Ticket #2790: StreamToFile Problem.au3

File StreamToFile Problem.au3, 6.0 KB (added by qwert, 10 years ago)

RichEdit_StreamToFile reference copies

4;               AS IN ....            note the ? marks in the iWparam statements ... BUT MAINLY the "If $hFile - 1 Then ..." statement
7; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
8; Authors........: Chris Haslam (c.haslam)
9; Modified ......:
10; ===============================================================================================================================
11Func _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile($hWnd, $sFilespec, $bIncludeCOM = True, $iOpts = 0, $iCodePage = 0)
12        If Not _WinAPI_IsClassName($hWnd, $__g_sRTFClassName) Then Return SetError(101, 0, False)
14        Local $iWparam
15        If StringRight($sFilespec, 4) = ".rtf" Then
16                $iWparam = ($bIncludeCOM ? $SF_RTF : $SF_RTFNOOBJS)
17        Else
18                $iWparam = ($bIncludeCOM ? $SF_TEXTIZED : $SF_TEXT)
19                If BitAND($iOpts, $SFF_PLAINRTF) Then Return SetError(1041, 0, False)
20        EndIf
21        ; only opts are $SFF_PLAINRTF and $SF_UNICODE
22        If BitAND($iOpts, BitNOT(BitOR($SFF_PLAINRTF, $SF_UNICODE))) Then Return SetError(1042, 0, False)
23        If BitAND($iOpts, $SF_UNICODE) Then
24                If Not BitAND($iWparam, $SF_TEXT) Then Return SetError(1043, 0, False)
25        EndIf
27        If _GUICtrlRichEdit_IsTextSelected($hWnd) Then $iWparam = BitOR($iWparam, $SFF_SELECTION)
29        $iWparam = BitOR($iWparam, $iOpts)
30        If $iCodePage <> 0 Then
31                $iWparam = BitOR($iWparam, $SF_USECODEPAGE, BitShift($iCodePage, -16))
32        EndIf
33        Local $tEditStream = DllStructCreate($tagEDITSTREAM)
34        DllStructSetData($tEditStream, "pfnCallback", DllCallbackGetPtr($__g_pGRC_StreamToFileCallback))
35        Local $hFile = FileOpen($sFilespec, $FO_OVERWRITE)
36        If $hFile - 1 Then Return SetError(102, 0, False)                                                                               ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< problem
38        DllStructSetData($tEditStream, "dwCookie", $hFile) ; -> Send handle to CallbackFunc
39        _SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_STREAMOUT, $iWparam, $tEditStream, 0, "wparam", "struct*")
40        FileClose($hFile)
41        Local $iError = DllStructGetData($tEditStream, "dwError")
42        If $iError <> 0 Then SetError(700, $iError, False)
43        Return True
44EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile
48; AS IT WAS IN ... for reference <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
50; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
51; Name ..........: _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile
52; Description....: Writes contens of a control to a file
53; Syntax ........: _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile($hWnd, $sFilespec[, $fIncludeCOM=True[, $iOpts=0[, $iCodePage = 0]]])
54; Parameters.....: $hWnd                - Handle to the control
55;                  $sFileSpec - file specification
56;                  $fIncludeCOM - (Optional)
57;                  |True (default):
58;                  |    If writing to a .rtf file, includes any COM objects (space consuming)
59;                  |    If writing to any other file, writes a text represntation of COM objects
60;                  |False: Writes spaces instead of COM objects
61;                  $iOpts - additional options: (Optional) (default: 0)
62;                  |$SFF_PLAINTRTF - write only rich text keywords common to all languages
63;                  |$SF_UNICODE    - write Unicode
64;                  $iCodePage - Generate UTF-8 and text using this code page (Optional)
65;                  |Default: do not
66; Return values..: Success - True
67;                  Failure - False and sets @error:
68;                  |101  - $hWnd is not a handle
69;                  |102  - Can't create $sFilespec
70;                  |1041 - $SFF_PLAINRTF is invalid for a text file
71;                  |1042 - $opts: invalid option
72;                  |1043 - $SF_UNICODE is only valid for a text file
73;                  |700  - internal error
74; Authors........: Chris Haslam (c.haslam)
75; Modified ......:
76; Remarks .......: If text is selected, writes only the selection, else writes all text in the control
78;                  If the extension in $sFileSpec is .rtf, RTF is written, else text
79; Related .......: _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetLimitOnText, _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamFromVar, _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile
80; Link ..........: @@MsdnLink@@ EM_STREAMIN
81; Example .......: Yes
82; ===============================================================================================================================
83Func _GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile($hWnd, $sFilespec, $fIncludeCOM = True, $iOpts = 0, $iCodePage = 0)
84        If Not _WinAPI_IsClassName($hWnd, $_GRE_sRTFClassName) Then Return SetError(101, 0, False)
86        Local $iWparam
87        If StringRight($sFilespec, 4) = ".rtf" Then
88                $iWparam = _Iif($fIncludeCOM, $SF_RTF, $SF_RTFNOOBJS)
89        Else
90                $iWparam = _Iif($fIncludeCOM, $SF_TEXTIZED, $SF_TEXT)
91                If BitAND($iOpts, $SFF_PLAINRTF) Then Return SetError(1041, 0, False)
92        EndIf
93        ; only opts are $SFF_PLAINRTF and $SF_UNICODE
94        If BitAND($iOpts, BitNOT(BitOR($SFF_PLAINRTF, $SF_UNICODE))) Then Return SetError(1042, 0, False)
95        If BitAND($iOpts, $SF_UNICODE) Then
96                If Not BitAND($iWparam, $SF_TEXT) Then Return SetError(1043, 0, False)
97        EndIf
99        If _GUICtrlRichEdit_IsTextSelected($hWnd) Then $iWparam = BitOR($iWparam, $SFF_SELECTION)
101        $iWparam = BitOR($iWparam, $iOpts)
102        If $iCodePage <> 0 Then
103                $iWparam = BitOR($iWparam, $SF_USECODEPAGE, BitShift($iCodePage, -16))
104        EndIf
105        Local $tEditStream = DllStructCreate($tagEDITSTREAM)
106        DllStructSetData($tEditStream, "pfnCallback", DllCallbackGetPtr($_GRC_StreamToFileCallback))
107        Local $hFile = FileOpen($sFilespec, 2) ; overwrite
108        If $hFile - 1 Then Return SetError(102, 0, False)
110        DllStructSetData($tEditStream, "dwCookie", $hFile) ; -> Send handle to CallbackFunc
111        _SendMessage($hWnd, $EM_STREAMOUT, $iWparam, $tEditStream, 0, "wparam", "struct*")
112        FileClose($hFile)
113        Local $iError = DllStructGetData($tEditStream, "dwError")
114        If $iError <> 0 Then SetError(700, $iError, False)
115        Return True
116EndFunc   ;==>_GUICtrlRichEdit_StreamToFile