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Skitty last won the day on May 29 2012

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About Skitty

  • Birthday 09/11/1989

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  1. ... wat that wasn't an answer to your question, but since we're here, the op had already provided you with a relevant link which will answer your previous question.
  2. Based on the number of objects this version is detecting (80?) you could probably get better results writing a python wrapper to interface with an autoit script and use opencv dnn module to load tensorflow inception with a pretrained classifier that can detect 1000 different objects instead, it even gives you specific dog breeds. The speed is negligible in difference I'd assume.
  3. That site is awful. I've used it before, mostly just to bid on interesting projects that I'd like to play with. I once saw a guy talking about maintaining some autoit script scrapping program so I bid on it to see what it was all about, turned out to be interesting and fun to work with but ended up just rewriting everything in another language instead. I've made various weird specific tools for people on there who for some reason decide to hire me instead with almost no reputation on the site, I guess people tired of getting buggy software from certain flags? idunno. weird place it is. I would dread to think of that site as being a source of income. the competition is fiercely centered on who can do the most work for the least amount of money in the longest stretch of time.
  4. I have never used selenium but if it is anything like phantomjs then you should be able to listen in on a port and use it to exchange data between the scripts. Does selenium allow you to create a server? check that and try using it with winhttp or something
  5. huh idunno I don't think i experienced that when i used it lol
  6. try using a rich edit control autoit comes with a UDF called guirichedit.au3 that you can use, then just create your styled text in wordpad or something and load it with ... $sText = FileRead(".\readme.rtf") _GUICtrlRichEdit_SetText($hRichEdit, $sText) ...
  7. lmao this all sounds malicious af m8 at this point why not use a language like C++ or something lol
  8. Try using comspec https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Snippets_(_CMD_)
  9. For anyone that likes node/io js, just in case you didn't know, there's a project that cobbles up webkit + iojs. It's really quite awesome using webkit to create a UI with HTML/CSS and have iojs functionality available for whatever you want. Really quite awesome, the things you can make with this are great. https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js only down side is your projects usually end up coming out at over 100mb rofl, nwjs is about ~80mb alone but usually you will want to include a local application database and it can get quite large.
  10. Ok, after all this time I see what it is now. https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/content_scripts#execution-environment I should have never started initial development on firefox...
  11. I don't know where else to ask, and I've been here more than other places so I assume maybe there is someone who's experienced an issue I just stumbled into while developing a user javascript file.. I created a simple extension for a website, rather large actually.. I was testing it on Firefox during its development using greasemonkey and everything worked well, I could access variables created by scripts delivered by the site in the context of the window and listen to fired off events created by another jquery script in the window, but when I attempted to use it in chromium by dragging dropping file called "script.user.js" into extensions window, somehow chromium seems to not allow the script to interact with the variables of the other script, I cannot listen to events or use the existing jquery that is in the sites main scripts, I have to manually include my own copy of jquery, chromium somehow does it so that the scritp has its own context to the window and does not allow it to interact with the context of the other script... This is strange. Greasemonkey under firefox does not do this though and seems it is more lenient on permissions... This has complicated development of the script to keep it comparable on both browsers. Does anyone know what can be done to make chromium allow the script to "see" and interact with the other scripts that are delivered server side? I'm not sure if this is a good explanation, I hope you can understand. tl;dr somehow chromium does not let a userscript file access variables outside of the script file in a webpage while firefox does, any fix to this?
  12. Anyone dedicated enough can do this but does anyone really want this stuff being used by novice users...
  13. This UDF is absolutely amazing... Is there anyway to extract the HTML document into a variable with this?
  14. theres code around here somewhere to do that, though I can't search for you since I find it hard on this phone... I think I used someone's code in a task manager scrip I put togeather this one time, check my Sig, should be there D:
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