1 | ; Example by big daddy |
2 | |
3 | ; Before running this: |
4 | ; 1. Create a Word Document |
5 | ; 2. Press Alt-F11 |
6 | ; 3. Double Click "ThisDocument" |
7 | ; 4. Paste the following macro |
8 | ; 5. Saveas "ByRef.doc" |
9 | |
10 | ; Comment from big daddy: |
11 | ; I would have expected the following to write "After" to the console, but instead it still has the value of "Before". |
12 | |
13 | #include <Word.au3> |
14 | |
15 | $vArg = "Before" |
16 | $sFilePath = @ScriptDir & "\ByRef.doc" |
17 | |
18 | $oWordApp = _WordCreate($sFilePath, 0, 0) |
19 | __WordMacroRun($oWordApp, "MacroTestByRef", $vArg) |
20 | _WordQuit($oWordApp, 0) |
21 | ConsoleWrite($vArg & @CR) |
22 | |
23 | Func __WordMacroRun(ByRef $o_object, $s_MacroName, ByRef $v_Arg1) |
24 | $o_object.Run($s_MacroName, $v_Arg1) |
25 | EndFunc ;==>__WordMacroRun |