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jdelaney last won the day on September 15 2017

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  1. You already have a solution, but using an xpath can be like this: $xpathMonthlyCharges = "//div/label[.='Monthly Charges:']/../div/div" #region SCITE_CallTipsForFunctions ;BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes($oIEObj, $sXPath, [$iMaxWait=2000]) Return array of objects on browser matching callers xpath #endregion SCITE_CallTipsForFunctions #include <ie.au3> #include <array.au3> #region GLOBALVariables Global $gbBGe_PerformConsoleWrites = False ; The XPath array to work with will be 2d, with the following Global Enum $giBGe_XPath_Dim2_sRawNode, _ $giBGe_XPath_Dim2_sNodeName, _ $giBGe_XPath_Dim2_bNodeIsRelative, _ $giBGe_XPath_Dim2_sRawNodeConstraints, _ $giBGe_XPath_Dim2_bIsConstrainted, _ $giBGe_XPath_Dim2_aNodeConstraints, _ $giBGe_XPath_Dim2_UBound ; $giBGe_XPath_Dim2_aNodeConstraints will contain a 2d, with the following Global Enum $giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_sNodeName, _ $giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsAttribute, _ $giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsSelf, _ $giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_sNodeValue, _ $giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsContains, _ $giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_UBound ; Regexp to split xpath Global $gsBGe_RegExpNodeSplit = "(?U)(.*(?:['""].*['""].*){0,})(?:\/)" ; Split Xpath into nodes...split by / where it is part of x-path Global $gsBGe_RegExpNodeAndCondSplit = "([^\[\]]+)\[(.*)\]" ; Get node name and conditions...conditions can be empty Global $gsBGe_RegExpOrSplit = "(?i)(?U)(.*['""].*['""\)])(?:\sor\s)|.{1,}?" ; Split Or statements inside [] Global $gsBGe_RegExpAndSplit = "(?i)(?U)(.*['""].*['""\)])(?:\sand\s)|.{1,}?" ; Split And statements inside [] Global $gsBGe_RegExpSplitContains = "(?i)contains\s*\(\s*(.+)\s*,\s*['""](.+)['""]\s*\)" ; Split contains, remove spaces that are not needed Global $gsBGe_RegExpSplitNonContains = "(.*)\s*\=\s*['""](.*)['""]" ; Split constraint that is not a contains, remove spaces that are not needed #endregion GLOBALVariables #region SAMPLE $xpathMonthlyCharges = "//div/label[.='Monthly Charges:']/../div/div" ; Create/navigate to page $oIE = _IECreate("",True,True) If IsObj($oIE) Then ConsoleWrite("Able to _IECreate('')" & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("UNable to _IECreate('')" & @CRLF) Exit 1 EndIf _IEBodyWriteHTML($oIE,'<div class="box-header"> <div class="title"> Account Summary </div> </div> <div class="box-content box-overflow-fix"> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">Previous Account Balance:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div id="previous-account-balance" class="form-control-static currency"> 203.39 </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">Monthly Charges:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div class="form-control-static currency"> 87.80 </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">One Time Charges:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div class="form-control-static currency"> 0.00 </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">Call Usage:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div class="form-control-static currency"> 0.00 </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">Hosted Fax Usage:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div class="form-control-static currency"> 0.00 </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">Directory Assistance:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div class="form-control-static currency"> 0.00 </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">Taxes and Fees:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div id="taxes-fees" class="form-control-static currency"> 5.13 </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">Total New Charges - Due 8/30/2022:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div id="total-new-charges" class="form-control-static currency"> 02.93 </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label class="col-xs-2 control-label">Total Due:</label> <div class="col-xs-1"> <div id="total-due" class="form-control-static currency"> 306.32 </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>') ; Get