1 | I've gone through and compiled a list of all standard include UDF's (as of version that are missing @error checks after DLLCall's, where either the return 'array' or a passed structure is accessed after. It's a big list, so I wish you the best of luck in getting this worked out. |
2 | |
3 | *ALSO another problem, many are using ANSI calls rather than Unicode (wide calls). I've marked down as much info regarding this as possible |
4 | |
5 | Note: Some additional details are added for certain functions. Most are only 1 DLL Call, some are more - I commented on some, but there may be more than one DLLCall on some I didn't comment on. |
6 | |
7 | <Clipboard.au3> |
8 | _ClipBoard_Close |
9 | _ClipBoard_CountFormats |
10 | _ClipBoard_Empty |
11 | _ClipBoard_EnumFormats |
12 | _ClipBoard_GetDataEx |
13 | _ClipBoard_GetFormatName: Additionally, the ANSI version is being called instead of the Unicode (wide) version |
14 | _ClipBoard_GetOpenWindow |
15 | _ClipBoard_GetOwner |
16 | _ClipBoard_GetPriorityFormat |
17 | _ClipBoard_GetSequenceNumber |
18 | _ClipBoard_GetViewer |
19 | _ClipBoard_IsFormatAvailable |
20 | _ClipBoard_Open |
21 | _ClipBoard_RegisterFormat |
22 | _ClipBoard_SetDataEx |
23 | _ClipBoard_SetViewer |
24 | |
25 | |
26 | <Date.au3> |
27 | |
28 | _SetDate: DLLCalls: GetLocalTime (if @error, the next 2 DLLCall's should be avoided), & GetLastError |
29 | _SetTime: DLLCalls: GetLocalTime (if @error, the next 2 DLLCall's should be avoided), & GetLastError |
30 | _Date_Time_CompareFileTime |
31 | _Date_Time_DOSDateTimeToFileTime |
32 | _Date_Time_FileTimeToDOSDateTime |
33 | _Date_Time_FileTimeToLocalFileTime |
34 | _Date_Time_FileTimeToSystemTime |
35 | _Date_Time_GetFileTime |
36 | _Date_Time_GetLocalTime |
37 | _Date_Time_GetSystemTime |
38 | _Date_Time_GetSystemTimeAdjustment |
39 | _Date_Time_GetSystemTimeAsFileTime |
40 | _Date_Time_GetSystemTimes |
41 | _Date_Time_GetTickCount |
42 | _Date_Time_GetTimeZoneInformation |
43 | _Date_Time_LocalFileTimeToFileTime |
44 | _Date_Time_SetFileTime |
45 | _Date_Time_SetLocalTime: 2 unchecked calls to SetLocalTime |
46 | _Date_Time_SetSystemTime |
47 | _Date_Time_SetSystemTimeAdjustment |
48 | _Date_Time_SetTimeZoneInformation |
49 | _Date_Time_SystemTimeToFileTime |
50 | _Date_Time_SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime |
51 | _Date_Time_TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime |
52 | |
53 | |
54 | <EventLog.au3> |
55 | |
56 | NOTE on most of these functions: the ANSI version of the function is being called. These should be updated to Unicode (wide) calls. |
57 | |
58 | _EventLog__Backup |
59 | _EventLog__Clear |
60 | _EventLog__Close |
61 | _EventLog__Count |
62 | _EventLog__DeregisterSource |
63 | _EventLog__Full: returns value in a DLLStruct that wouldn't be touched if there was a DLLCall error |
64 | _EventLog__Notify |
65 | _EventLog__Oldest: returns value in a DLLStruct that wouldn't be touched if there was a DLLCall error |
66 | _EventLog__Open: |
67 | _EventLog__OpenBackup |
68 | _EventLog__Read: multiple unchecked ReadEventLogA calls |
