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About sdfaheemuddin

  • Birthday 02/12/1995

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  • Location
    Hyderabad, India
  • Interests
    Programming, Poetry

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  1. $Str="string1" & @CRLF & "string2"
  2. If $Date > "10" Or $ProcessVer = "2.5" Or $ProcessVer = '2.0' Or Not FileExists("FilePath") Then $Verify = "Appllication not exists." Else $Verify = "Appllication installed successfully." EndIf MsgBox(0, "", $Verify)
  3. Can you use If Else statement
  4. Then SetHotKey("{ESC}","_exit") While 1 $startx = 295 $starty = 353 $x = Int(Random($startx - 20, $startx + 20)) $y = Int(Random($starty - 20, $starty + 20)) MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1, 0) sleep (2000) $startx = 354 $starty = 131 $x = Int(Random($startx - 20, $startx + 20)) $y = Int(Random($starty - 20, $starty + 20)) MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1, 0) sleep (2000) $startx = 617 $starty = 157 $x = Int(Random($startx - 20, $startx + 20)) $y = Int(Random($starty - 20, $starty + 20)) MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1, 0) WEnd Func _exit() Exit EndFunc
  5. Global $run=True SetHotKey("p","pause") While 1 If $run=False Then ContinueLoop $startx = 295 $starty = 353 $x = Int(Random($startx - 20, $startx + 20)) $y = Int(Random($starty - 20, $starty + 20)) MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1, 0) sleep (2000) $startx = 354 $starty = 131 $x = Int(Random($startx - 20, $startx + 20)) $y = Int(Random($starty - 20, $starty + 20)) MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1, 0) sleep (2000) $startx = 617 $starty = 157 $x = Int(Random($startx - 20, $startx + 20)) $y = Int(Random($starty - 20, $starty + 20)) MouseClick("left", $x, $y, 1, 0) WEnd Func pause() $run=Not $run EndFunc This does not end the loop but it skips
  6. Or $Gui=GUICreate("GUI",300,200,750,350) $combo=GuiCtrlCreateCombo=("",50,50,200,30) GuiCtrlSetData(-1,"Step1|Step2|Step3|Step4|...") $ok=GuiCtrlCreateButton("OK",50,100,75,25) While 1 $nMsg=GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $ok $Step=GuiCtrlRead($combo) Call($Step) EndSwitch WEnd Func Step1() Msgbox(0,"","step1") EndFunc Func Step2() Msgbox(0,"","step2") EndFunc Func Step3() Msgbox(0,"","step3") EndFunc Func Step4() Msgbox(0,"","step4") EndFunc
  7. Can you try it using combo box $Gui=GUICreate("GUI",300,200,750,350) $combo=GuiCtrlCreateCombo=("",50,50,200,30) GuiCtrlSetData(-1,"Step1|Step2|Step3|Step4") $ok=GuiCtrlCreateButton("OK",50,100,75,25) While 1 $nMsg=GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $ok $Step=GuiCtrlRead($combo) Switch $Step Case "Step1" Step1() Case "Step2" Step2() Case "Step3" Step3() Case "Step4" Step4() EndSwitch EndSwitch WEnd Func Step1() Msgbox(0,"","step1") EndFunc Func Step2() Msgbox(0,"","step2") EndFunc Func Step3() Msgbox(0,"","step3") EndFunc Func Step4() Msgbox(0,"","step4") EndFunc
  8. Then #include<> Local $IsConnected=0 While 1 If $IsConnected<>_WinApi_IsInternetConnected() Then $IsConnected=_WinApi_IsInternetConnected() If $IsConnected = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Alert!!!", "F566 Disconnected!!!") ElseIf $IsConnected = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Alert!!!", "F566 Connected!!!") EndIf EndIf WEnd
  9. Try This Local $IsConnected=0 While 1 If $IsConnected<>_IsInternetConnected() Then $IsConnected=_IsInternetConnected() If $IsConnected = 0 Then MsgBox(0, "Alert!!!", "F566 Disconnected!!!") ElseIf $IsConnected = 1 Then MsgBox(0, "Alert!!!", "F566 Connected!!!") EndIf EndIf WEnd Func _IsInternetConnected() Local $aReturn = DllCall('connect.dll', 'long', 'IsInternetConnected') If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, False) EndIf Return $aReturn[0] = 0 EndFunc ;==>_IsInternetConnected
  10. ToolTill inside the loop #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;0-off ; Set so that tray displays current line number HotKeySet("{F4}", "ExitProg") HotKeySet("+!d", "StartStop") ; Shift-Alt-d $On = True Adlibregister("cleanup",7200000) While True Sleep(500) ToolTip('Script is "' & $On & '"', 500, 300) WEnd Func cleanup() If $On Then Local $iFreeSpace = DriveSpaceFree("E:" & "\") ; Find the free disk space of the home drive, generally this is the C:\ drive. If $iFreeSpace < 1000 Then ;Less than 1gb $megs = $iFreeSpace * .1024 MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Free Space: " & $megs & " MB") Run("C:\Batch\CleanTemp.bat") EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func StartStop() $On = Not $On EndFunc Func ExitProg() Exit EndFunc If you want to cleanup as soon as shift+alt+d is pressed then call cleanup() in StartStop function
  11. Try this include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> AutoItSetOption("TrayIconDebug", 1) ;0-off ; Set so that tray displays current line number HotKeySet("{F4}", "ExitProg") HotKeySet("{F7}", "StartStop") $On = True Adlibregister("cleanup",7200000) While True WEnd Func cleanup()If $On Then Local $iFreeSpace = DriveSpaceFree("E:" & "\") ; Find the free disk space of the home drive, generally this is the C:\ drive. If $iFreeSpace < 1000 Then ;Less than 1gb $megs = $iFreeSpace * .1024 MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "Free Space: " & $megs & " MB") Run("C:\Batch\CleanTemp.bat") EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func StartStop() $On = Not $On EndFunc Func ExitProg() Exit EndFunc
  12. Try WinWaitActive("Education Software 2014 December") WinSetTitle(" Education Software 2014 December","","New Title") Send("some keys") ; or controlclick WinWaitActive("Education Software 2014 December") WinSetTitle(" Education Software 2014 December","","New Title") Send("some keys") .. .. ..
  13. Try this Func likecone() ;Column 1 check Local $likesearch = _Imagesearcharea ("pic.bmp",0,408,511,799,957,$x,$y,10) If $likesearch = 1 Then MouseMove($x, $y, 10) EndIf EndFunc
  14. Example For x=1 to 4 Winwait("software title") controlclick("software title","","Button1") WinSetTitle ("software title","","Changed title") Next
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