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I have a multimon setup. The primary monitor is on the right side and the secondary monitor is on the left side.

[ Secondary monitor ][ Primary monitor ] <-- Negative (0) Positive -->

That means the X coordinates on the secondary monitor are negative, the line between the monitors is 0.

Anyways, in Koda, when I click "Generate code" the left half of the "Code" window appears on the right edge of the primary monitor.

Does Koda do something like take the desktop width, then place the "Code" window according to that? I think there's some code to get the primary/secondary/etc monitor resolutions and positions, but it might be easier just to have Windows place the window in the default position (I have no idea how Koda does it, but that's how I do it when I do a GUICreate --> using Default, Default).


Hi folks,

you are doing a wonderful job. I am very pleased by the SciTE/AutoIt combination. Starting to automize most of my daily jobs.

Just a minor bug: the _DateDiff-function is not recognized by the Lexer. It stays in black color, while the other functions of Date.au3 are displayed in a light blue (see attached file).

Kind regards,

Michael Kicker

SciTE Version 1.75 Mar 16 2008 13:54:46


Line 1468 on Version is wrong

Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64", $INP_Change2CUI, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n")  

Update_Directive($Full_source, $directives, "#'''AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI'''", $INP_Change2CUI, "n", "1=y;0=n;4=n")  ;+pt
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.