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  1. Thanks, sorry for the late reply
  2. Did you got binance to work ? I also having troubles, wrong credentials it seems, im getting errors about the hash i send.
  3. I have seen that yes, but i get no error whatsoever, only "example.png not found", so for some reason it won't create it, eventho if i start it with admin rights.
  4. Nice thanks. are you able to make an example of something like this? I dont know how to approach
  5. Do you know how to get those bars easily? I have multiple "examples" of a line graph, or dot-graph. But i'd also like the bars and don't know how to approach
  6. Genius, can you please comment in english, all i get is this; ; Óñòàíàâëèâàåò ñåòêó ïî îñÿì XY _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridX($aGraph, 1, 0xFF6C6342) _GraphGDIPlus_Set_GridY($aGraph, $iMax / 15, 0xFF6C6342) ; Ðèñóåò ãðàôèê _GraphGDIPlus_Set_PenColor($aGraph, 0xFF00FFFF) ; Çàäà¸ò öâåò ëèíèè ãðàôèêà For $i = 0 To 30 _GraphGDIPlus_Plot_Point($aGraph, $i, $i / 3 + 1.5) ; Çàäà¸ò ñëåäóþùóþ òî÷êó Next Englisch would be very welcome here.
  7. Can you post the _create_graph function? It isnt in, also not within the GDI module linked. You changed it? coz graphUDF says graph_create, instead of create_graph.
  8. Do you have this working? the binance api? Care to share ?
  9. What does the $oHTTP.send do with $parameters? I'm trying to get this to work for bittrex, But i get invalid signature when i use; Global Const $CALG_SHA_512 = 0x0000800e #Region Bittrex Const Global $g_bittrexURL = "https://bittrex.com/api" Global $g_bittrexAPIVersion = "v1.1" #EndRegion Bittrex Const   Func BittrexQueryPrivate($sMethod, $sParameters = "")     Local $sNONCE = _GetNonce()     $sParameters = "nonce=" & $sNONCE & $sParameters     Local $sURL = StringFormat("/%s/account/%s", $g_bittrexAPIVersion, $sMethod)     Local $oHTTP = ObjCreate("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")     $FullURL = $g_bittrexURL & $sURL & "?apikey=" & $g_sAPIKey & "&nonce=" & $sNONCE     Local $sSignature = HMACSHA512($g_sAPISecret, $FullURL) ;bittrex demands GET     $oHTTP.Open("GET", $FullURL, False)     $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("apisign", _Base64EncodeMod($sSignature)) ;sup with this? :     $oHTTP.Send(Binary($sParameters));     Local $sReceived = $oHTTP.ResponseText     Return $sReceived EndFunc   ;==>BittrexQueryPrivate $FULLURL will become; https://bittrex.com/api/v1.1/account/getbalances?apikey=*APIKEYHERE*&nonce=20171002164018019 This responds with; Balance: {"success":false,"message":"INVALID_SIGNATURE","result":null} This also happens when i use the correct $nonce. Func CurrentTime() return _DateDiff('s', "1970/01/01 00:00:00", _NowCalc()) EndFunc
  10. Its also purpose that addition may occur in the middle of the data... so this wouldnt work for that ;(
  11. I can't test this here, but what would $res return? If it returns "45678" you're my man.
  12. Maybe post some code... that'll help.
  13. Hi. I'm trying to compare 2 texts with eachother but im struggling a little. I have 1 file for today ($array) and 1 file from yesterday ($filecontents), those should be compared to see whats being added today. Todays file example: 12345 23456 34567 Yesterdays file example: 12345 23456 34567 45678 I tried something like this, it works but its ugly, besides, i only have to see whats being added. $file = fileopen ("test.txt") $filecontents = readfile ($file) for $x = 1 to ubound($array) - 1 if stringinstr($filecontents, $array[$x]) > 0 then stringreplace($filecontents, $array[$x], "") endif next this shows whats "left" after replacing the whole array with nothing... but there should be a better way to do this i guess? Any thoughts? Thanks
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