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  1. I am impressed, one that you created this in one day and of the implementation. This would be a great training tool for young guitarist. I came across your script while looking for autoit3 sound creation tools. I want to work on ear training. Your script shows that I can do that, thanks.
  2. Thanks, that worked. How do I start a new thread?
  3. I have a regexp search that works everywhere but in autoit3 it goes like this: $sd = "Sent by Team:SYSADMIN User:jm5751" $r = StringRegExp($sd, '([a-z]{2}d{3})(d|[a-z])',01) ConsoleWrite('user id: ' & $r[0] & @crlf) I can get the jm575 but I can't get the 1 after or the alpha if there is one. What can I do to fix this? Thanks
  4. I just updated to the new Autoit and SciTe and I had to remove everything at least twice. My issue now is all the tools I had before in SciTe are gone. Is there something else I must install to get back Koda, Snippets, etc?
  5. Thanks, I will give that a try also. I found a simpler fix for the time being. In the compile option, if I just uncheck UPX, it compiles fine without errors. I lose the UPX compression, but if I want that I can still use the UPX.exe to compress the file. Thanks.
  6. I'm running the current version and this is when the problem surfaced. I can compile with aut2exe with no problem and it appears that this one program i'm getting the permission error. Other programs compile from SciTe without issue. I checked the folders being open and that was not the case. Something has to be wrong with the code or it's resources. I'll continue my resolution in that area. Thanks for your help.
  7. I've uploaded the latest version of Autoit from April 2010. Since then I've been getting this error: >Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\aut2exe\upx.exe" --best --compress-icons=0 -qq "C:\Tickets\finalsum3.exe" upx: C:\Tickets\finalsum3.exe: IOException: rename error: Permission denied Now I can use Aut2exe to compile the executable, but I like to get the compile done from Scite as usual. What can be done to make this work? Thanks
  8. I've created some buttons and I've used guictrlsetbkcolor to change their colors. I want to make the buttons flash two alternating colors, but I want to alternate with the exsisting color to another color. There is no command to get the bkcolor and I don't want to use pixelsearch, because I would have to know the coordinates for the buttons. Is there another way to get the background color from the button?
  9. I'm building a keno game and I'm using 80 buttons to select the numbers. I would like to know of a way to randomly select and change the buttons color from a function. Thanks
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