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I ask for know the source IP of a UDP packet received with UDPRecv(). Maybe a flag in UDPRecv() for return an array with: $array[0]='Message'; $array[1]=IP source; $array[2]=Port source. Thank in advance.


It doesn't seem possible to disconnect an ADO recordset, because the required syntax is missing! What is required is an equivalent to the vbs statement

Set rs.ActiveConnection = Nothing

(there are many more situations where the ability to set something in COM to Nothing would be very useful).

While I'm at it, there's no keyword NULL in AutoIt. Again, there are some situations where this could be usefull (and I don't thing Chr(0) is the same thing in all cases).


The wrong information is in the "_GUICtrlListBox_DeleteString"

Parameters shows the wrong info:)

"$sFile | Name of the file to add" Shouldnt be there anymore, maybe before but not anymore.

The new Parameter is "$iIndex"

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.