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I don't think this has been suggested, but could we have AutoIt allow words like:

Blue Red Green Yellow etc

Be supported in the syntax? GuiCtrlSetColor($MyControl, "Blue") or GuiCtrlSetBkColor("Blue")



Copied from this post

I was just wondering if it would be possible to get the same alternate mouse buttons that MouseClick() uses (Primary, Secondary, Main, Menu) to work in ControlClick(). Like the following:

ControlClick('Calculator', '', 'Button1', 'secondary')

Instead of the following:

$sPrimary = 'left'
$sSecondary = 'right'
$iSwap = RegRead('HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse', 'SwapMouseButtons')
If $iSwap Then
  $sPrimary = 'right'
  $sSecondary = 'left'
ControlClick('Calculator', '', 'Button1', $sSecondary)

I know the above works fine, but if this isn't too much of a task, it could certainly make some code shorter.

Thanks for reading.

Copied from this post


It would be great if you could make autoit capable of searching for pixels inside controls. It would help with background macro making.

Hiyoal :)

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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.