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Melba23 last won the day on January 7

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About Melba23

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    I'm old, what's your excuse?
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    Where never lark or even eagle flew

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  1. TomTheGeek, The compiled script in the OP has been removed again. Please do not put it back a third time. M23
  2. Moved to the appropriate AutoIt General Help and Support forum, as the Developer General Discussion forum very clearly states: Moderation Team
  3. mr-es335, A number of solutions in this thread: M23
  4. liro, The person you are addressing has not been here for nearly 12 years. Start a new thread if you want any help please. M23
  5. Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Unfortunately you appear to have missed the Forum rules on your way in. Please read them now - particularly the bit about not discussing game automation - and then you will understand why you will get no help and this thread will now be locked. See you soon with a legitimate question I hope. The Moderation team
  6. TwoCanoe, For simplicity, I would use a dummy input like this: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> Local $sMyHex = "0000FF" $hGUI = GUICreate("Test", 500, 500) $cInput = GUICtrlCreateInput(String($sMyHex), 10, 100, 100, 20, $ES_CENTER) $cDummyInput = GUICtrlCreateInput(Dec($sMyHex), 110, 100, 20, 20) $cUpDown = GUICtrlCreateUpdown($cDummyInput) GUICtrlSetState($cDummyInput, $GUI_FOCUS) GUISetState() While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $cDummyInput GUICtrlSetData($cInput, Hex(Number(GUICtrlRead($cDummyInput)), 6)) EndSwitch WEnd Increase the width of the dummy input to see what is going on. M23
  7. [New VERSION] - 11 Dec 24 Added: New function _GUIListViewEx_EditProcessActive which returns the handle of the ListView concerned if an element is being edited. Usage scenario: prevent HotKeys from working when editing is underway. Fixed: A couple of bugs with columns: added columns were automatically sortable; dragging columns meant editing pop-up could appear in wrong place. Thanks to ValentinM for the reports. New UDF in the first post. M23
  8. ValentinM, Spendid news! I will release a new version soon. M23
  9. ValentinM, Spendid news! I will release a new version soon. M23
  10. ValentinM, Good day yesterday with the nietos and I think I have a new solution for you today - the scrolling problem was exactly what I thought it might be and the solution was pretty easy to code. Here is a new Beta: GUIListViewEx_Mod.au3 And the example I have been using to test which works perfectly for me: GLVEx_Ex.au3 If you still have problems, please let me see the code you are using to create, load and initialise your ListView to see if I can spot the reason. M23 Edit: Found an edge case in testing - working on it. Edit 2: New Beta uploaded.
  11. ValentinM, Oh dear, it worked nicely for for me - I will take another look. And also at the horizontal scrolling problem - I think I know why that happens (fingers firmly crossed). But I am very busy today (looking after my grandchildren) so I will not have time until tomorrow - please be patient. M23
  12. ValentinM, Good spot! Looking into it. M23 Edit: Found the problem - _GUICtrlListView_GetSubItemRect requires a 1-based index - and so when SubItem 0 is passed it returns the coordinates for the whole item. Thus even when the columns are reordered it gives an X-value of 0 for SubItem 0. Now to work out how to get around this! Edit 2: Try this Beta:
  13. Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Unfortunately you appear to have missed the Forum rules on your way in. Please read them now - particularly the bit about not discussing game automation - and then you will understand why you will get no help and this thread will now be locked. See you soon with a legitimate question I hope. The Moderation team
  14. FREEON, Welcome to the AutoIt forum. Unfortunately you appear to have missed the Forum rules on your way in. Please read them now - particularly the bit about not discussing game server automation - and then you will understand why you will get no help and this thread will now be locked. See you soon with a legitimate question I hope. M23
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