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Owner: Jon (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Milestone Component Version Ticket
#3700 Add the 'Execute' function to the C# library Feature Request AutoItX
#3857 DotNet 5/6 Support Feature Request AutoItX

Owner: Jos (1 match)

Ticket Summary Type Milestone Component Version Ticket
#4004 "Window background color" option for SciTEConfig. Feature Request SciTE4AutoIt

Owner: anonymous (22 matches)

Ticket Summary Type Milestone Component Version Ticket
#2608 COM Objects and Classes Feature Request AutoIt
#2653 ObjCreate with arguments Feature Request AutoIt
#2973 Adding a MACRO for tray icon handle Feature Request AutoIt
#3006 Create a shortcut for the expression in a With statement. Feature Request AutoIt
#3202 FileOpenDialog in Windows PE mode Feature Request AutoIt
#3209 Try...Catch Feature Request AutoIt
#3759 Console (cmd.exe) output Feature Request AutoIt
#3767 Defer keyword Feature Request AutoIt
#3829 ObjCreateInterface and STRUCT type. Bug AutoIt
#3832 IDispatch and the "_" character Bug AutoIt
#3938 ByRef inside the same scope Feature Request AutoIt
#3952 Asynchronous callbacks? Bug AutoIt
#3966 Macro @WinLevel Feature Request AutoIt
#3969 Map Initializer List Feature Request AutoIt
#3970 Macro @IsConsole Feature Request AutoIt
#3978 miscellaneous string functions that can be included in string.au3 Feature Request Standard UDFs
#3981 Mention Multidimensional Associative Arrays in the wiki Feature Request Documentation
#4005 Empty ReDim make Autoit crash Bug AutoIt
#4007 Inconsistent pointer arithmetic Bug AutoIt
#4023 AutoIt v3.3.16.1 EXE-Installer updates existing none AutoIt3 Registry value with x86 path. Bug AutoIt
#4024 _DebugSetup - $vReportType = 5 - not works on Windows 11 Bug Standard UDFs
#4025 _DebugSetup new $vReportType to combine "1 - Report Log Window" and "4 - FileWrite" Feature Request AutoIt
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.