69 | _EventLog__RegisterSource |
70 | _EventLog__Report |
71 | |
72 | |
73 | <File.au3> |
74 | |
75 | _FilePrint: (should check for @error and Return 0 before other checks) |
76 | |
77 | <GDIPlus.au3> |
78 | |
79 | _GDIPlus_DrawImagePoints |
80 | _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect |
81 | |
82 | |
83 | <GuiImageList.au3> |
84 | |
85 | _GUIImageList_Add |
86 | _GUIImageList_AddMasked |
87 | _GUIImageList_BeginDrag |
88 | _GUIImageList_Copy |
89 | _GUIImageList_Create |
90 | _GUIImageList_Destroy |
91 | _GUIImageList_DragEnter |
92 | _GUIImageList_DragLeave |
93 | _GUIImageList_DragMove |
94 | _GUIImageList_DragShowNolock |
95 | _GUIImageList_Draw |
96 | _GUIImageList_DrawEx |
97 | _GUIImageList_Duplicate |
98 | _GUIImageList_GetBkColor |
99 | _GUIImageList_GetIcon |
100 | _GUIImageList_GetIconSizeEx |
101 | _GUIImageList_GetImageCount |
102 | _GUIImageList_GetImageInfoEx |
103 | _GUIImageList_Merge |
104 | _GUIImageList_Remove |
105 | _GUIImageList_Replace |
106 | _GUIImageList_ReplaceIcon |
107 | _GUIImageList_SetBkColor |
108 | _GUIImageList_SetDragCursorImage |
109 | _GUIImageList_SetIconSize |
110 | _GUIImageList_SetImageCount |
111 | _GUIImageList_SetOverlayImage |
112 | _GUIImageList_Swap |
113 | |
114 | |
115 | <GuiListView.au3> |
116 | |
117 | _GUICtrlListView_Create |
118 | _GUICtrlListView_Draw |
119 | _GUICtrlListView_HitTest |
120 | _GUICtrlListView_InsertMarkHitTest |
121 | |
122 | |
123 | <GuiMenu.au3> |
124 | |
125 | _GUICtrlMenu_AddMenuItem: actually, this looks like a coding error also, as it looks at the return as a non-array (and DLLCall doesn't explicitly say it returns anything for error situations) |
126 | _GUICtrlMenu_AppendMenu |
127 | _GUICtrlMenu_CheckMenuItem |
128 | _GUICtrlMenu_CheckRadioItem |
129 | _GUICtrlMenu_CreateMenu |
130 | _GUICtrlMenu_CreatePopup |
131 | _GUICtrlMenu_DeleteMenu |
132 | _GUICtrlMenu_DestroyMenu |
133 | _GUICtrlMenu_DrawMenuBar |
134 | _GUICtrlMenu_EnableMenuItem |
135 | _GUICtrlMenu_EndMenu |
136 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemCount |
137 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemInfo |
138 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemRectEx |
139 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemSubMenu |
140 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetItemText |
141 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetMenu |
142 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuBarInfo |
143 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuDefaultItem |
144 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetMenuInfo |
145 | _GUICtrlMenu_GetSystemMenu |
146 | _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItem |
147 | _GUICtrlMenu_InsertMenuItemEx |
148 | _GUICtrlMenu_IsMenu |
149 | _GUICtrlMenu_LoadMenu |
150 | _GUICtrlMenu_MenuItemFromPoint |
151 | _GUICtrlMenu_RemoveMenu |
152 | _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemBitmaps |
153 | _GUICtrlMenu_SetItemInfo |
154 | _GUICtrlMenu_SetMenu |
155 | _GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuDefaultItem |
