- 16:20 Ticket #232 (StdoutRead with peek = true doesn't exits loop) closed by
- No Bug: This is a duh moment. Of course it's never going to set @error. You never actually read the data so the stream *always* has data on it. This is most assuredly no bug.
- 13:05 Ticket #232 (StdoutRead with peek = true doesn't exits loop) created by
- Using peek = true the StdoutRead loop never terminates (@error = 0) …
- 12:34 Ticket #230 (Wrong GuiCtrlSetResizing after ControlMove in GUIs with Menus) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 11:59 Ticket #231 (Modifier keys stick) created by
- I seem to recall that this has been reported before, but I could not …
- 00:07 Ticket #230 (Wrong GuiCtrlSetResizing after ControlMove in GUIs with Menus) created by
- Probably related to the fixed #214 ticket. After moving controls with …
- 20:26 Ticket #229 (@error and @extended not returning appropriate values for ...) created by
- I have done some testing. BinaryToString will return the a value up to …
- 12:07 Ticket #222 (GUIRegisterMsg() and callback function "chains") closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 04:09 Ticket #228 (Parse and write XML) closed by
- Rejected: You can use MSXML and interact with it via AutoIt's native COM support. Closing as Rejected.
- 01:50 Ticket #228 (Parse and write XML) created by
- There should be a way to write and read XML-Data. For example, a …
- 22:36 Ticket #227 (_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect and transperent windows) closed by
- Rejected: Nothing wrong with the UDF function, it works. Layered you can't see the fill but it works.
- 18:43 Ticket #227 (_GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect and transperent windows) created by
- In the example below _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillEllipse works as it should …
- 01:09 Ticket #226 (Explorer freezes momentarily when using Windows Shortcut keys while ...) closed by
- No Bug: This has nothing to do with AutoIt. I've experienced this problem in the past without AutoIt scripts running.
- 23:53 Ticket #225 (Varible++) closed by
- Rejected: The following shorthand is possible: $var += $expression $var -= $expression $var *= $expression $var /= $expression $var &= $expression We do not need increment/decrement operators.
- 23:44 Ticket #226 (Explorer freezes momentarily when using Windows Shortcut keys while ...) created by
- AutoIt seems to be causing long delays when using Windows Shortcut …
- 23:30 Ticket #225 (Varible++) created by
- I was wondering if we could get a new function for something like C++, …
- 20:54 Milestone completed
- 16:12 Ticket #223 (GUIRegisterMsg() callback documentation...) closed by
- Duplicate: The documentation is correct, the behavior is bugged and it is related to your other ticket. AutoIt is supposed to stop processing the message if you use the "Return" keyword, period. The only exception to that rule is if you use "Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG" which is the only way to use Return *and* allow AutoIt to use it's own internal handler. I'm closing this as a Duplicate of #222. There is no bug in the documentation, just in AutoIt.
- 16:08 Ticket #224 (Ubound would return last index) closed by
- Rejected: Fixing incorrect resolution.
- 16:08 Ticket #224 (Ubound would return last index) reopened by
- 16:06 Ticket #224 (Ubound would return last index) closed by
- No Bug: It refers to the length when the array is initialized with an appropriate empty value. The behavior of UBound() is correct and will not be changed.
- 15:56 Ticket #224 (Ubound would return last index) created by
- In other languages, Ubound returns the last index. So wouldn't it be …
- 14:45 Ticket #223 (GUIRegisterMsg() callback documentation...) created by
- The GUIRegisterMsg() documentation needs updating. It's difficult to …
- 14:41 Ticket #222 (GUIRegisterMsg() and callback function "chains") created by
- It looks like there might be a bug/regression in the betas with …
- 14:02 Ticket #221 (Classes) closed by
- Rejected: Replying to anonymous: > http://svn.autoitscript.com/trac/wiki/AutoItNotOnToDoList Closing as Rejected, quoted URL explains why.
- 09:30 Ticket #221 (Classes) created by
- Ello, It'd be great if you guys included classes in a future version …
- 07:45 Ticket #219 (Accelerator tables and multiple GUI windows) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 21:39 Ticket #220 (FileInstall() with a default source file.) closed by
- Rejected: There is already an idea on the table for rewriting FileInstall. It'll be done when it's done. This idea will not be part of that.
- 21:18 Ticket #220 (FileInstall() with a default source file.) created by
- Disclaimer: I completely understand why FileInstall can't include …
- 11:40 Ticket #185 (Limit of GUI Controls -> (eat up CPU)) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 07:46 Ticket #218 (StringFormat) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 06:45 Ticket #219 (Accelerator tables and multiple GUI windows) created by
- When you set accelerators to be used in a window (using …
- 22:18 Ticket #218 (StringFormat) created by
- I would like to see a more detailed help example of StringFormat. The …
- 18:54 Ticket #217 (AutoIt3Wrapper_Gui Bug) closed by
- No Bug: Already fixed. Please check latest available.
- 17:39 Ticket #216 (_DateDiff not recognized by SciTE Lexer) closed by
- Duplicate: Duplicate of #54.
