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Exit last won the day on July 22 2022

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  1. New version in first post Version: 2022.09.01 - Optimized annual cleaning. When using Au3toCmd it makes no sense to write data to @scriptdir as that is not the directory where the CMD file is located. The CMD file is located in @workingdir. If data is written to @scriptdir, it was deleted during the annual cleanup. With the new version, this data is retained and may have to be deleted manually. In order not to suffer any data loss, ALL *.CMD should be recreated with Au3toCmd.
  2. Here my directions: ;~ Global $p_Example_Folder = @ScriptDir & "\Example\"   Global $p_Example_Folder = @WorkingDir ;~ $p_Ini_File = @ScriptDir & "\" & $s_Program_Name & ".ini"    $p_Ini_File = @WorkingDir & "\" & $s_Program_Name & ".ini" Because *.a3x is in the @scriptdir but *.cmd is in the @workingdir And you want the *.ini file in the *.cmd directory. I hope it helps.
  3. Yes Just try it The test.cmd is in the current working directory.
  4. @MightyWeirdPlease confirm that the bug has been fixed. Is fixed. See next post. New version in first post Version: 2022.07.27 - Support scripts with space in username.
  5. New version in first post Version: 2022.07.22 - Support scripts with the same name but different content in different directories.
  6. Works like a charm in German environment Waiting for results in other languages.
  7. Works like a charm Waiting for results in other languages.
  8. since i only have access to the german version, i can't help. But surely someone will pick up the thread and continue spinning it.
  9. Simply read out the information regardless of the language. Here is a hopefully language-independent solution: #include <Array.au3> #include <string.au3> Global $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") $aSSIDs = _GetSSIDs() For $i = 0 To UBound($aSSIDs) - 1 $key = _GetKeyFromSSID($aSSIDs[$i]) ConsoleWrite(@TAB & $aSSIDs[$i] & @TAB & @TAB & $key & @CRLF) Next Func _GetSSIDs() Local $iPID = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'netsh wlan show profile', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD) ProcessWaitClose($iPID) Local $sOutput = StdoutRead($iPID) Local $aOutput = DllCall($hDLL, 'Int', 'OemToChar', 'str', $sOutput, 'str', '') $aOutput = _StringExplode($aOutput[2], "-" & @CRLF) $sOutput = $aOutput[UBound($aOutput) - 1] Local $aSSIDs = _StringBetween($sOutput, " : ", @CRLF) Return $aSSIDs EndFunc ;==>_GetSSIDs Func _GetKeyFromSSID($sSSID) ;returns "1" if key is not present Local $iPID = Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & 'netsh wlan show profile name="' & $sSSID & '" key=clear', @ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD + $STDERR_CHILD) ProcessWaitClose($iPID) Local $sOutput = StdoutRead($iPID) Local $aOutput = DllCall($hDLL, 'Int', 'OemToChar', 'str', $sOutput, 'str', '') $aOutput = _StringBetween($aOutput[2], " : ", @CRLF) Return $aOutput[UBound($aOutput) - 6] EndFunc ;==>_GetKeyFromSSID Can the foreign language users please confirm that it works in their language. German OK English No French ? others ?
  10. Here we have a Babylonian confusion of languages. The Water solution only works with German locale. The Hunter070 solution only works with English locale. This is because the netsh output is parsed with locale constants. e.g. Global Const $sProfile = "All User Profile" Global Const $sProfile = "Profil für alle Benutzer" A language-independent version would be desirable.
  11. Oops, there must have been a typo. New version in the first post. Thanks to @argumentum
  12. New version in first post Version: 2022.06.23 - Support release candidates. They have the same version number as the final version. - Changed @CrLf to @Lf. Thanks to @obiwanceleri - Refresh Appdata\Au3toCmd\* once in year - Optimized #AutoIt3Wrapper handling. Leading blanks supported.
  13. A very nice tool. Maybe it would be possible to add a delete button for obsolete items.
  14. No, since CRLF is the standard in Windows. Edit: Yes. implemented in version 2022.06.22. Thank you for the compliment
  15. @obiwanceleri It is best not to use an EXE file, but a CMD file. This is very easy to do with Au3toCmd. Just look in my signature.
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