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About Wooltown

  • Birthday 02/27/1962

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Alpha Geek
  • Location
    Sweden, Lomma

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Universalist (7/7)



  1. Thank you for a quick answer
  2. Hello ! I haven't used AutoIt for almost 10 years and is a bit rusty. Is there a way to retrieve the "Command Line" from a running process as you can see it in Task Manager? I have the same executable running many times, but I wish to check a specific process
  3. I added "$oOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").Offline" to my code and it works very nice in Win 7 and Outlook 2010 english version both, fully patched. Global $oOL = _OL_Open() $oOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").Offline $sUser = $oOL.GetNameSpace("MAPI").CurrentUser.Name
  4. I run Windows 7 and Office 2010 and it works OK. I have a slightly modified script I don't have this line as exist in the example script Global $sCurrentUser = $oOutlook.GetNameSpace("MAPI").CurrentUser.Name Instead I send directly to a username and it works nice.
  5. ---
  6. This is a nice implementation, it will make the maintenance of the code easier in the future and hopefully less errors.
  7. They can mail me on the forum or make a reply on the forum and I can put the list together and we can have a discussion how to continue.
  8. No unfortunately not, hopefully you know who you are echo@sunet.se - will give you an email in return, good to validate email is working /Sven
  9. I got it to work, but it was Outlook 2000 I think !
  10. It doesn't matter to me. I wrote it at my previous occupation and they don't use it anymore. For the rest of the people using it, perhaps we can do a documet describing the changes. Both the new and the old can be available for download. /Sven
  11. There was some reason I put that in all functions, but I don't remember what my problem was.
  12. We can discuss them here so if other have opinions on the work they can contribute. $sTo is optional, if you would like to send BCC mail to a group of people and they should not be able to see other mailaddresses.
  13. It is OK for me if you like to do it and have the time.
  14. Please do, it can be found in the beginning of this post
  15. The best thing would have been some kind of area where we can store it outside the forum
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