1 DllStructGetPtr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 2 InputBox The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 3 MouseGetPos The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 4 ObjCreate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 5 ObjEvent The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 6 ObjGet The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 7 _ChooseColor The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 8 _ChooseFont The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 9 _ClipBoard_GetData The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 10 _ClipBoard_GetDataEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 11 _ClipBoard_SetData The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 12 _ClipBoard_SetDataEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 13 _ClipPutFile The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 14 _DateDayOfWeek The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 15 _DateToMonth The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 16 _Date_Time_EncodeFileTime The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 17 _Date_Time_EncodeSystemTime The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 18 _Date_Time_FileTimeToStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 19 _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 20 _Date_Time_SystemTimeToDateTimeStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 21 _Date_Time_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 22 _Date_Time_TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 23 _DebugOut The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 24 _EventLog__Read The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 25 _ExcelBookAttach The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 26 _ExcelBookClose The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 27 _ExcelBookNew The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 28 _ExcelBookOpen The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 29 _ExcelBookSave The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 30 _ExcelBookSaveAs The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 31 _ExcelColumnDelete The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 32 _ExcelColumnInsert The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 33 _ExcelFontSetProperties The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 34 _ExcelHorizontalAlignSet The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 35 _ExcelHyperlinkInsert The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 36 _ExcelNumberFormat The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 37 _ExcelReadArray The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 38 _ExcelReadCell The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 39 _ExcelReadSheetToArray The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 40 _ExcelRowDelete The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 41 _ExcelRowInsert The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 42 _ExcelSheetAddNew The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 43 _ExcelSheetDelete The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 44 _ExcelSheetMove The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 45 _ExcelWriteArray The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 46 _ExcelWriteCell The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 47 _ExcelWriteFormula The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 48 _ExcelWriteSheetFromArray The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 49 _FileListToArray The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 50 _FilePrint The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 51 _FileWriteFromArray The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 52 _FileWriteToLine The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 53 _FTP_Open The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 54 _GDIPlus_ArrowCapCreate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 55 _GDIPlus_BitmapCloneArea The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 56 _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromHBITMAP The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 57 _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 58 _GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 59 _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 60 _GDIPlus_BrushGetSolidColor The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 61 _GDIPlus_BrushSetSolidColor The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 62 _GDIPlus_DrawImagePoints The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 63 _GDIPlus_FontCreate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 64 _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 65 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawArc The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 66 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawBezier The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 67 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawClosedCurve The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 68 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawCurve The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 69 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawEllipse The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 70 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRectRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 71 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 72 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPie The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 73 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawPolygon The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 74 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 75 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 76 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillClosedCurve The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 77 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillEllipse The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 78 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPie The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 79 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillPolygon The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 80 _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 81 _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFileEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 82 _GDIPlus_MatrixRotate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 83 _GDIPlus_MatrixScale The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 84 _GDIPlus_MatrixTranslate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 85 _GDIPlus_PenCreate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 86 _GDIPlus_PenSetAlignment The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 87 _GDIPlus_PenSetDashCap The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 88 _GDIPlus_PenSetDashStyle The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 89 _GDIPlus_RectFCreate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 90 _GDIPlus_StringFormatCreate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 91 _GUICtrlAVI_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 92 _GUICtrlAVI_Play The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 93 _GUICtrlButton_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 94 _GUICtrlButton_Enable The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 95 _GUICtrlButton_SetCheck The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 96 _GUICtrlButton_SetDontClick The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 97 _GUICtrlButton_SetFocus The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 98 _GUICtrlButton_SetImage The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 99 _GUICtrlButton_SetImageList The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 100 _GUICtrlButton_SetShield The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 101 _GUICtrlButton_SetSplitInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 102 _GUICtrlButton_SetState The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 103 _GUICtrlButton_SetTextMargin The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 104 _GUICtrlButton_Show The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 105 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddDir The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 106 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_AddString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 107 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 108 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_FindStringExact The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 109 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_InsertString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 110 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_LimitText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 111 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetCurSel The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 112 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetExtendedStyle The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 113 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetExtendedUI The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 114 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 115 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_SetUnicode The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 116 _GUICtrlComboBoxEx_ShowDropDown The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 117 _GUICtrlComboBox_AddDir The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 118 _GUICtrlComboBox_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 119 _GUICtrlComboBox_FindString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 120 _GUICtrlComboBox_FindStringExact The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 121 _GUICtrlComboBox_InsertString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 122 _GUICtrlComboBox_LimitText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 123 _GUICtrlComboBox_SelectString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 124 _GUICtrlComboBox_SetCurSel The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 125 _GUICtrlComboBox_SetExtendedUI The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 126 _GUICtrlComboBox_SetItemHeight The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 127 _GUICtrlComboBox_ShowDropDown The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 128 _GUICtrlDTP_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 129 _GUICtrlDTP_SetMCFont The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 130 _GUICtrlDTP_SetSystemTimeEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 131 _GUICtrlEdit_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 132 _GUICtrlEdit_Find The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 133 _GUICtrlEdit_FmtLines The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 134 _GUICtrlEdit_LineFromChar The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 135 _GUICtrlEdit_LineIndex The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 136 _GUICtrlEdit_LineLength The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 137 _GUICtrlEdit_ReplaceSel The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 138 _GUICtrlEdit_SetMargins The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 139 _GUICtrlEdit_SetPasswordChar The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 140 _GUICtrlHeader_AddItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 141 _GUICtrlHeader_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 142 _GUICtrlHeader_EditFilter The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 143 _GUICtrlHeader_InsertItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 144 _GUICtrlIpAddress_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 145 _GUICtrlIpAddress_SetFont The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 146 _GUICtrlIpAddress_SetRange The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 147 _GUICtrlListBox_ClickItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 148 _GUICtrlListBox_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 149 _GUICtrlListBox_Dir The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 150 _GUICtrlListBox_FindInText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 151 _GUICtrlListBox_FindString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 152 _GUICtrlListBox_InsertString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 153 _GUICtrlListBox_SelectString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 154 _GUICtrlListBox_SelItemRange The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 155 _GUICtrlListBox_SetCaretIndex The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 156 _GUICtrlListBox_SetItemHeight The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 157 _GUICtrlListBox_SetSel The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 158 _GUICtrlListView_AddColumn The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 159 _GUICtrlListView_AddItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 160 _GUICtrlListView_AddSubItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 161 _GUICtrlListView_ApproximateViewHeight The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 162 _GUICtrlListView_ApproximateViewRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 163 _GUICtrlListView_ApproximateViewWidth The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 164 _GUICtrlListView_Arrange The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 165 _GUICtrlListView_ClickItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 166 _GUICtrlListView_CopyItems The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 167 _GUICtrlListView_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 168 _GUICtrlListView_EnableGroupView The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 169 _GUICtrlListView_EnsureVisible The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 170 _GUICtrlListView_FindInText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 171 _GUICtrlListView_FindItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 172 _GUICtrlListView_FindNearest The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 173 _GUICtrlListView_FindParam The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 174 _GUICtrlListView_FindText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 175 _GUICtrlListView_GetGroupRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 176 _GUICtrlListView_GetItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 177 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemImage The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 178 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 179 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemRectEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 180 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemSpacing The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 181 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemSpacingX The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 182 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemSpacingY The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 183 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 184 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextArray The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 185 _GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 186 _GUICtrlListView_GetNextItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 187 _GUICtrlListView_GetSubItemRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 188 _GUICtrlListView_HitTest The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 189 _GUICtrlListView_InsertColumn The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 190 _GUICtrlListView_InsertGroup The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 191 _GUICtrlListView_InsertItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 192 _GUICtrlListView_JustifyColumn The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 193 _GUICtrlListView_RegisterSortCallBack The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 194 _GUICtrlListView_SetBkImage The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 195 _GUICtrlListView_SetColumn The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 196 _GUICtrlListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 197 _GUICtrlListView_SetGroupInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 198 _GUICtrlListView_SetImageList The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 199 _GUICtrlListView_SetItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 200 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemChecked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 201 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemCut The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 202 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemDropHilited The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 203 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemFocused The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 204 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemImage The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 205 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemSelected The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 206 _GUICtrlListView_SetItemText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 207 _GUICtrlListView_SubItemHitTest The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 208 _GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 209 _GUICtrlMenu_CheckMenuItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 210 _GUICtrlMenu_CheckRadioItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 211 _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 212 _GUICtrlMenu_CreatePopup The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 213 _GUICtrlMenu_DeleteMenu The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 214 _GUICtrlMenu_EnableMenuItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 215 _GUICtrlMenu_FindItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 216 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemBmp The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 217 