
- 18:32 Ticket #583 (Using @MSEC produces an error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 18:23 Ticket #589 (mixed compare result, bools and values.) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 17:51 Ticket #589 (mixed compare result, bools and values.) created by
- […]
- 02:19 Ticket #588 (StringRegExpReplaceCallback) created by
- I know that it's annoying when people compare AutoIt to other …
- 01:38 Ticket #587 (ControlGetPos array error) created by
- I am trying to use the ControlGetPos() but I am running into problems …
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.