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  1. There seem to be problems with 24H2 and AD (according to Google). UN&PW invalid (Username & Password): https://community.spiceworks.com/t/win11-24h2-breaks-ldap-authentication-for-enterprise-app/1139078/26 Solution seems to be to logon using the NetBIOS Login Name e.g. "Your Domain\Your Userid" (For details please see: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Active_Directory_UDF_-_General#To_current_domain) You get more hits when telling Google to search for "active directory windows 11 24h2 authentication failed" If the NetBIOS logon does not work I suggest to stay with 23H2 until MS fixes the problem or someone can explain what else happened (raised security requirements ...).
  2. I do not know what changed from 23H2 to 24H2 😕 But I fear I will never know because me not having access to an Active Directory is permanent 😞 Maybe you get better error information when trying the following: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Active_Directory_UDF_-_General#Error_handling Specify the UserID as NetBIOS Login Name or User Principal Name and you will get additional information about the error. It might be a problem of raised security requirements by MS as described here: Here you can get more information about what changed (after 2020): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/2020-2023-and-2024-ldap-channel-binding-and-ldap-signing-requirements-for-windows-kb4520412-ef185fb8-00f7-167d-744c-f299a66fc00a Another idea: The MS Event Viewer might provide more detailed error information.
  3. As you can see from field "Description" the username or password seem to be incorrect. Unfortunately I no longer have access to an AD environment, so I have to ask a lot of questions Does it make any difference when you remove the excess space characters? _AD_OPEN (User, Password, "DC=AD,DC=Univ-Lille,DC=Fr", "Ad.univ-lille.fr", "CN=configuration,DC=AD,DC=Univ-Lille, DC=FR", 1) of when you set $iSecurity to 0? _AD_OPEN (User, Password, "DC=AD,DC=Univ-Lille,DC=Fr", "Ad.univ-lille.fr", "CN=configuration,DC=AD,DC=Univ-Lille,DC=FR", 0)
  4. Can you please call _AD_ErrorNotify(2) before calling _AD_Open and post the result? Which format do you use for User/Password? Details can be found in the Remarks for _AD_Open: _AD_Open will use the alternative credentials $sUserIdParam and $sPasswordParam if passed as parameters. $sUserIdParam has to be in one of the following formats (assume: domain name = Contoso, DNS domain name = Contoso.com, samAccountName = DJ, Firstname = John, Lastname = Doe) * Windows Login Name/SamAccountName e.g. "DJ" * User Principal Name: UserPrincipalName attribute e.g. "John.Doe@Contoso.com" * User Principal Name: sAMAccountName plus DNS name of a domain in the same forest e.g. "DJ@Contoso.com" * The NetBIOS domain name, followed by a backslash ("\"), followed by the value of the sAMAccountName e.g. "Contoso\DJ"
  5. My understanding is that - as the CID part is completely embedded in the HTML that has to be created by you - the mail program (be it Outlook or CMail or ...) is only used to put the HTML mail into an envelope and transmit it. No changes to the HTML will be done by Outlook/CMail. But I could be wrong
  6. I didn't want to tell you to use Outlook and my UDF. I just wanted to stress that I once had the same problem and that CID was the solution. TheXman perfectly described how to create the needed HTML mail. Which program you use to send this mail is your choice
  7. In my OutlookEX UDF I had to do it in two steps: First add the picture as attachment to the mail item, then refer to this attachment in the mail text. The trick is to create an inline picture by using a content id (CID). Please see example 4 from _OL_ItemCreate.au3.
  8. Did you have a look at the PowerPoint UDF, function _PPT_TextFind? The link to the PPT UDF can be found in my signature.
  9. I'm glad you could solve your problem yourself RequireAdmin would also have been my first thought.
  10. Can you guess As ioa747 stated: @SW_SHOW is a macro, $SW_SHOW is a variable. Their values are the same.
  11. I had a look at the EventViewer and found the following entry. Seems to be a problem with the MSVCP140.dll. I unblocked the Scintilla.dll and lexilla.dll but got the same error.
  12. Hi Jos, Did the following steps to test the x86 version: Backup of the current SciTE directory Deleted all files in the current SciTE directory Deactivated the Microsoft Defender SmartScreen Installed the latest SciTE 5.4.0 as described in your first post Executed SciTE.exe ==> works fine Unzipped your latest 86x ZIP and copied the 3 files ( to the SciTE directory (overwriting the 5.4.0 files) Windows security tells me that the App I try to INSTALL has not been downloaded from the MS App Store and is not verified. Even when I ignore the message and select "INSTALL anyway" SciTE pops up for half a second and then closes again. As I'm rather new to Windows 11 this problem might be caused by me
  13. This bug was easy to locate (hint!). The sequence of commands was wrong. You first have to do all configuration of the new task and THEN you have to register the task. You did the settings AFTER registration - hence they were lost. Tested with: #include <TaskScheduler.au3> Global $oService = _TS_Open() ConsoleWrite("_TS_Open: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_ErrorNotify(2) ; to MsgBox If _TS_TaskExists($oService, "\Test\starttime") Then _TS_TaskDelete($oService, "\Test\starttime") ConsoleWrite("_TS_TaskDelete: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) EndIf Global $sStartTime = _DateAdd("n", 1, _NowCalc()) $sStartTime = StringReplace($sStartTime, "/", "-") $sStartTime = StringReplace($sStartTime, " ", "T") Global $sEndTime = _DateAdd("n", 2, _NowCalc()) $sEndTime = StringReplace($sEndTime, "/", "-") $sEndTime = StringReplace($sEndTime, " ", "T") Global $oTaskDefinition = _TS_Wrapper_TaskCreate($oService, "", "") ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_TaskCreate: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Wrapper_PrincipalSet($oTaskDefinition, $TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN) ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_PrincipalSet: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Wrapper_TriggerDateTime($oTaskDefinition, $TASK_TRIGGER_TIME, 0, 0, $sStartTime, $sEndTime) ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_TriggerDateTime: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Wrapper_ActionCreate($oTaskDefinition, "Notepad") ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_ActionCreate: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) If _TS_FolderExists($oService, "\Test") = 0 Then _TS_FolderCreate($oService, "\Test") ConsoleWrite("_TS_FolderCreate: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) EndIf Global $ar = ["Settings|DeleteExpiredTaskAfter|PT20S"] _TS_TaskPropertiesSet($oTaskDefinition, $ar) ConsoleWrite("_TS_TaskPropertiesSet: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Wrapper_TaskRegister($oService, "\Test", "starttime", $oTaskDefinition, Default, Default, $TASK_LOGON_INTERACTIVE_TOKEN) ConsoleWrite("_TS_Wrapper_TaskRegister: @error=" & @error & ", @extended=" & @extended & @CRLF) _TS_Close($oService)
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