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llewxam last won the day on February 28 2015

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About llewxam

  • Birthday 03/24/1977

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  1. Hi DeeH41, sorry to hear that it isn't working, however like I said I only wrote it for a single use so I would not be surprised if their address book has several different versions. In order to try to help you, feel free to PM me and include your friend's address book file and I'll have a look in the next few days. Otherwise please feel free to modify the code I posted here by re-arranging the columns appropriately. It can't hurt to try! Ian
  2. Thanks, this was always one of my favorite completed projects. And also one of my most-used when I was in the IT world. Ian
  3. Hi, all you need to do is locate the addrbook.nv file and copy it to the same folder as the above code. When the code runs it will create a CSV file which you can then import in Outlook. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Import-contacts-to-Outlook-bb796340-b58a-46c1-90c7-b549b8f3c5f8 If the conversion doesn't work please let me know, I wrote this for a specific customer so only used it once! Ian
  4. What you would do is use one of the above methods prior to FileCopy to compare the 2 file's dates (by last modified date), and if your source file is newer than the destination file, go ahead with the FileCopy. I'm not seeing what value $hFileIndexHTML should have, but you get the idea. Ian
  5. I'm glad it was of use, and twice as glad that it still works, it is pretty old! Ian
  6. Pretty cool project, seems like an awesome thing to get to write some code for Ian
  7. meh, my Updates is having issues by the looks of it - 3 are ready but 2 won't download, and I don't have time today to tinker and get things happy again. If I do, I will re-test with the updated script before letting Windows install the updates. Ian
  8. Did you try compiling, then right-clicking the EXE and "Run As Administrator"? Ian
  9. Cool, glad to see it has been re-worked. I'm out of the IT world now however, so I don't have dozens of machines to test it on to offer feedback. On my home PC, Win10Pro, the "Finding Needed Updates" SplashText never went away, and no updates were found. It sat for several minutes before I killed the task. The old version didn't fare any better though, so Win10 may not offer the same ability to tap in to the Update service. If there is anything I can do to help figure out if Win10 has an issue please let me know. Ian
  10. Here are a few quick suggestions: 2 of your includes are not neededAdlibRegister calls a specified function at specified intervals, so instead of having the _GetTime_ function call itself once the script starts (and then get stuck in it), AdlibRegister will just go there once a secondCall _GetTime_ after the AdlibRegister so the clock has a chance to display before the first 1-second interval passesRun Tidy (CTRL-T) Please see the modified code below, anything not needed I just commented out rather than deleted. #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ;~ #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> ;~ #include <misc.au3> Global $popup = GUICreate('DesktopClock', 300, 50, @DesktopWidth + (-330), @DesktopHeight + (-100), $WS_POPUP) GUISetBkColor(0x000000) Global $clockLabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 30, 5, 450, 30) GUICtrlSetFont($clockLabel, 20, 0, 0, 'Segoe UI') GUICtrlSetColor($clockLabel, 0x32cd32) WinSetTrans($popup, "", 190) GUISetState() AdlibRegister("_GetTime_",1000) _GetTime_() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case -3 ExitLoop EndSwitch ;~ _GetTime_() WEnd Func _GetTime_() GUICtrlSetData($clockLabel, 'Local time: ' & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) ;~ Sleep(1000) ;~ _GetTime_() EndFunc ;==>_GetTime_ Ian
  11. Thanks for the suggestion on == vs = JohnOne, but I changed all == to = and it made no difference in speed. Worth a shot! I did, however, fix the >= 60 seconds bit. No other changes. Ian
  12. lol @ 60 seconds, oops! As for the @error, not 100% I follow, but I'm once again not at my computer, will have to sit down and look at it. Thanks Ian
  13. But then I'd never know how long it would take! When it is time I'll start it before work and just let it go. Ian
  14. haha, about 2.5 hours, on a 3.6GHz processor and very fast SSD. I still haven't done the "ultimate" test of running it on the NAS, that should be about a day I imagine. But I may break down and (shudder) rename all songs to a standard much as TheSaint uses first! Ian Edit: most songs get stripped VERY fast, whole albums can take under a second, but some songs are full of false-positives and some had ID3V2 over 1MB long!
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