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  1. Not that I could find. Simply replacing OnDoubleClick with OnMarginClick will toggle a bookmark when the margin is single-clicked. I encountered two problems with using OnMarginClick though. First, folding points are in the margin, so toggling a fold will also toggle a bookmark at the same time. The bigger problem was that I can't find any way to get the line number the margin was clicked at. The bookmark will always be toggled at the line where the caret is located. If the caret is at line 2 and you click the margin at line 5, the bookmark will be toggled at line 2.
  2. Thanks for the tip, Valik. After reading various documents, I have implemented similar functionality which I find to be quite satisfactory. OnMarginClick() didn't work like I expected and caused too many problems, so I used OnDoubleClick(). Now when I double-click a line, a bookmark is toggled on/off for that line. I think this is just as good, if not better, than the margin clicking version found in Notepad++. Here are the installation instructions for anyone that is interested. In anyone sees something I did wrong, please let me know. I'm not sure this qualifies as "outside of the scite source" but the Menu IDs are defined in SciTE.h which can be viewed here. http://scintilla.hg.sourceforge.net/hgweb/scintilla/scite/file/tip/src/SciTE.h
  3. Okay, I made a feature request but Neil rejected it because clicking in the margin is already used for selecting lines. Given that SciTE can already detect margin clicks, could the bookmark toggling be added by a LUA script?
  4. I would like to be able to toggle a bookmark (Ctrl + F2) by clicking the margin next to the line number. Can this be done with the AutoIt package or do I need to request it be added to the original SciTE?
  5. LOL at all the butthurt. Cry more, retards.
  6. Is there a way to get Tidy v2.2.1.0 to not add an extra blank line at the end of a script? Tidy v2.1.0.0 didn't have this behavior.
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