Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #2355, comment 16

07/28/13 20:00:10 (12 years ago)


  • Ticket #2355, comment 16

    initial v1  
    11I'm fairly insulted to be told "noone cares".  If it were possible to improve the compilation I would. I just don't have the skills and I've wasted weeks of my life trying. In fact I believe it to be close to, if not actually impossible with the current interpreter+compiled script way that is used. Nothing apart from a full rewrite of autoit will do.
    3 Do you know how the current best decompiler works? It doesn't even read in the script script and trying and work out how I encoded and encrypted and obfuscated things. It doesn't even bother. What it does is it lets the script run and then as it executes it always gets to a point where it has to "run" the line of script - at that point the script tokens (not even stored as text) are ripped out of memory and reversed into readable text. No amount of tweaking will stop that.  .NET can be one-click decompiled in a similar fashion.
     3Do you know how the current best decompiler works? It doesn't even read in the script and trying and work out how I encoded and encrypted and obfuscated things. It doesn't even bother. What it does is it lets the script run and then as it executes it always gets to a point where it has to "run" the line of script - at that point the script tokens (not even stored as text) are ripped out of memory and reversed into readable text. No amount of tweaking will stop that.  .NET can be one-click decompiled in a similar fashion.
    55On the plus side with the new beta scripts are stored as part of the resources in an exe rather than hacked-onto the end. This means that it may be possible to use your own packer/exe protector type software to wrap around it. I've not tried myself though.