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JohnOne last won the day on September 23 2021

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About JohnOne

  • Birthday 04/25/2015

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  • Member Title
    Number #1
  • Location
    Dream Twister Lane, Apartment #1

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  1. Difficult to say without knowing more about test.exe why Sleep(5000)?
  2. Cheers. Still probably wouldn't use it myself, just seems a bit wasteful of cpu cycles and of course energy in general.
  3. Use both 2 and 3. No Idea about the poll rate or overhead of 1.
  4. Any reason why you cannot use ControlSend
  5. Search "control viewer" in example scripts forum.
  6. This might seem like a stupid question, but did you try... ShutDown()
  7. I could be wrong here, but is wchar size dependant on some conditions, including OS? I mean not always 2 bytes.
  8. Sorry, I missed that.
  9. I suppose the next step is to ponder how you are getting the data and if you can do it differently.
  10. I tried a for loop unsuccessfully, I suspect the problem lies with DllstructSetData and the null char.
  11. would it not be easier to just use passwords?
  12. How do you mean it auto logs you in, I don't think I've ever seen that behaviour, you do not have to enter password?
  13. Click the below IniWrite()
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