- 17:22 Ticket #115 (Document Aut2Exe's /bin parameter) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 16:55 Ticket #217 (AutoIt3Wrapper_Gui Bug) created by
- Line 1468 on Version is wrong […]
- 15:55 Milestone completed
- 13:52 Ticket #216 (_DateDiff not recognized by SciTE Lexer) created by
- Hi folks, you are doing a wonderful job. I am very pleased by the …
- 10:58 Milestone completed
- 10:32 Ticket #214 (Some GUI objects display about 3% smaller in build closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 00:30 Ticket #215 (Koda: Multimon: If secondary monitor is left of primary monitor, ...) closed by
- No Bug: Koda is not our product. Try asking the people who make Koda. Closing as No Bug.
- 00:22 Ticket #215 (Koda: Multimon: If secondary monitor is left of primary monitor, ...) created by
- I have a multimon setup. The primary monitor is on the right side and …
- 17:23 Ticket #212 (Add HWND parameter to InputBox) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 17:00 Ticket #214 (Some GUI objects display about 3% smaller in build created by
- This is the same issue from v3.2.5.1. …
- 07:47 Ticket #213 (GUISetAccelerators doesn't work with enter Key from closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 22:50 Ticket #185 (Limit of GUI Controls -> (eat up CPU)) reopened by
- Hi, I tried it with Java. No problem here. I can create as much GUI controls as RAM can handle. Many many more than Autoit can do. Mega
- 18:09 Ticket #207 (Auto Propercase in Comments) closed by
- No Bug: The "normal" version of SciTE4AutoIt3 that comes with the AutoIt3 installer doesn't have a "propercase" function because that is done by a LUA function I wrote. :)
- 15:04 Ticket #213 (GUISetAccelerators doesn't work with enter Key from created by
- From Beta - ENTER - doesn't work on GUISetAccelerators, …
- 02:39 Ticket #212 (Add HWND parameter to InputBox) created by
- Summary says it all really. Just like feature request #39.
- 00:25 Ticket #211 (GUICtrlToolbar UDF: Button text accelerator prefix underscore disappears) closed by
- No Bug: I'm assuming that you have the option selected to "Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt key" checked (Display Properties -> Effects). Whenever I disable this option, I correctly see the underline always. When this option is enabled, you shouldn't expect to see the underline until you press the Alt key. I don't see any behavior here that is bug-worthy.
- 23:47 Ticket #211 (GUICtrlToolbar UDF: Button text accelerator prefix underscore disappears) created by
- Toolbar button text accelerator prefix underscore disappears when a …
- 19:44 Ticket #203 (AutoIt3Wrapper - Work on backup files) closed by
- Rejected: Closed - lack of response.
- 19:36 Ticket #210 (File Unlocker) closed by
- Rejected: This is neither trivial to implement, nor is it safe. I think you would be better off using Handle.exe from Sysinternals for this.
- 18:12 Ticket #210 (File Unlocker) created by
- Add functionality to ProcessClose() or some related function... …
- 13:53 Ticket #80 (Au3Info showing advanced window descriptions) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 09:44 Milestone completed
- 08:46 Ticket #209 (Another guictrldelete win32 exception) closed by
- Fixed: Thanks fixed
- 21:04 Ticket #209 (Another guictrldelete win32 exception) created by
- Using guictrldelete() on a natively created listview which has had all …
- 10:53 Ticket #170 (FileCopy unable to copy new files when source files number excess 10k) closed by
- No Bug: Replying to Nitrogen: > But I think we expect FileCopy() will "copy all new files and skip existing files". Filecopy is doing what Windows does and stop when Windows stop. You cannot expect such behavior I will close again
- 19:08 Milestone completed
- 18:37 Ticket #208 (Expand Adlib functionality) closed by
- Rejected: What is stopping you from calling more than one function from a single "master" AdLib callback? If you need callbacks on separate timers, it's trivial to do that as well. Or you could use WM_TIMER and GUIRegisterMsg(). Changing this to a feature request and closing as rejected (really, a bug? Come on).
- 14:30 Ticket #79 (Allow searching for windows/controls by position.) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 10:14 Ticket #39 (Add HWND to common dialogs) closed by
- Completed: Added in version:
- 09:22 Ticket #208 (Expand Adlib functionality) created by
- I found out the hard way that you can only have one function called …
- 16:02 Ticket #170 (FileCopy unable to copy new files when source files number excess 10k) reopened by
- Here is my test code […] Ooops! The new files aren't copied! […]
- 09:50 Ticket #207 (Auto Propercase in Comments) created by
- When Auto Propercase is turned on, function names in comments are …
- 20:04 Ticket #205 ([Vista64] PixelGetColor returns color of desktop picture instead of ...) closed by
- No Bug: Closing as No Bug.
- 15:00 Ticket #206 (Sleep Documentation Incorrect) closed by
- No Bug: You are missing the point. All functions must return a value, so no function returns a value of "none". But the point is, the return value is not clearly defined. We do not guarantee Sleep() will return 1. If you choose to rely on this value, you do so at your own risk that at some point we may change the value. Hence, the return value is not documented.
