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guinness last won the day on November 23 2018

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    don't talk about style cause I embarrass you

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  1. I agree with @spudw2k, but honestly the code is not doing anything fancy, just reading from the registry
  2. As @Jos said. I basically was forced to removed the downloads and haven't found a better place to host them
  3. Yep, my opinion hasn't changed on that one!
  4. I like where this is going and I have some suggestions, which you don't have to agree with Rename RollbarCreateItem to Rollbar_Send I understand what you are trying to convey, by having the API item as part of the name, but "CreateItem" in this case is also sending data to Rollbar Create help functions e.g. Rollbar_SendDebug Rollbar_SendInfo .... Writing to the console should be opt-in and not on by default, either by using a flag or by asking for a logging function RollbarCreateItem is quite big, and can be broken down into smaller functions Validation of the API token would be good Keep it up!
  5. @mLipok No, I haven't done any changes and most of the functions are scattered around this site
  6. The issue is because there is a space between the function name and the open parenthesis. If you remove this, then SciTE Jump works as intended. I will however add this to the list of things to fix, but I don't see it as blocker. Thanks for reporting. NOTE: You can also use Tidy to cleanup the script
  7. I have updated the first post with: Added _ArrayMap() Callback functions now provide also the original array (similar to JavaScript) Tidied code based on the style guide Fixed bug in _ArrayFilter(), where the filtered array caused an "out of bounds" error
  8. Nice idea. I would however rename the internal window first to something unique (like adding the PID) and then get the title.
  9. Thanks for the interest. Right now this is exclusive only to the AutoIt Forum
  10. Improved code readability.
  11. Hey @Melba23, Yeh, so I was just playing around with the new AutoIt release, and thought to myself why is it that I too have always used option 2 or 3, because option 1 seems like a clearer choice. I did a quick search on the Forum and found that it hadn't really been suggested, so thought I would ask to see if my AutoIt skills were somewhat lacking!
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