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Mechaflash last won the day on June 16 2012

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    Sons of Anarchy

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  1. EDIT: Checked the WinSetTrans() and it only accepts a range of 0 - 255. Changed the two if statements to reflect this properly. Func _Trans() If IsHWnd($GUI) Then Local $Key = "" MsgBox(0 , "", $Trans) ConsoleWrite(@HotKeyPressed) Switch @HotKeyPressed Case "{PGUP}" If ($Trans + 5) <= 255 Then $Trans += 5 ToolTip($Trans) WinSetTrans($GUI, "", $Trans) EndIf Case "{PGDN}" If ($Trans - 5) >= 0 Then $Trans -= 5 ToolTip($Trans) WinSetTrans($GUI, "", $Trans) EndIf EndSwitch EndIf EndFunc
  2. open the webpage, login, swipe the url for the download, then try InetGet() with the retrieved URL. Should have the token intact.
  3. Is the ceiling 255 though? Because technically what you're saying you want to do is if it's 254, still increase by 5... which makes it 259. EDIT: Also, are these 2 running synonymous? Because both directives will be true if it's in the range of -4 thru 254 and it will subtract 5 then add 5 back.
  4. That's what I'm wondering too... try this.. Do Sleep(10) Until Not _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "busy") Put that in right after the _IELoadWait()
  5. It makes absolutely no sense that it works in the way you've presented it. If everything before your Sleep() is working and you haven't navigated away or interacted with the page to make it load other information, everything after Sleep() should work without the Sleep(). Are you cutting out some code in between that we're not seeing?
  6. Do me a favor and initialize all of your variables before using them. Then test again.
  7. It doesn't exist probably because you can just $aArray[$i]&=$sInsertString2 Welp you got it I gave you the short-handed version of what you put.
  8. Or do Sleep(10) Until Not _IEPropertyGet($oIE, "busy")
  9. He insulted your donkey. I wouldn't stand for it. Men have been murdered for less atrocious acts.
  10. Noticed pinco put a line to check this, but if _IETableGetCollection() fails, @extended returns the invalid parameter number instead of a count. Being finicky as it is, it's a good idea to check any output from _IE functions to ensure it's not erroring and it's seeing the correct data.
  11. I would add a line to check the output of FileGetAttrib() so you don't get a false positive/negative from StringInStr()
  12. Well this is kind of a hack/workaround... Since you say "tracking number" let's pretend it's the UPS website. Local $sUrl = "ups.com" _doSearch() ; After new tab opens, we're going to close the first tab. This will force tab 2 to focus. $oIE = _IEAttach($sUrl, "url", 1) _IEAction($oIE, "quit")
  13. Why not navigate to a search provider first instead of targeting the search bar?
  14. You can replace __IEIsObjType with every other _IE.au3 function that gets ran, and I get that warning being spammed in the console. Strange thing is that this only occurs when I have both IE.au3 and InetAttach.au3 included in the script. If I remove InetAttach.au3 the warnings go away. I'm pretty sure it's because InetAttach.au3 hasn't been updated in a long while and gone through the same changes IE.au3 has with COM error handling (and I can't even find it on this site or even google anymore). But just thought I'd post it for anyone else that sees this happening and/or if someone has fixed it they can post a response.
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