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ripdad last won the day on October 5 2017

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  1. Is this your function call when you initially start the script? StartScript()
  2. You're not calling any functions. Also, did you intend to use a main loop?
  3. 1. ObjEvent() needs to be before the line ObjGet(). 2. Replace $oObjectErrorCheck with $oMyError. 3. StartMod is not a valid class property. Just remove that line and you should be good to go.
  4. You only need to declare the variable once. This is how I would do it inside the function. Your script might need more work afterwards... Main() Func Main() Local $data1, $data2, $pants = 1 While 1 $data1 = PixelSearch(356, 247, 726, 594, 0x6B29A5) If IsArray($data1) Then Send("{ALTDOWN}") Sleep(60) Send("{0 down}") Sleep(60) Send("{0 up}") Sleep(60) Send("{ALTUP}") Sleep(50) MouseClick("primary", $data1[0] + 5, $data1[1] + 5, 1, 0) Sleep(900) $pants = 0 Else $data2 = PixelSearch(356, 247, 726, 594, 0x6B29A5) If IsArray($data2) Then MouseClick("primary", $data2[0] + 5, $data2[1] + 5, 1, 0) Sleep(500) Else If $pants = 0 Then Send("{ALTDOWN}") Sleep(60) Send("{9 down}") Sleep(60) Send("{9 up}") Sleep(60) Send("{ALTUP}") Sleep(50) $pants = 1 Else $pants = 1 Sleep(100) EndIf EndIf EndIf WEnd EndFunc
  5. https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/34658-are-my-autoit-exes-really-infected/
  6. Hmm... doesn't seem to be a way with just "send". How about: Sleep(3000) For $i = 1 To 4 Send("test ") Sleep(10) Next ; - or in a function - Func _SendText($text = "test", $n = 4) For $i = 1 To $n Send($text) Sleep(10) Next EndFunc
  7. This should help you debug the error... $hCurlHandle = DllCall($hDll_LibCurl, "ptr:cdecl", "curl_easy_init") If @error Or Not IsArray($hCurlHandle) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) $hCurlHandle = $hCurlHandle[0] EDIT I just noticed that you're using 64bit dll's. Did you change the required lines in the UDF to use them?
  8. Good catch. I must be slipping not to notice that.
  9. Does your string work from a Windows command window?
  10. You can also try this, if the one above doesn't work... $startLine = 'e:\ffprobe.exe "-v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1" t:\111.mp4'
  11. okay, so it's telling you that you have a "missing argument" in your string. I'm not familiar with what should be in the string and what should not.
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