- 10:59 Ticket #206 (Sleep Documentation Incorrect) created by
- The documentation of the function Sleep( delay ) is incorrect. It …
- 15:54 Ticket #199 (Multi-Monitor Support Include File) closed by
- Rejected: This doesn't seem like something we need in the official distribution at this time.
- 15:52 Ticket #204 (GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex) closed by
- Rejected
- 16:21 Ticket #205 ([Vista64] PixelGetColor returns color of desktop picture instead of ...) created by
- When trying to determine the color of a pixel via PixelGetColor in a …
- 10:54 Ticket #204 (GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex) reopened by
- >Sorry, but none AutoIt function can depend of an UDF. If none AutoIt function can depend of an UDF then just add _GUICtrlListView_SetImageList() as native one GUICtrlListView_SetImageList() This will be very simple change and will make much more flexible icons operations with ListView/TreeView with native functions. >You can build your own UDF GUICtrlCreateListViewItemEX($itemtext, $ListView1, $index [,$imagefile]) I thought about that already but creating ListView items by UDF functions is much more slower (several times!) then native one. See this post about that: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=67829
- 07:59 Ticket #187 (AutoIt3.chm::/html/script_breaking_changes.htm) closed by
- Completed
- 07:44 Ticket #181 (Could you make AutoIT Window Info Selectable?) closed by
- Rejected: see the info above the listview, it say double-click and you get what you want without switching to the summary page
- 07:27 Ticket #204 (GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex) closed by
- Rejected: Sorry, but none AutoIt function can depend of an UDF. You can build your own UDF GUICtrlCreateListViewItemEX($itemtext, $ListView1, $index [,$imagefile])
- 01:04 Ticket #201 (DLLCall: $aRet[4] is invalid in AutoIT closed by
- Duplicate: Closing as duplicate since it's long fixed, like I suspected.
- 23:43 Ticket #202 (Would like to be able to Branch on condition) closed by
- Rejected: It doesn't matter if I have a solution or not, that's not what the issue tracker is for. Don't re-open the ticket.
- 23:19 Ticket #204 (GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex) created by
- GUICtrlCreateListViewItem() - new optional parameter IconIndex $iImage …
- 22:57 Ticket #203 (AutoIt3Wrapper - Work on backup files) created by
- It would be very nice if there was an option ,when compiling …
- 22:39 Ticket #202 (Would like to be able to Branch on condition) reopened by
- So, do YOU have a solution? Or do you think the "Add 700 identical statements" is the best way ?
- 22:14 Ticket #202 (Would like to be able to Branch on condition) closed by
- Rejected: This actually sounds worse than Goto... not happening.
- 21:58 Ticket #202 (Would like to be able to Branch on condition) created by
- Before you whack this request for a GoTo, let me explain... Consider a …
- 15:38 Ticket #185 (Limit of GUI Controls -> (eat up CPU)) closed by
- No Bug
- 05:01 Ticket #201 (DLLCall: $aRet[4] is invalid in AutoIT created by
- Hi, I'm new here. I've been creating a script with AutoIT that uses …
- 16:29 Ticket #200 (_ArrayDisplay) closed by
- No Bug: Please stop asking *QUESTIONS* on here. This is for reporting bugs or asking for new features. It is not for asking for clarification on things. That's what the forum is for. As to your question, virtually all functions that work with arrays should take them ByRef for performance reasons. _ArrayDisplay() was brought more in line with other functions that take arrays and going forward most functions that take an array should be taking them ByRef. Closing this. Please direct future questions to the forum, not here.
- 11:21 Ticket #200 (_ArrayDisplay) created by
- HI Gary/Ultima, there was a change on the array functions between …
- 07:13 Ticket #199 (Multi-Monitor Support Include File) created by
- I have taken several scripts from the AutoIt form and created a …
- 22:42 Ticket #197 ($CmdLine as @CmdLine) closed by
- Rejected: First, I don't think the macro system supports array's so it could be quite a bit of work under the hood to enable that. Second, but more importantly, in 5 years this hasn't been an issue more than a handful of times. Yet it's a change that will break an extremely large number of scripts.
- 21:59 Ticket #198 (_FileReadToArray) created by
- Hi, this is no really big bug, but it would be nice if someone could …
- 18:18 Ticket #197 ($CmdLine as @CmdLine) created by
- I propose that $CmdLine may be changed to a macro to reduce confusion. …
- 00:03 Ticket #196 (Enable shell printing of AutoIt source code) closed by
- Rejected: You kind of ramble on a bit making it somewhat unclear what you are asking for. However, the only thing I can fathom that actually involves us making any change to anything is for us to add the print verb to the file association when registered by the installer. To me, this doesn't sound very useful. Rejecting this.
- 23:02 Ticket #196 (Enable shell printing of AutoIt source code) created by
- Most document types (at least the ones that come from Microsoft), …
- 13:47 Ticket #193 (guictrldelete on context menu already deleted causes win32 exception) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 13:33 Ticket #195 (GUICtrlSetDefColor() causing a problem) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in version:
- 13:23 Ticket #194 (Minor SciTeConfig error) closed by
- Fixed: Fixed in v Jos
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