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BrewManNH last won the day on December 6 2019

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About BrewManNH

  • Birthday 04/07/1961

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  • Member Title
    Laus Deo
  • Location
    New Hampshire, USA

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  1. Use the handle of the instance of Notepad you want, and not its title.
  2. If you use #RequireAdmin in your script, and SciTE wasn't started with the same level of access, i.e. using Run As Administrator, then when you run your script, the #RequireAdmin will be seen and the script will end, and then restart itself with administrator permissions. This is why you don't see anything in SciTE, start it as an administrator, and then run your script, should work fine.
  3. In this example, you're evaluating -1 * -1, that's what the exponent is telling you to do. Two negative numbers multiplied together always yields a positive number. I'm not sure what the precedence is in algebra because I did terribly in it, but I do know that the exponent is just telling you how many times to multiply a number by itself. If you had used -1^3, the answer would be negative.
  4. My guess, going from the error message, is that the _StringBetween isn't returning an array on occasion. That error message means you're trying to access a simple variable as if it were an array and it isn't an array.
  5. Selec () ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Func Selec ()         while 1 Your Selec function never gets called due to it being called after the endless loop before it.
  6. Try ShellExecute, that link you posted is a shortcut and not the executable.
  7. You should use the full path and file name of the service.cmd file when you use the Run command.
  8. With the Run command, don't use BitOr, just use + between the variable names, you need to add them together instead of Oring them.
  9. I'd suggest using a GUI and an input control created with GUICtrlCreateInput, then you can specify that it would only accept numbers with the style $ES_NUMBER set.
  10. Are the folder names different, depending on the language, for the Signature folder in the appdata\roaming location?
  11. You should probably be using a Message Handler rather than an OnEvent message.
  12. What type of automation are you doing? Are you using Send instead of ControlSend, MouseClick instead of ControlClick? https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/FAQ#Why_doesn.27t_my_script_work_on_a_locked_workstation.3F
  13. Are you running the script on the remote machine, or your local machine?
  14. Post your script that is having the problem, or a runnable example script that shows the issue for you and we will be able to help you with it.
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