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemBmpChecked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 218 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemBmpUnchecked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 219 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemChecked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 220 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemData The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 221 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemDefault The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 222 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemDisabled The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 223 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemEnabled The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 224 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemGrayed The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 225 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemHighlighted The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 226 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemID The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 227 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 228 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemState The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 229 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemStateEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 230 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 231 _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemType The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 232 _GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuBarInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 233 _GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuDefaultItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 234 _GUICtrlMenu_GetSystemMenu The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 235 _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 236 _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItemEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 237 _GUICtrlMenu_MenuItemFromPoint The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 238 _GUICtrlMenu_RemoveMenu The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 239 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBitmaps The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 240 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBmp The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 241 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBmpChecked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 242 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBmpUnchecked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 243 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemChecked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 244 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemData The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 245 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemDefault The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 246 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemDisabled The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 247 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemEnabled The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 248 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemGrayed The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 249 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemHighlighted The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 250 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemID The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 251 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 252 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemState The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 253 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemSubMenu The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 254 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 255 _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemType The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 256 _GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuDefaultItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 257 _GUICtrlMenu_TrackPopupMenu The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 258 _GUICtrlMonthCal_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 259 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetCurSelStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 260 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRange The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 261 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeMax The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 262 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeMaxStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 263 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeMin The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 264 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeMinStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 265 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetMonthRangeSpan The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 266 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetRangeMaxStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 267 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetRangeMinStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 268 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetSelRangeMaxStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 269 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetSelRangeMinStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 270 _GUICtrlMonthCal_GetTodayStr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 271 _GUICtrlMonthCal_SetCalendarBorder The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 272 _GUICtrlMonthCal_SetUnicodeFormat The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 273 _GUICtrlRebar_AddBand The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 274 _GUICtrlRebar_AddToolBarBand The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 275 _GUICtrlRebar_BeginDrag The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 276 _GUICtrlRebar_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 277 _GUICtrlRebar_DragMove The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 278 _GUICtrlRebar_HitTest The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 279 _GUICtrlRebar_MaximizeBand The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 280 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleBreak The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 281 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleChildEdge The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 282 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleFixedBMP The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 283 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleFixedSize The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 284 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleGripperAlways The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 285 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleHidden The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 286 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleHideTitle The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 287 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleNoGripper The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 288 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleTopAlign The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 289 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleUseChevron The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 290 _GUICtrlRebar_SetBandStyleVariableHeight The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 291 _GUICtrlRebar_SetUnicodeFormat The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 292 _GUICtrlRebar_ShowBand The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 293 _GUICtrlSlider_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 294 _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 295 _GUICtrlStatusBar_EmbedControl The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 296 _GUICtrlStatusBar_GetIcon The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 297 _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetIcon The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 298 _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetParts The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 299 _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetUnicodeFormat The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 300 _GUICtrlTab_ClickTab The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 301 _GUICtrlTab_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 302 _GUICtrlTab_DeselectAll The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 303 _GUICtrlTab_FindTab The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 304 _GUICtrlTab_HighlightItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 305 _GUICtrlTab_InsertItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 306 _GUICtrlTab_SetItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 307 _GUICtrlToolbar_AddButton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 308 _GUICtrlToolbar_AddButtonSep The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 309 _GUICtrlToolbar_CheckButton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 310 _GUICtrlToolbar_ClickAccel The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 311 _GUICtrlToolbar_ClickButton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 312 _GUICtrlToolbar_ClickIndex The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 313 _GUICtrlToolbar_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 314 _GUICtrlToolbar_EnableButton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 315 _GUICtrlToolbar_HideButton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 316 _GUICtrlToolbar_HighlightButton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 317 _GUICtrlToolbar_InsertButton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 318 _GUICtrlToolbar_PressButton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 319 _GUICtrlToolbar_SetButtonInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 320 _GUICtrlToolbar_SetIndeterminate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 321 _GUICtrlToolbar_SetInsertMark The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 322 _GUICtrlToolbar_SetRows The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 323 _GUICtrlToolbar_SetStyleAltDrag The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 324 _GUICtrlToolbar_SetStyleCustomErase The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 325 _GUICtrlTreeView_Add The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 326 _GUICtrlTreeView_AddChild The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 327 _GUICtrlTreeView_AddChildFirst The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 328 _GUICtrlTreeView_AddFirst The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 329 _GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 330 _GUICtrlTreeView_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 331 _GUICtrlTreeView_Delete The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 332 _GUICtrlTreeView_DisplayRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 333 _GUICtrlTreeView_DisplayRectEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 334 _GUICtrlTreeView_Expand The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 335 _GUICtrlTreeView_FindItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 336 _GUICtrlTreeView_FindItemEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 337 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetItemHandle The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 338 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetItemParam The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 339 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetParentHandle The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 340 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetState The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 341 _GUICtrlTreeView_GetText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 342 _GUICtrlTreeView_InsertItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 343 _GUICtrlTreeView_SelectItem The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 344 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetBold The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 345 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetChecked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 346 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetCheckedByIndex The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 347 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetChildren The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 348 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetCut The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 349 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetDropTarget The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 350 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetFocused The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 351 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetIcon The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 352 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetInsertMark The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 353 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetSelected The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 354 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetState The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 355 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 356 _GUICtrlTreeView_SetUnicodeFormat The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 357 _GUIImageList_Add The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 358 _GUIImageList_AddBitmap The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 359 _GUIImageList_AddIcon The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 360 _GUIImageList_AddMasked The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 361 _GUIImageList_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 362 _GUIImageList_Draw The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 363 _GUIImageList_DrawEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 364 _GUIImageList_GetIcon The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 365 _GUIImageList_Remove The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 366 _GUIScrollBars_EnableScrollBar The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 367 _GUIScrollBars_Init The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 368 _GUIScrollBars_SetScrollInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 369 _GUIScrollBars_ShowScrollBar The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 370 _GUIToolTip_Activate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 371 _GUIToolTip_AddTool The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 372 _GUIToolTip_AdjustRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 373 _GUIToolTip_Create The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 374 _GUIToolTip_DelTool The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 375 _GUIToolTip_GetBubbleHeight The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 376 _GUIToolTip_GetBubbleSize The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 377 _GUIToolTip_GetBubbleWidth The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 378 _GUIToolTip_SetTitle The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 379 _GUIToolTip_SetToolInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 380 _GUIToolTip_TrackActivate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 381 _IEAttach The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 382 _IECreate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 383 _IEDocInsertHTML The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 384 _IEDocInsertText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 385 _IEErrorHandlerRegister The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 386 _IEErrorNotify The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 387 _IEFormElementCheckBoxSelect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 388 _IEFormElementGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 389 _IEFormElementGetObjByName The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 390 _IEFormElementOptionSelect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 391 _IEFormElementRadioSelect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 392 _IEFormElementSetValue The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 393 _IEFormGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 394 _IEFormGetObjByName The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 395 _IEFormImageClick The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 396 _IEFormSubmit The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 397 _IEFrameGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 398 _IEGetObjByName The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 399 _IEImgClick The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 400 _IEImgGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 401 _IELinkClickByIndex The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 402 _IELinkClickByText The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 403 _IELinkGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 404 _IELoadWait The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 405 _IELoadWaitTimeout The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 406 _IENavigate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 407 _IETableGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 408 _IETableWriteToArray The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 409 _IETagNameAllGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 410 _IETagNameGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 411 _IE_Example The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 412 _IE_Introduction The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 413 _IsPressed The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 