1 $tagWIN32_FIND_DATA Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 8 | 11 2 _Crypt_EnryptData Function name at Syntax wrong 3 _Crypt_HashData Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 3 | 4 4 _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedColumn Number of @@End@@ mismatch 5 _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices Number of @@End@@ mismatch 6 _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectionMark Number of @@End@@ mismatch 7 _GUICtrlListView_GetStringWidth Number of @@End@@ mismatch 8 _GUICtrlListView_GetUnicodeFormat Number of @@End@@ mismatch 9 _GUICtrlListView_GetView Number of @@End@@ mismatch 10 _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu Number of @@End@@ mismatch 11 _GUICtrlRichEdit_AppendText Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 2 12 _GUICtrlRichEdit_AutoDetectURL Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 2 13 _GUICtrlRichEdit_CanPaste Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 14 _GUICtrlRichEdit_CanPasteSpecial Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 15 _GUICtrlRichEdit_CanRedo Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 16 _GUICtrlRichEdit_Copy Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 17 _GUICtrlRichEdit_Create Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 2 | 8 18 _GUICtrlRichEdit_Cut Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 19 _GUICtrlRichEdit_Deselect Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 20 _GUICtrlRichEdit_FindText Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 6 21 _GUICtrlRichEdit_FindTextInRange Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 7 22 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetCharColor Function name at Syntax wrong 23 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetCharPosFromXY Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 3 24 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetCharPosOfNextWord Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 2 25 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetCharPosOfPreviousWord Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 2 26 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetFirstCharPosOnLine Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 2 27 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetParaAttributes Function name at Syntax wrong 28 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetParaNumbering Function name at Syntax wrong 29 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetScrollPos Function name at Syntax wrong 30 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GetText Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 3 | 4 31 _GUICtrlRichEdit_GotoCharPos Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 2 32 _GUICtrlRichEdit_InsertText Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 2 33 _GUICtrlRichEdit_IsTextSelected Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 34 _GUICtrlRichEdit_Paste Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 35 _GUICtrlRichEdit_PasteSpecial Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 2 36 _GUICtrlRichEdit_PauseRedraw Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 37 _GUICtrlRichEdit_ResumeRedraw Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 38 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharAttributes Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 3 39 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetCharBkColor Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 2 40 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetEventMask Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 2 41 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetLimitOnText Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 2 42 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetParaAlignment Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 1 | 2 43 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetParaIndents Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 2 | 4 44 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetParaShading Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 3 | 5 45 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetRECT Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 5 | 6 46 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSel Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 3 | 4 47 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetSpaceUnit Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 1 48 _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetText Number of variables wrong / variables differently / variables in different order (is | should) 0 | 2 49 _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile Related function equal to the current function 50 _SoundOpen Missing header for the type of function (eg ###Function###) 51 _WinAPI_GetWindowRgn Blank line above @@End@@ 52 _WinAPI_IsClassName Related function does not exist