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FireFox last won the day on September 11 2013

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About FireFox

  • Birthday 08/27/1993

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    It slips through our fingers, like a fist full of sand.
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    Paris, France
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    Programming (web oriented), Nature

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  1. I don't know, just use the WinHTTP UDF, it's made for that ; to make things simple and not having to interact with the object. Br, FireFox.
  2. Hi Chamlien, Have you tried to use the WinHTTP UDF ? Take a look at the _WinHttpOpenRequest function, it has a parameter where you can specify the method (in your case "DELETE"). Br, FireFox.
  3. ​Hi, No unfortunately I've dropped the project. But if anyone knows how to deal with websocket it would be appreciated since I could also use it with the ChromeCast. Now there's a Chrome UDF which I think does the job. Br, FireFox.
  4. Updated advanced example, the stream wasn't displaying on GUI, maybe due to a new autoit version.
  5. I don't understand what you mean. However, if the window is minimized, I don't know if you can get the previous state of the window (either normal or maximized), in this case it will restore it in normal position. Br, FireFox.
  6. Hi, Try this : #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <String.au3> Local $num1 = 5.6 Local $num2 = 0 Do Local $Answer = ($num1 / (10 ^ $num2)) $i = StringInStr($Answer, "e", 2) If ($i > 0) Then $Answer = "0." & _StringRepeat("0", Number(StringRight($Answer, 3))-1) & StringReplace(StringTrimRight($Answer, 5), ".", "") EndIf MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "The new number is " & $Answer) $num2 = $num2 + 1 Until $num2 = 9 Note that it doesn't support negative numbers, but it's not hard to change the code for it. Br, FireFox.
  7. If the window is minimized, you can get its normal position coords with the following : $tRET = _WinAPI_GetWindowPlacement($hWhd) DllStructGetData($tRET, "rcNormalPosition", 1) ;left DllStructGetData($tRET, "rcNormalPosition", 2) ;top DllStructGetData($tRET, "rcNormalPosition", 3) ;right DllStructGetData($tRET, "rcNormalPosition", 4) ;bottom So basically, in your For loop, after the IsVisible function, check if the window is minimized and if it's the case, use the GetWindowPlacement instead of the WinGetPos function.Don't forget that to get the width it's "right-left" and the height it's "top-bottom". Br, FireFox
  8. Hi, I'm not familiar with this UDF, but I know that autoit doesn't support string interpolation. Just pass the variable directly instead of enclosing it with quotes. _SAPObjValueSet("usr/txtTERMSCHL-LOW", $sCellValue) Br, FireFox.
  9. Hi, Please see the comments : ; assuming $logFile already contains a file handle FileClose($logFile) ; closes the handle FileDelete($logFile) ; that's where the problem is: first of all you are using a closed handle, and secondly the FileDelete function only takes a file path Br, FireFox.
  10. Hi, Take a look at the _WinAPI_GetWindowPlacement function. Br, FireFox.
  11. Hi, InetGet needs a correct url, try this instead : $hDownload = InetGet("http://IP:PORT/snapshot.cgi?rate=0&user=myusername&pwd=mypassword&next_url=tempsnapshot.jpg&count=7", $tempFileName, $INET_FORCERELOAD) Don't forget to replace the IP/PORT etc. I'm wondering what is the "count" parameter for. Br, FireFox.
  12. _FileReadToArray is maybe what you're looking for. Btw, I can see a syntax error in the "Recent Files" line, that would be cool if you could post at least a working code.
  13. Hi, Looking at the helpfile example will tell you how to create submenus. Put your "map names" into an array and loop through this array to create the submenus. Br, FireFox.
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