156 | _GUICtrlMenu_SetMenuInfo |
157 | _GUICtrlMenu_TrackPopupMenu |
158 | |
159 | <GuiReBar.au3> |
160 | |
161 | _GUICtrlRebar_HitTest |
162 | |
163 | <GuiScrollBars.au3> |
164 | |
165 | _GUIScrollBars_Init: 4 different DLL calls w/o error checks |
166 | |
167 | <GuiStatusBar.au3> |
168 | |
169 | _GUICtrlStatusBar_Create |
170 | _GUICtrlStatusBar_SetIcon |
171 | |
172 | |
173 | <GuiTreeView.au3> |
174 | |
175 | _GUICtrlTreeView_GetImageListIconHandle |
176 | _GUICtrlTreeView_SetIcon: multiple unchecked DLL calls |
177 | |
178 | |
179 | <IE.au3> |
180 | |
181 | __IEControlGetObjFromHWND |
182 | |
183 | |
184 | <Inet.au3> |
185 | |
186 | _INetGetSource: only 1 call is unchecked: InternetReadFile |
187 | |
188 | <Memory.au3> |
189 | |
190 | _MemGlobalAlloc |
191 | _MemGlobalFree |
192 | _MemGlobalLock |
193 | _MemGlobalSize |
194 | _MemGlobalUnlock |
195 | _MemMoveMemory: while it doesn't access an array or structure, it's supposed to modify memory pointed to by passed parameters, so an @error + False return would make sense if the DLLCall failed |
196 | _MemVirtualAlloc |
197 | _MemVirtualAllocEx |
198 | _MemVirtualFree |
199 | _MemVirtualFreeEx |
200 | |
201 | <Misc.au3> |
202 | |
203 | _ChooseColor |
204 | _ChooseFont |
205 | _ClipPutFile: actually only 1 call (GetLastError) is fudged up - it doesn't check for @error, and accesses the returned value as a non-array variable |
206 | _MouseTrap |
207 | _Singleton: CreateMutex (array accessed after next DLL Call),& GetLastError |
208 | _MISC_GetDeviceCaps |
209 | _MISC_ReleaseDC |
210 | |
211 | <NamedPipes.au3> |
212 | |
213 | _NamedPipes_CallNamedPipe |
214 | _NamedPipes_ConnectNamedPipe |
215 | _NamedPipes_CreateNamedPipe |
216 | _NamedPipes_CreatePipe |
217 | _NamedPipes_DisconnectNamedPipe |
218 | _NamedPipes_GetNamedPipeHandleState |
219 | _NamedPipes_GetNamedPipeInfo |
220 | _NamedPipes_PeekNamedPipe |
221 | _NamedPipes_SetNamedPipeHandleState |
222 | _NamedPipes_TransactNamedPipe |
223 | _NamedPipes_WaitNamedPipe |
224 | |
225 | <NetShare.au3> |
226 | |
227 | _Net_Share_APIBufferFree |
228 | _Net_Share_ConnectionEnum |
229 | _Net_Share_FileClose |
230 | _Net_Share_FileEnum |
231 | _Net_Share_FileGetInfo |
232 | _Net_Share_SessionDel |
233 | _Net_Share_SessionEnum |
234 | _Net_Share_SessionGetInfo |
235 | _Net_Share_ShareAdd |
236 | _Net_Share_ShareCheck |
237 | _Net_Share_ShareDel |
238 | _Net_Share_ShareEnum |
239 | _Net_Share_ShareGetInfo |
240 | _Net_Share_ShareSetInfo |
241 | _Net_Share_StatisticsGetSvr |
242 | _Net_Share_StatisticsGetWrk |
243 | |
244 | <Process.au3> |
245 | |
246 | _ProcessGetPriority |
247 | |
248 | <Security.au3> |
249 | |
250 | _Security__AdjustTokenPrivileges |
251 | _Security__GetLengthSid |
252 | _Security__GetTokenInformation |
253 | _Security__ImpersonateSelf |
254 | _Security__IsValidSid |
255 | _Security__LookupAccountName |
256 | _Security__LookupAccountSid |
257 | _Security__LookupPrivilegeValue |
258 | _Security__OpenProcessToken |
259 | _Security__OpenThreadToken |
260 | _Security__SidToStringSid |