Forum Link $aForumLink = BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes($oIE,$xpathMonthlyCharges,0) For $i = 0 to UBound($aForumLink)-1 ConsoleWrite("text = " & $aForumLink[$i].innertext & @CRLF) Next _IEQuit($oIE) Exit #endregion SAMPLE #region ExternalFunctions Func BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes($oIEObject, $sXPath, $iMaxWait=2000) ; Get dom object by XPath If $gbBGe_PerformConsoleWrites Then ConsoleWrite("Start Function=[BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes] with $sXPath=[" & $sXPath & "]." & @CRLF) Local $aReturnObjects = "" Local $aSplitXpath = BGe_ParseXPath($sXPath) If Not IsArray($aSplitXpath) Then ConsoleWrite("BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes: Callers XPath/Node/Conditions not well formed=[" & $sXPath & "]" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,0,False) EndIf Local $iTimer = TimerInit() Do $aReturnObjects = BGe_RecursiveGetObjWithAttributes($oIEObject,$aSplitXpath) Until TimerDiff($iTimer)>$iMaxWait Or IsArray($aReturnObjects) Return $aReturnObjects EndFunc ;==>BGe_IEGetDOMObjByXPathWithAttributes #endregion ExternalFunctions #region InternalFunctions Func BGe_RecursiveGetObjWithAttributes($oParent, $aCallersSplitXPath, $asHolder="", $Level=0) $asObjects = $asHolder Local $sNodeName = $aCallersSplitXPath[$Level][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_sNodeName] Local $bNodeIsRelative = $aCallersSplitXPath[$Level][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_bNodeIsRelative] ; true=relative false=absolute Local $bIsConstrainted = $aCallersSplitXPath[$Level][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_bIsConstrainted] ; array[OR] of arrays[AND]; all constraints on the node Local $aNodeOrConstraints = $aCallersSplitXPath[$Level][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_aNodeConstraints] ; array[OR] of arrays[AND]; all constraints on the node Local $aPossibleNodeMatch = "" If $gbBGe_PerformConsoleWrites Then ConsoleWrite("Start Function=[BGe_RecursiveGetObjWithAttributes] level=[" & $Level & "]: $sNodeName=[" & $sNodeName & "], $bNodeIsRelative=[" & $bNodeIsRelative & "] $bIsConstrainted=[" & $bIsConstrainted & "]."& @CRLF) If Not IsObj($oParent) Then Return $asObjects ; Get nodes that match If $bNodeIsRelative Then If $sNodeName = "*" Then $oPossibleNodes = _IETagNameAllGetCollection($oParent) Else $oPossibleNodes = _IETagNameGetCollection($oParent, $sNodeName) EndIf For $oPossibleNode In $oPossibleNodes If $oPossibleNode.NodeType == 1 Then ; only add nodes If IsArray($aPossibleNodeMatch) Then _ArrayAdd($aPossibleNodeMatch,$oPossibleNode) Else Local $aPossibleNodeMatch[1] = [$oPossibleNode] EndIf EndIf Next ElseIf $sNodeName = ".." Then $asObjects = BGe_RecursiveGetObjWithAttributes($oParent.parentNode, $aCallersSplitXPath, $asObjects, $Level + 1) Else $oPossibleNodes = $oParent.childnodes For $oPossibleNode In $oPossibleNodes If String($oPossibleNode.NodeName) = $sNodeName Or $sNodeName = "*" Then If IsArray($aPossibleNodeMatch) Then _ArrayAdd($aPossibleNodeMatch,$oPossibleNode) Else Local $aPossibleNodeMatch[1] = [$oPossibleNode] EndIf EndIf Next EndIf ; Loop through nodes against restraints If IsArray($aPossibleNodeMatch) Then For $iChild = 0 To UBound($aPossibleNodeMatch) - 1 Local $oChild = $aPossibleNodeMatch[$iChild] ; Find matching conditions, when necessary If $bIsConstrainted Then ; Loop through OR Conditions For $i = 0 To UBound($aNodeOrConstraints) - 1 Local $aNodeAndConstraints = $aNodeOrConstraints[$i] Local $bAndConditionsMet = True ; Loop through And Conditions, or conditions are outside of this loop, and will go if current and's are not met For $j = 0 To UBound($aNodeAndConstraints) - 1 ; Remove the @... Local $sConstraintName = StringReplace($aNodeAndConstraints[$j][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_sNodeName],"@","") Local $bConstraintIsAtt = $aNodeAndConstraints[$j][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsAttribute] Local $bConstraintIsNode = $aNodeAndConstraints[$j][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsSelf] Local $sConstraintValue = $aNodeAndConstraints[$j][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_sNodeValue] Local $bConstraintIsContains= $aNodeAndConstraints[$j][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsContains] If $bConstraintIsNode Then If $bConstraintIsContains Then If Not