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caleb41610 last won the day on October 26 2012

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About caleb41610

  • Birthday 06/22/1990

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  1. Local $sFile = @ScriptDir & "index.html" Local $nFileReadSize = FileGetSize($sFile) Local $hFile = FileOpen($sFile) Local $nFileBinarySize = BinaryLen( FileRead($hFile) ) FileClose($hFile) The results are: $nFileReadSize == 630 $nFileBinarySize == 622 I'm using this to send large files in chunks, and I cannot load the whole file in to a string with FileRead() due to memory limitations. I'm also sending it via the web using http. So, I must get the actual BinaryLen() for the http header somehow, without loading the whole file. I'm stumped. My current method has been to load the file in chunks at the initialization stage, calculate each step, and just save the number for any file greater than the memory threshhold. Obviously this will scale badly! Any ideas? Thanks!
  2. Looking for a way to delete lines. More specifically, the top line(s).
  3. That's exactly what I was looking for. Not sure why I couldn't find it. Thank you very much for the link, it's great appreciated. I knew I seen what I needed already, so no need to create the wheel twice. Your post is also appreciated though.
  4. I seen a post about taking in a website url and spitting out an image of the page, without actually popping up a browser. I can't seem to find the link now.
  5. This is possible. I wish I had the code infront of me, but I have done this in the past. I'll lyk if I can find it.
  6. Thanks Hope it helped And hope it helps others as well, I decided to drop this since I no long have a need for it and I'm moving on to c++ edit: Added the latest *updates* it is unfinished. but it has some nice features. Includes remote screenshot and the start of a chatbox. ClientExample.au3 Server.au3
  7. Deleted post Probably won't continue this program. I hope the sources helps someone.
  8. Create an array with the desired strings, then loop through with $array[$i] as the data in the message box.
  9. i see what you mean now. i'm at work, will look when i am available if you haven't made it yet.
  10. You shouldn't need an external program for that. You can deploy updates straight from Active Directory. Just get one of those free installer-makers to turn the exe in to an MSI, so Active Directory will accept it.
  11. that's basically how it works. i just use TCPListen("", 8080) and it automatically listens on your default adaptor. no need to even get lan/wan ip on the server. on the router, forward 8080 to your local server ip. on the client, connect to the servers WAN. or use @IPAddress1 instead of either should work fine. edit: makes it listen on "any available" ip, so it will work with multiple adaptoras, i believe.
  12. Currently looking at this one. http://www.riemers.net/eng/Tutorials/DirectX/C++/series1.php Does anyone have any similar suggested websites to visit?
  13. guinness, Thanks for posting this. It has helped very much!
  14. One method may be... Have a terminal open on the web server, and use "tail -f" on the apache log. Have an autoit script search for strings with ConsoleRead() When you click buttons on the website, autoit will see it and then call a function.
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