1 | #Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** |
2 | #AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile=asd.exe |
3 | #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 |
4 | #AutoIt3Wrapper_Change2CUI=y |
5 | #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y |
6 | #AutoIt3Wrapper_Tidy_Stop_OnError=n |
7 | #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Obfuscator=y |
8 | #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** |
9 | |
10 | ;Initialise Variables |
11 | $size = -1 |
12 | $lastsize = 0 |
13 | $count = 0000 |
14 | $date = @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & StringTrimLeft(@YEAR, 2) |
15 | $name = "trance.fm " & $date & " " & StringFormat("%04u", $count) & ".aac" |
16 | ;Start Loop |
17 | While 1 |
18 | If FileExists($name) Then |
19 | ;We Dont want to overwrite the last music segment we got |
20 | $count += 1 |
21 | $date = @MON & "-" & @MDAY & "-" & StringTrimLeft(@YEAR, 2) |
22 | $name = "trance.fm " & $date & " " & StringFormat("%04u", $count) & ".aac" |
23 | Else |
24 | ;The Data for today's date dosent exist |
25 | |
26 | ;Start Watcher 'Thread' |
27 | AdlibRegister("Status", 500) |
28 | |
29 | ;Start WGet |
30 | RunWait(@ScriptDir & '\bin\wget.exe --tries=1 --retry-connrefused --read-timeout=30 -nc -q --output-document="' & $name & '" "http://uk01.dj.trance.fm/32.aac"', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE) |
31 | AdlibUnRegister("Status"); Possibly Not Needed |
32 | ; Make sure wget is closed |
33 | Do |
34 | $PID = ProcessExists("wget.exe") |
35 | If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) |
36 | Until ProcessExists("wget.exe") = False |
37 | ; If the filesize is not worth getting; waste it |
38 | If FileGetSize($name) / 1024 < 256 Then |
39 | FileDelete($name) |
40 | $count -= 1 |
41 | EndIf |
42 | EndIf |
43 | Sleep(1000) |
44 | WEnd |
45 | |
46 | Func Status() |
47 | ;Make windows dump cache and update the filesize |
48 | $test = FileOpen($name, 1) |
49 | FileFlush($test) |
50 | FileClose($test) |
51 | ;------Format the output filesize data, Byte, KB, MB------- |
52 | If Not FileGetSize($name) > $lastsize Then Return |
53 | $lastsize = FileGetSize($name) |
54 | If FileGetSize($name) > 0 And Round(FileGetSize($name) / 1024, 2) < 0.99 Then |
55 | $size = FileGetSize($name) & " Bytes" |
56 | Else |
57 | If Round(FileGetSize($name) / 1024, 2) > 0.99 And Round(FileGetSize($name) / 1048576, 2) < 0.99 Then |
58 | $size = Round(FileGetSize($name) / 1024, 2) & " KB" |
59 | Else |
60 | If Round(FileGetSize($name) / 1048576, 2) > 0.99 And Round(FileGetSize($name) / 1048576, 0) <= 50 Then |
61 | $size = Round(FileGetSize($name) / 1048576, 2) & " MB" |
62 | Else |
63 | If Round(FileGetSize($name) / 1048576, 0) >= 50 Then |
64 | ; It the file is over 50MB stop download |
65 | Do |
66 | $PID = ProcessExists("wget.exe") |
67 | If $PID Then ProcessClose($PID) |
68 | Until ProcessExists("wget.exe") = False |
69 | EndIf |
70 | EndIf |
71 | EndIf |
72 | EndIf |
73 | ; Display Current File and Size |
74 | ConsoleWrite($name & "= " & $size & @CRLF) |
75 | EndFunc ;==>Status |