StringInStr(String($oChild.innertext), $sConstraintValue) Then $bAndConditionsMet = False Else If String($oChild.innertext) <> $sConstraintValue Then $bAndConditionsMet = False EndIf ElseIf $bConstraintIsAtt Then Local $sAttributeValue = "" Switch $sConstraintName Case "class" $sAttributeValue = $oChild.className() Case "style" $sAttributeValue = $oChild.style.csstext Case "onclick" $sAttributeValue = $oChild.getAttributeNode($sConstraintName).value Case Else $sAttributeValue = $oChild.getAttribute($sConstraintName) EndSwitch If $bConstraintIsContains Then If Not StringInStr(String($sAttributeValue), $sConstraintValue) Then $bAndConditionsMet = False Else If String($sAttributeValue) <> $sConstraintValue Then $bAndConditionsMet = False EndIf Else ; failure EndIf ; Skip looping if a condition of the And array was not met If Not $bAndConditionsMet Then ExitLoop Next If $bAndConditionsMet Then ; If last level, add the object If $Level = UBound($aCallersSplitXPath) - 1 Then If Not IsArray($asObjects) Then Local $asObjects[1]=[$oChild] Else $bUnique = True ; Only add if not present in the array For $iObject = 0 To UBound($asObjects)-1 If $oChild = $asObjects[$iObject] Then $bUnique=False ExitLoop EndIf Next If $bUnique Then _ArrayAdd($asObjects, $oChild) EndIf Else $asObjects = BGe_RecursiveGetObjWithAttributes($oChild, $aCallersSplitXPath, $asObjects, $Level + 1) EndIf EndIf ; No need to loop additional or if already found one and If $bAndConditionsMet Then ExitLoop Next Else ; No constraints, match is implied If $Level = UBound($aCallersSplitXPath) - 1 Then ; Final xpath level, so add to final array If Not IsArray($asObjects) Then Local $asObjects[1]=[$oChild] Else Local $bUnique=True ; Only add if not present in the array For $iObject = 0 To UBound($asObjects)-1 If $oChild = $asObjects[$iObject] Then $bUnique=False ExitLoop EndIf Next If $bUnique Then _ArrayAdd($asObjects, $oChild) EndIf Else ; Continue Recurssion $asObjects = BGe_RecursiveGetObjWithAttributes($oChild, $aCallersSplitXPath, $asObjects, $Level + 1) EndIf EndIf Next EndIf Return $asObjects EndFunc ;==>BGe_RecursiveGetObjWithAttributes Func BGe_ParseXPath($sCallersXPath) ; RegExp require a trailing "/" $sCallersXPath &= "/" Local $aReturnParsedXPath=False ; Parse all the '/' outside of single, or double, quotes Local $aNodesWithQualifiers = StringRegExp($sCallersXPath,$gsBGe_RegExpNodeSplit,3) ; Loop through, and determine if the node is direct, or relative.../ vs // Local $iSlashCount = 0 For $i = 0 To UBound($aNodesWithQualifiers) - 1 If StringLen($aNodesWithQualifiers[$i])=0 Then $iSlashCount+=1 Else ; Add dimentions to the return array If Not IsArray($aReturnParsedXPath) Then Local $aReturnParsedXPath[1][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_UBound] Else ReDim $aReturnParsedXPath[UBound($aReturnParsedXPath)+1][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_UBound] EndIf $aReturnParsedXPath[UBound($aReturnParsedXPath)-1][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_sRawNode] = $aNodesWithQualifiers[$i] ; Split current Node Local $aSplitNodeAndCond = StringRegExp($aNodesWithQualifiers[$i],$gsBGe_RegExpNodeAndCondSplit,3) If UBound($aSplitNodeAndCond) = 2 Then Local $sNodeName = $aSplitNodeAndCond[0] Local $sNodeConstraints = $aSplitNodeAndCond[1] $aNodeConstraints = BGe_ParseXPathConstraints($sNodeConstraints) If Not IsArray($aNodeConstraints) Then ConsoleWrite("ParseXPath: Callers XPath/Node/Conditions not well formed=[" & $aNodesWithQualifiers[$i] & "]" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,1,False) EndIf ElseIf UBound($aSplitNodeAndCond) = 0 Then Local $sNodeName = $aNodesWithQualifiers[$i] Local $sNodeConstraints = "" Local $aNodeConstraints = "" Else ConsoleWrite("ParseXPath: Callers XPath/Node/Conditions not well formed=[" & $aNodesWithQualifiers[$i] & "]" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,2,False) EndIf $aReturnParsedXPath[UBound($aReturnParsedXPath)-1][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_sNodeName] = $sNodeName $aReturnParsedXPath[UBound($aReturnParsedXPath)-1][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_sRawNodeConstraints] = $sNodeConstraints $aReturnParsedXPath[UBound($aReturnParsedXPath)-1][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_bIsConstrainted] = (StringLen($sNodeConstraints)>0) $aReturnParsedXPath[UBound($aReturnParsedXPath)-1][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_aNodeConstraints] = $aNodeConstraints $aReturnParsedXPath[UBound($aReturnParsedXPath)-1][$giBGe_XPath_Dim2_bNodeIsRelative] = $iSlashCount>1 $iSlashCount=1 EndIf Next Return $aReturnParsedXPath EndFunc Func BGe_ParseXPathConstraints($sCallersXPathConstraints) ; Returns array of arrays ; Array is split of all 'or' statements, and then includes array of 'and' statements, which are split out into 2d array of name/value/bcontains Local $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[1] ; Will always return at least the first condition Local $aOrQualifiers = StringRegExp($sCallersXPathConstraints,$gsBGe_RegExpOrSplit,3) ReDim $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[UBound($aOrQualifiers)] For $i = 0 To UBound($aReturnParsedXPathConstraints)-1 Local $aAndQualifiers = StringRegExp($aOrQualifiers[$i],$gsBGe_RegExpAndSplit,3) Local $aaSplitQualitfiers = BGe_ParseXPathConstraint($aAndQualifiers) If IsArray($aaSplitQualitfiers) Then $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i]=$aaSplitQualitfiers Else ConsoleWrite("ParseXPathConstraints: Callers XPath/Node/Conditions not well formed=[" & $aOrQualifiers[$i] & "]" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,3,False) EndIf Next Return $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints EndFunc Func BGe_ParseXPathConstraint($aCallersXPathConstraint) Local $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[UBound($aCallersXPathConstraint)][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_UBound] For $i = 0 To UBound($aCallersXPathConstraint)-1 ; Remove leading and trailing spaces Local $sCurrentConstraint = StringStripWS($aCallersXPathConstraint[$i], 3) ; Check if $sCurrentConstraint makes use of contains() Local $aTempContains = StringRegExp($sCurrentConstraint,$gsBGe_RegExpSplitContains,3) Local $aTempNonContains = StringRegExp($sCurrentConstraint,$gsBGe_RegExpSplitNonContains,3) If UBound($aTempContains)=2 Then $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsContains] = True $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsSelf] = ($aTempContains[0]=".") $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_sNodeName] = $aTempContains[0] $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsAttribute] = (StringLeft($aTempContains[0],1)="@") $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_sNodeValue] = $aTempContains[1] ElseIf UBound($aTempNonContains)=2 And Not StringInStr($aTempNonContains[0],"(") Then $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsContains] = False $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsSelf] = ($aTempNonContains[0]=".") $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_sNodeName] = $aTempNonContains[0] $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_bIsAttribute] = (StringLeft($aTempNonContains[0],1)="@") $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints[$i][$giBGe_Constraint_Dim2_sNodeValue] = $aTempNonContains[1] Else ConsoleWrite("ParseXPathConstraint: Callers XPath/Node/Conditions not well formed=[" & $aCallersXPathConstraint[$i] & "]" & @CRLF) Return SetError(1,4,False) EndIf Next Return $aReturnParsedXPathConstraints EndFunc #endregion InternalFunctions consoleoutput: text = 87.80
  2. No error handling...but simple example. Add the data to an array, or do what you will with it Local $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $oXML.Load(@DesktopDir & "/test.xml") $oContacts = $oXML.selectNodes("//contact") For $oContact In $oContacts $oPhones = $oContact.selectNodes("./phones/phone") For $oPhone In $oPhones $oNumber = $oPhone.selectSingleNode("./number") $oType = $oPhone.selectSingleNode("./type") $oCustom = $oPhone.selectSingleNode("./customLabel") ConsoleWrite("$oNumber=[" & $oNumber.text & "], $oType=[" & $oType.text & "], $oCustom=[" & $oCustom.text & "]" & @CRLF) Next Next output: $oNumber=[+49 163 1234567], $oType=[mobile], $oCustom=[] $oNumber=[+49 163 9759759], $oType=[mobile], $oCustom=[] $oNumber=[+49 9335 1111111], $oType=[home], $oCustom=[] $oNumber=[+4993211234567], $oType=[custom], $oCustom=[Kitchen]
  3. https://serverfault.com/questions/268423/changing-desktop-solid-color-via-registry Create a new thread in the future. It's taboo to bring back up dead posts. RegWrite
  4. Every application can handle different speeds. Every browser can handle different speeds. Websites can also vary. Current system utilization probably also matters.