414 _MemGlobalAlloc The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 415 _MemShowError The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 416 _MouseTrap The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 417 _NamedPipes_CallNamedPipe The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 418 _NamedPipes_ConnectNamedPipe The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 419 _NamedPipes_CreateNamedPipe The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 420 _NamedPipes_CreatePipe The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 421 _NamedPipes_SetNamedPipeHandleState The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 422 _NamedPipes_TransactNamedPipe The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 423 _NamedPipes_WaitNamedPipe The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 424 _Net_Share_FileEnum The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 425 _Net_Share_SessionDel The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 426 _Net_Share_SessionEnum The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 427 _Net_Share_ShareAdd The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 428 _Net_Share_ShareEnum The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 429 _Net_Share_StatisticsGetSvr The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 430 _Net_Share_StatisticsGetWrk The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 431 _NowTime The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 432 _ReplaceStringInFile The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 433 _ScreenCapture_Capture The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 434 _ScreenCapture_CaptureWnd The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 435 _ScreenCapture_SaveImage The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 436 _Security__AdjustTokenPrivileges The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 437 _Security__GetAccountSid The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 438 _Security__ImpersonateSelf The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 439 _Security__LookupAccountName The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 440 _Security__OpenThreadToken The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 441 _Security__OpenThreadTokenEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 442 _SendMessage The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 443 _SendMessageA The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 444 _SetDate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 445 _SetTime The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 446 _Singleton The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 447 _SoundOpen The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 448 _SQLite_ErrMsg The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 449 _StringBetween The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 450 _StringEncrypt The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 451 _TCPIpToName The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 452 _TempFile The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 453 _Timer_SetTimer The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 454 _TimeToTicks The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 455 _viInteractiveControl The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 456 _WeekNumberISO The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 457 _WinAPI_AttachConsole The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 458 _WinAPI_Check The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 459 _WinAPI_CreateBitmap The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 460 _WinAPI_CreateEvent The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 461 _WinAPI_CreateFile The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 462 _WinAPI_CreateFont The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 463 _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 464 _WinAPI_DrawIconEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 465 _WinAPI_EnableWindow The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 466 _WinAPI_EnumWindows The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 467 _WinAPI_FindExecutable The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 468 _WinAPI_FlashWindow The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 469 _WinAPI_FlashWindowEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 470 _WinAPI_GetAncestor The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 471 _WinAPI_GetMousePos The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 472 _WinAPI_GetMousePosX The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 473 _WinAPI_GetMousePosY The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 474 _WinAPI_GetOpenFileName The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 475 _WinAPI_GetOverlappedResult The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 476 _WinAPI_GetSaveFileName The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 477 _WinAPI_InvalidateRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 478 _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 479 _WinAPI_MessageBeep The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 480 _WinAPI_Mouse_Event The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 481 _WinAPI_MoveWindow The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 482 _WinAPI_MultiByteToWideChar The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 483 _WinAPI_MultiByteToWideCharEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 484 _WinAPI_OpenProcess The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 485 _WinAPI_PointFromRect The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 486 _WinAPI_ReadFile The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 487 _WinAPI_RedrawWindow The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 488 _WinAPI_SetDIBits The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 489 _WinAPI_SetFilePointer The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 490 _WinAPI_SetFont The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 491 _WinAPI_SetLayeredWindowAttributes The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 492 _WinAPI_SetWindowRgn The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 493 _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 494 _WinAPI_ShowError The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 495 _WinAPI_ShowWindow The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 496 _WinAPI_SystemParametersInfo The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 497 _WinAPI_WaitForInputIdle The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 498 _WinAPI_WaitForMultipleObjects The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 499 _WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 500 _WinAPI_WideCharToMultiByte The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 501 _WinAPI_WriteFile The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 502 _WinAPI_WriteProcessMemory The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 503 _WinNet_AddConnection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 504 _WinNet_AddConnection2 The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 505 _WinNet_AddConnection3 The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 506 _WinNet_CancelConnection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 507 _WinNet_CancelConnection2 The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 508 _WinNet_ConnectionDialog1 The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 509 _WinNet_DisconnectDialog1 The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 510 _WinNet_GetResourceInformation The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 511 _WinNet_GetResourceParent The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 512 _WinNet_RestoreConnection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 513 _WinNet_UseConnection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 514 _WordAttach The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 515 _WordCreate The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 516 _WordDocAdd The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 517 _WordDocAddLink The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 518 _WordDocAddPicture The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 519 _WordDocClose The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 520 _WordDocFindReplace The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 521 _WordDocGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 522 _WordDocLinkGetCollection The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 523 _WordDocOpen The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 524 _WordDocPrint The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 525 _WordDocSaveAs The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 526 _WordErrorHandlerRegister The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 527 _WordErrorNotify The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 528 _WordMacroRun The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable) 529 _WordQuit The word "[optional]" is missing, has been misspelled or is unnecessary in the description (at least one variable)