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water last won the day on January 3

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  1. IrfanView is not just a viewer. You can edit pictures as well. And you can do it in batch mode.
  2. I suggest IrfanView. It has a batch mode, so there is no need to automate the Photo Viewer
  3. @Gianni Added this UDF to the wiki
  4. Added this UDF to the wiki
  5. Glad you could fix your problem
  6. Please be so kind and post the error message you get. Seems like the function was removed way back in version Please see the changelog as well: Removed: Documentation and example for _StringEncrypt(). Scripts should be updated to use the Crypt functions instead. Look at _Crypt_EncryptData() for an alternative example."
  7. I added this UDF to the wiki
  8. I added this UDF to the wiki
  9. I guess this is an false alert. Details can be found here.
  10. What does the help file tell you how GUICreate returns success or failure? The answer shouldn't be too hard to find and incorporate into your script
  11. If the help file is God then the Wiki is the Goddess of AutoIt. The Tutorials you find there explain step by step how to do a specific task. Example: Managing multiple GUIs
  12. @mr-es335 You noticed that the thread has been quiet for more than 6 years and the OP has been absent for more than 3 years?
  13. There seem to be problems with 24H2 and AD (according to Google). UN&PW invalid (Username & Password): https://community.spiceworks.com/t/win11-24h2-breaks-ldap-authentication-for-enterprise-app/1139078/26 Solution seems to be to logon using the NetBIOS Login Name e.g. "Your Domain\Your Userid" (For details please see: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Active_Directory_UDF_-_General#To_current_domain) You get more hits when telling Google to search for "active directory windows 11 24h2 authentication failed" If the NetBIOS logon does not work I suggest to stay with 23H2 until MS fixes the problem or someone can explain what else happened (raised security requirements ...).
  14. I do not know what changed from 23H2 to 24H2 😕 But I fear I will never know because me not having access to an Active Directory is permanent 😞 Maybe you get better error information when trying the following: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Active_Directory_UDF_-_General#Error_handling Specify the UserID as NetBIOS Login Name or User Principal Name and you will get additional information about the error. It might be a problem of raised security requirements by MS as described here: Here you can get more information about what changed (after 2020): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/2020-2023-and-2024-ldap-channel-binding-and-ldap-signing-requirements-for-windows-kb4520412-ef185fb8-00f7-167d-744c-f299a66fc00a Another idea: The MS Event Viewer might provide more detailed error information.
  15. As you can see from field "Description" the username or password seem to be incorrect. Unfortunately I no longer have access to an AD environment, so I have to ask a lot of questions Does it make any difference when you remove the excess space characters? _AD_OPEN (User, Password, "DC=AD,DC=Univ-Lille,DC=Fr", "Ad.univ-lille.fr", "CN=configuration,DC=AD,DC=Univ-Lille, DC=FR", 1) of when you set $iSecurity to 0? _AD_OPEN (User, Password, "DC=AD,DC=Univ-Lille,DC=Fr", "Ad.univ-lille.fr", "CN=configuration,DC=AD,DC=Univ-Lille,DC=FR", 0)
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