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  1. Just for info: For MD4 and MD5 you use MDxInit, MDxUpdate & MDxFinal Functions. For SHA1 you use the CryptX-Functions but you can use here the A_SHAInit, A_SHAUpdate & A_SHAFinal Functions who are similar to the other two (and should be faster than the CryptX...) Small Hash Example for Strings (need to be rewritten for files like you do for MD4 & MD5): MsgBox(0, "SHA", _SHA("test")) Func _SHA($string) Static Local $hDLL = DllOpen("advapi32.dll") Static Local $SHA_CTX = DllStructCreate("dword unknown[6];dword state[5];dword count[2];ubyte buffer[64];ubyte digest[20]") DllCall($hDLL, "none", "A_SHAInit", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SHA_CTX)) DllCall($hDLL, "none", "A_SHAUpdate", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SHA_CTX), "str", $string, "dword", StringLen($string)) DllCall($hDLL, "none", "A_SHAFinal", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SHA_CTX), "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($SHA_CTX) + 0x74) return Hex(DllStructGetData($SHA_CTX, "digest")) EndFunc Ref: https://autoit.de/index.php/Thread/83602-Alternative-Hash-Funktion-f%C3%BCr-MD4-MD5-SHA-1/
  2. When did they changed it? I know from past versions that there was a default autoit icon without setting one.
  3. If I don't change anything and put no icon in there it should use the default AutoIt Icon, or not? https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/intro/compiler.htm (It's a clean install without any changes)
  4. 1. Clean & Full Install from AutoIt 2. Rightclick on desktop to create a new .au3 file 3. Fill the file (Notepad++) with a simple MsgBox(0, "Test", "This is a test") 4. Rightclick on .au3 file to compile in x86 and x64 => no icon ================================================================== Same with Scite and compile with Scite https://i.imgur.com/KWBhLIu.png
  5. I can't compile .au3 scripts to .exe with standard icon (right click menu) Tested with v3.3.14.2 (clean & full install) - Windows 7 Enterprise - SP1 - x64 - Windows 8.1 Enterprise N - x64 (ps at mods.. please move topic into right subforum)
  6. xp-antispy for Win10 will be coming soon (beta atm)
  7. Thanks for share. Hope to see more Info about Win10 from you (or others) so I will "maybe" use Win10 in future.
  8. Looks good for DllCall beginners =) But instand of 1000 cases in _ConvertType, why you dont work with arrays?
  9. Maybe with GetTickCount? Call it when your PC is finished with booting. Maybe in with Startup or Logonscript. Since I never test it this way, I can not say when GetTickCount start to count.
  10. No Variadic function in Autoit?
  11. Benefit: You can do it if you want + its backward compatible
  12. How about using MSDN CharLowerBuff function for AutoIt function StringLower (same for CharUpperBuff function and StringUpper) Before: StringLower ( "string" )After: StringLower ( "string", stringlen ) StringLower( "string", 0 or empty ) ;=> lowercase all StringLower( "string", X >= 0 ) ;=> lowercase x charsSo there are no changes for old scripts Ref: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> CharLowerBuff: $string = "UPPER_TO_LOWER" $length = 5 $ret = DllCall("user32.dll", "DWORD", "CharLowerBuff", "str", $string, "DWORD", $length) MsgBox(0, "CharLowerBuff()", $ret[1]) ; ==> upper_TO_LOWER
  13. With GetIfEntry2 function and MIB_IF_ROW2 structure (and GetBestInterface function)
  14. Why not add this feature to AutoIt StringLower: StringLower ( "string", stringlen ) StringLower("string", 0 or empty) => lowercase all StringLower("string", X >= 0) => lowercase x chars
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