261 | _Security__StringSidToSid: actually, this looks like a coding error also, as it looks at the return as a non-array (and DLLCall doesn't explicitly say it returns anything for error situations) |
262 | |
263 | <Timers.au3> |
264 | |
265 | _Timer_GetIdleTime |
266 | |
267 | |
268 | <WinApi.au3> |
269 | |
270 | _WinAPI_CloseHandle |
271 | _WinAPI_CopyIcon |
272 | _WinAPI_CreateBitmap |
273 | _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleBitmap |
274 | _WinAPI_CreateCompatibleDC |
275 | _WinAPI_CreateWindowEx |
276 | _WinAPI_DeleteDC |
277 | _WinAPI_DestroyIcon |
278 | _WinAPI_DrawIcon |
279 | _WinAPI_DrawIconEx |
280 | _WinAPI_ExpandEnvironmentStrings: also uses ANSI rather than Unicode (wide) variant |
281 | _WinAPI_GetClientRect |
282 | _WinAPI_GetCursorInfo |
283 | _WinAPI_GetDC |
284 | _WinAPI_GetDIBits |
285 | _WinAPI_GetIconInfo |
286 | _WinAPI_GetFileSizeEx |
287 | _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle |
288 | _WinAPI_GetObject |
289 | _WinAPI_GetOverlappedResult |
290 | _WinAPI_GetStdHandle |
291 | _WinAPI_GetTextExtentPoint32 |
292 | _WinAPI_LoadBitmap |
293 | _WinAPI_LocalFree |
294 | _WinAPI_MessageBeep |
295 | _WinAPI_MulDiv |
296 | _WinAPI_OpenProcess: a few unchecked ones |
297 | _WinAPI_ReadFile |
298 | _WinAPI_ReadProcessMemory |
299 | _WinAPI_RegisterWindowMessage |
300 | _WinAPI_SetEvent |
301 | _WinAPI_SetHandleInformation |
302 | _WinAPI_SetProcessAffinityMask |
303 | _WinAPI_SetWindowPos |
304 | _WinAPI_WaitForInputIdle |
305 | _WinAPI_WaitForMultipleObjects |
306 | _WinAPI_WaitForSingleObject |
307 | _WinAPI_WriteConsole |
308 | _WinAPI_WriteFile |
309 | _WinAPI_WriteProcessMemory |
310 | |
311 | |
312 | <WinNet.au3> |
313 | |
314 | NOTE on most of these functions: the ANSI version of the function is being called. These should be updated to Unicode (wide) calls. |
315 | |
316 | _WinNet_AddConnection |
317 | _WinNet_AddConnection2 |
318 | _WinNet_AddConnection3 |
319 | _WinNet_CancelConnection |
320 | _WinNet_CancelConnection2 |
321 | _WinNet_CloseEnum |
322 | _WinNet_ConnectionDialog |
323 | _WinNet_ConnectionDialog1 |
324 | _WinNet_DisconnectDialog |
325 | _WinNet_DisconnectDialog1 |
326 | _WinNet_EnumResource |
327 | _WinNet_GetConnection |
328 | _WinNet_GetConnectionPerformance |
329 | _WinNet_GetLastError |
330 | _WinNet_GetNetworkInformation |
331 | _WinNet_GetProviderName |
332 | _WinNet_GetResourceInformation |
333 | _WinNet_GetResourceParent |
334 | _WinNet_GetUniversalName |
335 | _WinNet_GetUser |
336 | _WinNet_OpenEnum |
337 | _WinNet_RestoreConnection |
338 | _WinNet_UseConnection |
339 | |
340 | |
341 | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
342 | Additionally, the following DLL calls, which have proper @error handling, are using the ANSI call variants rather than Unicode (wide) DllCalls: |
343 | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
344 | |
345 | <Sound.au3> |
346 | __RandomStr |
347 | |
348 | |
349 | <WinAPI.au3> |
350 | _WinAPI_FormatMessage |
351 | _WinAPI_LoadLibrary |
352 | _WinAPI_LoadLibraryEx |
353 | _WinAPI_PostMessage |
354 | _WinAPI_SetDefaultPrinter |