  5. Local $hWnd = WinGetHandle("Prihlášení") ConsoleWrite("$hWnd " & $hWnd & @CRLF) Ah, you already tried that. Is the window up and active after the 4 second wait? It's ugly, but you could just do wingetactive(), which will return the active window's handle. Or you can get tricky and get all the windows based on your processID
  6. For $i = 1 To 10 ;Action MouseMove(403,964) ;starting unit coords MouseMove($OriginalX + $MoveX*$i, $OriginalY + $MoveY*$i) Next
  7. HotKeySet WinSetState("[ACTIVE]"
  8. You will get better help if you provide something that runs and reproduces your issue. The smallest amount of script possible. What does your string look like? I have no idea. What does your function do? No clue, you didn't provide it.
  9. You can't use send. Use something like _ieformsettext (from memory, it will be similar). Locked stations and session 0 has no active windows. Send only can go to active windows.
  10. Something like this I guess $a = 3 Local $aArray[1] = ["a"] ConsoleWrite(Eval($aArray[0]) & @CRLF) $a = 6 ConsoleWrite(Eval($aArray[0]) & @CRLF) setAVariable($a, 25) ConsoleWrite(Eval($aArray[0]) & @CRLF) Func setAVariable(ByRef $a, $i) $a = $i EndFunc output 3 6 25
  11. WinWait With a defined timeout.
  12. AutoItSetOption TCPTimeout Defines the time before TCP functions stop if no communication. Time in milliseconds before timeout (default=100).
  13. ;~ "some.xml" text: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TServerConfig version="1"><Object type="TServerConfig" name="MainObject"><Property name="ServerPort" value="27027"/><Property name="ServerIP" value=""/><Property name="ExtendedLogging" value="False"/></Object><Dongles><Dongle Order="0" Number="0123456789"/><Dongle Order="1" Number="1122334455"/></Dongles></TServerConfig> Local $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $oXML.Load("some.xml") $oDongles = $oXML.selectsinglenode("//Dongles").childnodes For $oDongle In $oDongles $sOrder = $oDongle.getattribute("Order") $sNumber = $oDongle.getattribute("Number") ConsoleWrite("Order=[" & $sOrder & "], Number=[" & $sNumber & "]" & @CRLF) Next Output: Order=[0], Number=[0123456789] Order=[1], Number=[1122334455] You can, in the loop, add the data to a 2d array. Example: #include <Array.au3> ;~ "some.xml" text: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><TServerConfig version="1"><Object type="TServerConfig" name="MainObject"><Property name="ServerPort" value="27027"/><Property name="ServerIP" value=""/><Property name="ExtendedLogging" value="False"/></Object><Dongles><Dongle Order="0" Number="0123456789"/><Dongle Order="1" Number="1122334455"/></Dongles></TServerConfig> Local $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLDOM") $oXML.Load("some.xml") Enum $iDongles_Order, $iDongles_Number, $iDongles_Ubound Local $aDongles[0][$iDongles_Ubound] $oDongles = $oXML.selectsinglenode("//Dongles").childnodes For $oDongle In $oDongles ReDim $aDongles[UBound($aDongles)+1][$iDongles_Ubound] $sOrder = $oDongle.getattribute("Order") $sNumber = $oDongle.getattribute("Number") $aDongles[UBound($aDongles)-1][$iDongles_Order]=$sOrder $aDongles[UBound($aDongles)-1][$iDongles_Number]=$sNumber ConsoleWrite("Order=[" & $sOrder & "], Number=[" & $sNumber & "]" & @CRLF) Next _ArrayDisplay($aDongles) array output: 0|0123456789 1|1122334455
  14. I scripted mine to screen scrape a sudoku site and automatically solve it: edit: this is the first iteration of that script that will constantly solve sudoku puzzles, nvermind.
  15. That's an interesting problem...maybe something like: _WinAPI_Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection I believe that would force the 32bit windows dlls to be used...with the proper parmater. Even when compiled 64bit. Easy to verify in that handles returned will be half the character count. Can you white list a directory with your AV? Edit, unfortunately, the handle returned is always a 64 bit version, disregard this suggestion)
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